
Friday, February 19, 2010

All War All the Time, UNfair and Unbalanced

War with a new name is still war, or as mcjoan says, A Rose by any other name..... The Iraq occupation started of as Operation Iraqi Liberation until the warmongers figured out the acronym spelled O.I.L (go ahead and laugh), so they changed the name to Operation Iraqi Freedom (are the Eye Rack Eees free yet?), as of September 1 when combat troops leave it will be called Operation New Damn, I mean Dawn. Who the heck comes up with this stuff?

George W. Bush told us he was sending our sons and daughters to Iraq because he had proof of tons and tons of Weapon of Mass Destruction and Saddam was about to use them on us, remember? So where are the WMD?

Remember how Bush and Dick told us the Iraqis would greet as liberators and throw flowers and candy at our troops and Iraqi oil would pay would pay for the war. So, did the Iraqis greet us as liberators? Nope. The only thing the Iraqi people are throwing at our troops are bombs and bullets, and we aren't even going to talk about the 4 billion dollar a month price tag for the W-ar.

Can you imagine the outrage if Bill Clinton had sent our troops to war based on dead wrong intelligence? I mean he was impeached for trying to conceal a private sexual affair for Christ sake. The teabaggers are upset at President Obama's "out of control spending for domestics issues" but don't say a mumbling word about the price tag of the war and it's negative impact on the deficit.

The mantra from the right said our troops couldn't come home until we (they) win in Iraq. Win what? A mistake?

Operation New Dawn My Donkey.