I pity the Cats, Dogs, and other Critters who thought Artur Davis was impressive, young, intelligent, connected .
Yep, the so called Informed, Involved, Progressive, blog of record tried to ignore the Artur Davis Voter ID flap, but thank goodness regular commentator ( not to be confused with a front pager) bluebearcat wouldn't let them. Based on their reactions and comments I can tell some still don't get it.
I guess we weren't supposed to notice their silence on this subject seeing how this flap started 9 days ago when Davis's Voter ID Op Ed ed was published in The Montgomery Advertiser. Oh well, better late than never.
Does this sound familiar?
“I have heard many Democrats criticize Republicans for imposing litmus tests on their membership,” he said. “I certainly hope that Congressman Cleaver and others are not suggesting that if a Democrat does not hold a certain position that he is no longer fit to be a Democrat. Since I am not a candidate for office, I don’t have to grapple with the question of what party label to wear, but I know that the quickest way for an organization to lose a member is to suggest that he is no longer welcome.”
It should...remember the fallout when Jesse Jackson, Sr. blasted Davis for being the only Congressional Black Caucus member to vote against the Affordable Health Care Act?
What I said then is what I say now.I would disagree with the "can't call youself (sic) a black man" part. That smells like a litmus test.
That Artur Davis would accuse African American Voters of wholesale Voter Fraud shows his true color (pun intended), and his lack of character. With African American voters comprising 26% of registered voters in Alabama, if there were black voter fraud I dare say Bob Riley nor Robert Bentley would have been elected governor, and the TeaPublicans damn sure wouldn't have taken over the Legislature. Artur Davis wouldn't have been elected to Congress either.It's not a "litmus test". At least not to me. To me it's a question of character. The fact is Davis voted against the best interest of his constituents, a large number of whom happen to be poor and minorities. The fact is he's running for Governor of Alabama, the reddest of the red states. The fact is he is pandering to the right (wrong) at the expense of his base. The fact is democratic votes and support got him elected to Congress. The fact is he is supposed to represent the wishes of his constituents.
It's not a litmus test. It's a character test.
The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party tried to tell y'all, but did y'all listen?
Davis must be related to Dick Cheney. He seems to enjoy treating the African Americans like trash. Is it a vendetta for the 'crime' of being born black? What else can explain his attack on the Black people of Alabama?
What a two-faced hypocrite.
You asked-What else can explain his attack on the Black people of Alabama?
Artur Davis and Company are mad black folks didn't vote for him out of some kind of racial pride. They think black folks are stoopid. He pandered to the right at the expense of the traditional democratic base and he lost. As well he should have. I think he must be related to Herman Cain instead of Dick Cheney.
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