
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An open response to a reader from North Carolina

I would like to share an email from a reader in response to Why I carp and whine and why I wish I didn't have to, a very personal diary, and my response.


I like what you have to say. You have a wonderful background rich with history. A hard, tragic, emotion filled history, but you stood up for something and made a difference.

I am white, grew up in North Carolina and know nothing of such discrimination, except sexual discrimination. However, I can say that I am angry that I did not learn about the hardships of the civil rights movement, the deaths, marches and fights until much later in my life. I am angry that no one taught me about the Harlem Renaissance while I was in school or college. Someone decided that it was not important enough for me to learn. I am angry that I was not allowed to know about the church bombing, dynamite hill, the freedom riders, Rosa Parks until I went to college a second time. I went to school in the 80's and I did not learn of any of this until the 2000's. I am angry that these things happened, and I am proud that people stood up for what was right.

My point is that I am begging to be a part of a group that stands up for what is right. I thought that becoming a democrat would start me on that path, but all I got was volunteer to help a candidate. A candidate for governor that I only supported because I was trying to do what the party wanted. I saw Republicans standing on street corners, on the radio, really doing something, and all I saw democrats do was have "get to know you" parties. Maybe I haven't met the right people, maybe because I am a student my time is limited; all I know is that I wanted to do something that made a difference, like the group of people from the civil rights movement, and I thought democrats were the group that did things like that, I was sorely mistaken. I will NEVER vote Republican again, but right now I am disillusioned with our President for caving to the Republicans. I cannot believe that our country is headed down a path of such narrow-minded ideals that are driven by complete lies.

I am so glad that people from your generation stood up and made a difference, and I am thankful for all you did. Your age group is getting older, and I don't see, at least in Alabama, people standing up to take your place. I fear for our future when I see people getting elected that are completely improper such as our new Lt. Governor who lost education money, and the county coroner who doesn't even have the facilities and know how to do the job. In the meantime, I keep hoping, while looking out of the corner of my eye for a way out of this state into a more progressive area. Thank you for all you do and have done.

Dear Reader from North Carolina,
Thank you for reading and thank you for your response. It's gratifying to know my thoughts and words touch people. I love my county, city, state, country. In my own way, I'm trying to make this world a better place for everyone.

You are correct, my age group is getting older and people aren't standing up to take my place. I'm beginning to believe it's because they are afraid. Afraid of being ridiculed, marginalized, convicted, or worse. If that's true I fear for future generations. Like you I still believe in a place called Hope and will continue to HOPE for CHANGE we can believe in.

I share your disillusionment with President Obama and the Democratic Party. I'm still shocked the GOP infused, media-enabled, Tea Party was able to regain control of the House of Representatives and gain seats in the Senate. As I watch the Talking TeeVee Knucklehead's fall over themselves gushing over the goppers today I want to hurl. I sincerely hope President Obama and the Democratic Party wake up and smell the damn TEA before it's too late and stop trying to negotiate with Sharks.

Unlike dolphins, sharks are not known for their intelligence. They are basically lethal eating machines with fins. They have no grand strategy. They don't look toward goals in the future. They just live to prey on other living organisms.

That's pretty much what President Obama has to deal with in terms of the GOP. They are now, reportedly, going to try and destroy the modest gains in health care reform, even though their proposed dismantling would increase the federal deficit. Then, when it comes to the destruction of our economy, the Republicans are going to prescribe more of the same toxins.

You are not alone in your lack of knowledge about African American History, I believe it should be a stand-alone required course along with American History. There are still some who are trying to whitewash history with censorship. Knowledge is power, shared knowledge makes us powerful, which is why I believe republicans are so anti-public education. They want to keep the people dumb so they can keep them in line. So far, they're doing a pretty good job.

Some rays of HOPE, President Obama is still the President, Democrats are still in the majority in the Senate, and the remaining Democrats in the Congress are progressives/liberals. If the GOP minority could obstruct the President's agenda, the democratic minority should be able to obstruct the Tea Party agenda. I said should, because it depends IF President Obama and the Democrats have the will to obstruct the Tea Party agenda. Time will tell the truth.

Again, thanks for reading, and please keep HOPE alive!


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