
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Update-RedEye's Independence Day Open Thread~2012


A funny thing happens when I attempt to reply to post comments on The Attack Machine.....I can't.  Guess I've been banned from there too.  Bummer.  It's a good thing I have my own blog so I can reply to Brian's concerns about  the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act.  Psst Brian!  You are welcome to continue the discussion here at RedEye's front page! All points of view are welcome here.  Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism!

Brian :"It’s not that we have problem with people having health care, but it is the quality of health care that they receive."

RedEye:  Yeah, right.

B:  "Problem is that through this system, the people that are getting what you call access to health care aren’t paying for it, the government is and through the government, the taxpayers are paying for it. And those that aren’t paying will receive a level of care that they paid for."

R:  Problem is the people that are getting what I call access to health care CAN'T pay for it.  We the people (the government) CAN pay for it, and we should, because that's the American Way.  Health Care shouldn't be available only to those who can pay for it.  

B:  " If Medicare/Medicaid were equal to private insurance, there would be no need for supplemental plans."

R:  Bull Poop.  If we had Medicare/Medicaid for all there would be no need for supplemental plans. :)

B:  " Granted, your employer might cover you or they might not. They might look at the costs and decide that paying the fine is cheaper then providing health insurance."

R:  Keys word MIGHT NOT.  If they decide paying the fine is cheaper than providing health insurance that's on them.  We (the government) will use the fine money to  provide health insurance for their employees.

B:  I am not against affordable health care, but regulations and bureaucracies are not going to provide it."

R:  Says who?  The same people who want regulations and bureaucracies to provide and administer a government issued Voter ID card? :)

B:  "Telling insurance companies that they must spend 80% of premiums on health care might just encourage them to start paying more to doctors if they want a raise."

R:  Huh?  I don't hear Doctors complaining about needing a raise.

B:  "'One more thing that just occurred to me. The Affordable Health Care Act says that insurance companies cannot deny someone coverage for preexisting conditions, but doesn’t keep insurance companies from jacking up their rates if somebody does have a preexisting condition(s)."

R:  On this we can agree, insurance probably will jack up their premiums, which makes it a win, win for them and for the people who don't have access to health insurance. 

B:  "BTW, who do you think is going to pay for the subsidies and those added to Medicare/Medicaid?"

R:  The same people who pay for all war all the time.
     The same people who pay for NASA.
    We the people are going to pay for the subsidies added to Medicare/Medicaid.

     God Bless America!

July 4th Must Reads

What, to Black Americans, is the 4th of July
What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sound of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants brass fronted impudence; your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety and hypocrisy — a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour.

Remember Thomas Jefferson's Betrayal
So, the ideal of equality Jefferson proclaimed, he also betrayed. He got it right when he wrote about "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as the core of our human aspirations. But he lived it wrong, denying to others the rights he claimed for himself. And that's how Jefferson came to embody the oldest and longest war of all - the war between the self and the truth, between what we know and how we live.
Obama's not the first black President, he is the first President who is black. 
Here’s the reality that must be clearly understood. President Obama is not the first Black President; he’s the first President who is Black.  A Black President would have come into office with a “Black Agenda.”  If he were the first Black President he would be using his bully pulpit to champion legislation targeting unemployment in urban areas, poverty, income disparity, and other issues. This in no way should be interpreted to challenge his “Blackness.”  It’s about the agenda not the man.

What's that you say?  Obama has a white voter problem.  I'm shocked!  Shocked I tell you!  Not. 

The 4th of July  Indoctrination, Oppression, and Hypocrisy

Message to jobsanger, getting a warning that malware is attached to your blog and that you may have been hacked  when I attempt to click on your blog.


yellowdog said...

I'm glad you have your own blog, too.

I grow intolerant of the lies, deceits, hypocrisy, dis-ingenuousness, and psychotic hyperbole of republican't/conservative ideology.

I can't believe 'they' are now describing the Affordable Health Care Act (done and done!) as the most massive tax increase in the last 50 years!

How do their twisted minds conclude the Constitutionality of the individual mandate is given to Congress under the Congressional enumerated authority of taxation (in the opinion of just 1 of 5 votes confirming Constitutionality)?

