
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Black Entertainment Television is not owned by Black Folks

There is a common misconception among some whites Black Entertainment Television (BET) is owned by black folks, run by black folks, for black folks.  That may have been true in the beginning  when Robert (Bob) Johnson and his ex wife Sheila founded the network, however Bob sold out,  I mean sold the station to Viacom in 2000.

Abagond examines The BET Fallacy  and introduces the owners of the mainstream.  Hint. There is not a black or brown face among them. 

Read on.


Black Diaspora said...

92 responses for this Abagond blog entry, "The BET Fallacy." I'm luck to get that many in one year!

Redeye said...

Abagond hit the nail on it's head. It's the media.