While Obama calls for Prayer and Peace, Rudy Giuliani fires up the Right-Wing base with his lies & propaganda. #NYPD pic.twitter.com/Cl4u0Dzwa6
— Benny (@BRios82) December 22, 2014
For those who don't know, a mentally ill African American male with a history of arrests gunned down two NYPD officers after shooting and critically wounding his ex-girlfriend. Righty's and others are using this as an opportunity to blame Peaceful Protesters, President Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, because a mentally ill person with a gun killed people. I don't know weather to laugh or cry. So I'll just chant USA! USA! USA!
Shamming and blaming is a lot easier than addressing legitimate issues.
Those who are trying to connect the murders of the officers with the thousands of articulate and peaceful protestors across America are being deliberately misleading in a cynical and selfish effort to turn public sentiment against the protestors. This is the same strategy used when trying to lump in the violence and looting with the legitimate protestors, who have disavowed that behavior. They hope to misdirect public attention and emotion in order to stop the protests and the progressive changes that have already resulted. Shaming and blaming is a lot easier than addressing legitimate claims.For those of you who just don't understand why African Americans don't trust some (not to be confused with all) Police, we are not anti ALL police, we are anti police who abuse their power. The main ones complaining about painting cops with a broad bush are the same ones painting protestors and African Americans with a broad brush. The Police union blaming the Mayor and supporters of the Brown and Garner families is like blaming all police for their deaths! No thoughtful person does that.
In other news, the Ferguson Prosecutor doesn't mind that witnesses lied before the grand jury, and YorkThe New York Times is calling for Bush and Company to be investigated and prosecuted for torture.
Evidently present gun controls aren't tough enough because violent criminals are getting them. FYI we have do have bomb control. You can't just walk up and buy a bomb like you can a gun.
Just saying that New York is one of the tougher cities on guns and yet this happened. Criminal control will solve a lot of our violent problems in America. We have become to lenient of a society. VIOLENT CRIMINALS should stay locked up period!
And I'm just saying the laws aren't tough enough. We can't control criminals,but we can control their access to guns.
I disagree. We can control criminals if we quit letting them out early and make them serve the maximum sentence for their crimes. If they are locked up they are not free to be in society and commit more violence and we see it everyday. Just look at the recidivism rate!When I say this I am speaking only about violent criminals! We have a society that is to lenient and liberal when it comes to criminals.
Stronger gun controls probably would not have stopped Ismaaiyl Brinsley. He was arrest and plead guilty to multiple felonies in 2011 for shooting a woman's car with a STOLEN gun.
The laws on the books would have kept him from getting the gun he used legally. The gun he used was bought from a pawn shop in Georgia in 1996. We don't know how or where Ismaaiyl got the gun but we do know that however he got it, it was not a legal method.
Key words, "we don't know how Isaaiyl got the gun but we do know that however he got it, it was illegal."
BINGO! Which is why we need comprehensive gun control legislation to prevent criminals from obtaining guns illegally. Thank you for proving my point.
So how would these new gun control laws work? Would all guns be instantly put into a database? What about all the guns out there illegally? Are we going to go door by door to make sure all guns are accounted for?
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