Since when does failure to do an activity result in a tax, and not a penalty, fine or fee?

Let's keep it simple - if you choose to pay a penalty rather than pay for health insurance like the rest of us to contribute to lowering the cost for all of us, there it is.

And do you know how few are
expected to make that choice? Less than 2% of the small number of middle class uninsured who would not be covered by some other means, including employers and Medicaid.

When are we going to get off bats**t crazy and finally get to real, intelligent, meaningful debate and discussion?

Don't hold your breath. Crazy works?

Anonymous said...

You say that if all had Medicare/Medicaid we would not need supplimental plans. Tell that to my parents who if they did not have their supplimental plan would have had to change their doctors who don't cover Medicaid/Medicare patients. Tell that to my father-in-law who does not have a supplimental plan and had to cover a $3400 gap before his Medicare coverage kicked back in. If my parents and my father-in-law could have private health insurance, they would be on it in a heart beat. People accept Medicare/Medicaid because there are no other affordable options(I don't know if seniors 65 and older even have an option other than Medicare, BCBS doesn't list pricing for seniors) but it doesn't mean they are happy with the coverage.

There are many doctors who don't take Medicare/Medicaid patients because of the lower reinbursement rates versus private insurance.

And how is higher premiums a win for those that have a preexisting condition. Is it going to stop them from pricing the premium out of reach. Basically, them saying, we know we have to offer you coverage, but it doesn't say we have to make it where you can afford it. Stuff like that happens with car insurance, home insurance. You file a couple of claims and next thing you know, they have labeled you as uninsurable. Happened to an uncle of mine, filled two home owner claims in five years (one for hail stone damage to his roof, another for a mailbox) and when he moved, his old insurance would not cover the new home. Have one too many wrecks and see what you car insurance company does. Insurance is the company taking a bet that nothing happens to you and like Las Vegas, they rig it so they win more than they lose. I am not a big fan of insurance companies. And from what I have read, it is the insurance companies that benefit the most from the AHCA. 2/3 of doctors believe that the level of health care will decline because of the AHCA

I do want good coverage for all. I would much rather seen Medicare/Medicaid fixed/improved where they are competitive options. I think how the VA reinvented itself during the Clinton administration is a good sign that Medicare/Medicaid can be improved. The VA used to be a joke but now it is arguably a world class organization. But I don't think the AHCA is going to change peoples situation much. People with Cadillac coverage voting on a bill to make sure everybody can get Yugo coverage. If the senators in Washington had to live with Medicare/Medicaid, I doubt we would be discussing this.

Redeye said...

Brian, you said-You say that if all had Medicare/Medicaid we would not need supplimental plans. Tell that to my parents who if they did not have their supplimental plan would have had to change their doctors who don't cover Medicaid/Medicare patients. Tell that to my father-in-law who does not have a supplimental plan and had to cover a $3400 gap before his Medicare coverage kicked back in. If my parents and my father-in-law could have private health insurance, they would be on it in a heart beat.

Thanks to the Affordable Health Care Act your parents and father in law won't need supplemental insurance and they will have access to health care in a heartbeay:)

As for Doctors not accepting Medicaid/Medicare patients, if that's all they had they would have to accept them. :)

We don't know if the insurcance companies will jack up their rates, but if they do, those who can't afford the premiums will be subsidized, and yes we the people will pay for it as usual, the rich get richer and the rest get the shaft.

We don't have time to overhaul the system. Change has come to America.

Yellowdog, you said- "Don't hold your breath. Crazy works?"

Crazy works all right. It works because people are misinformed and uniformed by the right wing noise machine.
"Let's keep it simple - if you choose to pay a penalty rather than pay for health insurance like the rest of us to contribute to lowering the cost for all of us, there it is."

We don't have anyone keeping it simple, but they have plenty of people baffling them with Bull Poop. :)

Redeye said...

Speaking of people being paid to baffle them with Bull Poop, it's good to know I haven't been banned from the Attack Machine Dale Jackson, and yes I delete, not block, comments that contain name calling, personal attacks and insults.

Sure do.