
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dear WYPIPO #WeTriedToTellYa is Code for Listen to Black People

And before the "not all white people" whine cranks up if you listened to black people this post is NOT directed at you.

So, how is that peaceful transfer of power thingy working out for you?  Is America Great Again yet?

#WeTiredToTellYa there was something rotten in the cotton in 2016 but did you listen?  Nope.  Because we can't tell ya'll nothin' which means you're incapable of learning or willfully ignorant.

#WeTriedToTellYa you were putting evil in the White House.  We knew what we had to lose.

#WeTriedToTellYa how ignorant Trump and his people are.

#WeTriedToTellYa Russians Targeted Blacks More Than Any Other Group In 2016 Disinformation Campaign -

#WeTriedToTellYa Elections have consequences

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