
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pandering to Coyote Ugly for Political Gain

And no, not the pretty girls from the famous bar of the same name in cities from coast to cost,but the Coyotes Now In DC And Every County Around It from Rockville to Reston to Rock Creek Park, a new predator has rolled into town. Some people are fascinated... and others terrified. Be terrified. Be very terrified.

The Christian Progressive Liberal asks if it's a coincidence that this creature showed up in DC ‘Burbs, just as the ReThugs Took Over the House of Representatives? Let me think about that for a minute.

I think NOT. For the simple reason Coyote's( politicians of both parties), enabled by the media, pander to the Coyote Ugly the expense of minorities, women, LABOR, teachers,our LBGT sisters and brothers, the unemployed, the uninsured and immigrants.

But there are worse coyotes, and they sit in Congress, collecting a paycheck; getting government-paid healthcare, making sure their wealthy benefactors continue to get tax cuts they don’t need, while I’m being told I have to tighten my belt in order to ride out the recession that REALLY.IS.OVER (/snark), while eyeballing Social Security as if it’s a juicy t-bone steak ready for grilling.


Those of you who decided that having a Black Man as POTUS was too much for your flea brains to handle, and so, handed the keys back to the party that drove us into the ditch – SCREW YOU. Yeah, yeah – some of you are now experiencing “buyer’s remorse” BIG TIME. Wisconsin. Ohio. Indiana. New Jersey. Hell, we tried to tell you – but you listened to the liars at Fake Noise and now, you’re feeling the hurt, just like thirty million of us are feeling it – and some of you; all you heard was “The Black Man” while the pundits pushed a Tea Bag candidate at you who looked all shiny, and took your attention off the fact that you were casting votes for those who continue to SCREW YOU OVER, and depend on your being too dumb and low-informed to pay attention.

This diary is dedicated to The Christian Progressive Liberal for CONTINUOUSLY exposing America’s Ugly Secret – The Long-Term Unemployed.
You know, until our governments, both Federal and local, start treating the unemployed with dignity and respect, I find I have to keep calling them out.

I’ve shared my personal story of being unemployed. At the time I began writing about my experience, I thought, surely, with my knowledge, skills and abilities, I would be gainfully employed within a matter of months. I don’t think anyone expects to be out of work very long, so I’m surprised that two years later, I’m still UNEMPLOYED.

As long as we allow the coyotes to pander to Coyote Ugly we are going to have chronic unemployment, all war all the time and debt as far as the eye can see. I know young people who did the right thing, finished high school, completed college, now they have massive student loans and can't find a J-O-B where they can earn enough to pay back the loans. What's wrong with this picture?

The ugly secret of the unemployed is one that is well-known to the unemployed.

It is not because we’re lazy.

It is NOT because we want a free ride.

It is NOT because we feel we’re entitled. Hell, when we lose our jobs, real entitlement would be paying us unemployment at the rate of our former salaries so we can maintain our living standards until we get another job.

But we gratefully accept the 25-40% of our former income we can collect from the State. Some money is better than NO MONEY.

The ugly secret of the unemployed is the fact that we continue to be victimized for being UNEMPLOYED. When you are laid off your job; when your job is sent out of the country, courtesy of trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA: when you get fired because you will not compromise your ethics for the sake of an unscrupulous boss - you wind up collecting unemployment benefits, usually 25-40% of what you USED to earn.
I voted for HOPE and CHANGE I could believe in, I didn't vote with HOPE for CHANGE I might believe in.

I am going to close with this quote from Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who the Coyote Ugly refer to as some “anti-war” nut who used to protest President Bush a lot. ;
When I began protesting, Bush was president and my protest and the energy that grew around it was used by you Democrats to regain political power in the federal government. Four years later and a change of Executive, this nation is still mired in Arab countries waging a war against Arabs of all, or no, faith. Now brought to us by the Blue Team.

The coyote is a brilliant analogy for the heartless mofos who are preying on the vulnerable. ~Ametia

Coyote Ugly is a brilliant analogy for the dumb, bigots the Coyote's pander to. You know, the ones that can be counted on to hate President Obama/democrats/liberals/women/minorities/LBGT's/labor more than love themselves or their country.

Psst President Obama! Stop pandering to Coyote Ugly. They do not like you. They will never like you. So F- em and do the J-O-B we elected you to do.


Margherite said...

Excellent commentary, but: I rather like Alice Walker's hijacking of the Lakota word Wasi'chu, meaning greedy bunch of jerks. But "coyote" works for the fellow-travelers who aren't siphoning off as much money as their precious leaders do out of the chaos they create ... except I identify too much with the coyote's mournful howl.

The Christian Progressive Liberal said...

Dear Red Eye:

You made my day - linking to and referencing my posts like you have done. I will continue to shed the light on how our own government treats its unemployed, and thank you for having my back.

Leutisha/aka CPL

Redeye said...

An even uglier dirty little secret is the effect long term unemployment is having on the African American community.

The relevant statistic is the "employment population ratio," a figure that measures what percentage of the total population in a certain age group has employment. When the CSC measured the employment population ratio in New York City in 2003, they found that only 51.8 percent of African American men between 16 and 65 held jobs. That means that nearly half of all African American men did not have jobs. By comparison, 75.7 percent of White men in New York held jobs that year, meaning that fewer than one in four of them did not hold jobs.

There are lots of reasons why men choose not to work. Some are in school, others are ill, and some may have taken early retirement. But the gap between the number of Black men without work and White men without work is astounding. What would happen if half of all White men did not have jobs? Can you imagine, from a policy perspective, how people would respond and what would happen? Would there be a revolution? A refocusing of national priorities? A massive jobs creation program? If this would happen in response to high White joblessness, why doesn't it happen in response to high levels of Black joblessness?

The stimulus didn't help black folks either.
Illinois, the unemployment rate stands at 8.6 percent. The number is significantly higher for African Americans, who averaged 12.1 percent unemployment in 2008.

Though solutions to chronic and pervasive unemployment in the Black community vary, the consensus among community leaders is that relief won’t come from President Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus plan

is that the old saying that when America catches a cold, Black America gets the flu remains in full effect” and there is only “a small hope” in the stats. “Where is the job training and help for college our community needs? Pell Grants – college financial aid directed at the poorest of the poor – are targeted for cuts by both the Obama administration and the Tea Party. Government jobs, traditionally a haven for African-Americans due to lower barriers to entry, are on the chopping block as state budgets crash and unions implode. Will hard-working teachers in inner city schools be forced to find new ‘service’ jobs serving sandwiches at Subway?”