
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poo Pot Punks and Profiles in Political Cowardice

Contrary to popular belief I do have a life outside of the blogosphere and lately said life has inhibited my ability to blog on a regular basis. I also believe it's a good thing for us political junkies to step away from the blogosphere, XM talk radio and Cable News from time time for a mental health break and do "normal" things.

The mental health break is over, I'm back, rejuvenated, reinvigorated and ready to go! I haven't decided if this will be a random Redeye Rant or if I will just cover a few issues of the day so here goes my re-entry into the blogospehre!

Somethings never change. Artur Davis is what is known in my community at a Poo Pot Punk. You know, the kid who throws a rock and hides his hand. Or, the kid who starts the fight then runs home and hides behinds his Mommy's skirt tail. Every since Davis voted against the health care reform bill he has been skipping out on forums and public appearances. Not only that, Davis announced he was giving traditional black organizations the middle finger because he's afraid to face them after voting against health care reform and the hate crimes bill. My friend bluebearcat has the best comment regarding Davis's *ahem* courage;

I am so glad that we finally have a black Democratic candidate bold enough to oppose equal rights for gays, universal health care, cap-and-trade, and bridge loans to domestic auto companies while supporting billions in bailouts for the financial sector. We finally have a black Democrat who is progressive enough to have a stronger relationship with the BCA than with teachers' unions, the ADC, and the ANSC. Thank god we finally have a black Democrat willing to stand up for the banks against the consumer. Oh yes, and he supports constitutional reform but has no plan for actually achieving it. What progress we will make over those regressive old groups that just spent time all those years marching for voting rights, public education, and ensuring that black voters actually had representation in Montgomery (it's easy to forget that Alabama has the highest proportion of black legislators in the U.S., which is almost solely due to Joe Reed's redistricting prowess).

Pull yourself out of the running before you have the chance to lose; that is real courage, Artur Davis.

Let the race baiting begin! Davis resorts to "race baiting" by announcing 16 black mayors have endorsed him. I wish Davis would make up his damn mind. He doesn't need the endorsement of the Alabama Democratic Conference or The New South Coalition, but he welcomes the endorsement of "16 black Mayors". What if Ron Sparks issued a press release that said "16 white mayors" endorsed him? If Davis is so confident his vote against health care reform was the right (pun intended) thing to do, why won't he defend it? If there ever was an award for Profiles in Political Cowardice, Davis would win hands down. His friend Bart Stupak would come in second. I say we need to purge the party of Poo Pot Punks. Good riddance.

Our beloved Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is making Sweet Home Alabama look good again as the ranking gop member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not. On the contrary, he's up to his old tricks.

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the committee, said he feared that Liu would engage in "intellectual judicial activism" and abuse the Constitution. And he questioned Liu's experience.

Sessions has some nerve questioning someones intellect or their experience IMHO.
I guess he's gearing up for his next great stand and getting ready to lead the charge against President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court. Speaking of which, President Obama you owe us a progressive/liberal nominee to make up for Alito, Roberts, Thomas, and Scalia.
The good news is that the president who selects Stevens’ successor is Barack Obama, so unless our president loses his mind, there’s no chance that the nominee will be one of those nose-in-the-air conservatives who thinks his main job is to prove how unmerciful they can be with individuals and how generous they can be to corporate and institutional powers.

The danger is that it could be one of those nose-in-the-air moderates who feels so guilty about being in the middle that he or she turns out to be a kite – that is, one who follows the wind. These folks can often pass as liberals or progressives. They’re on justice’s side when it comes to things like reproductive rights and civil rights and liberties. But on other matters – like favoring corporate prerogatives over citizen’s rights – they are as conservative as it gets. Justice Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee, comes to mind

If President Obama has the political courage to open off shore drilling surely he has the political courage to appoint a progressive/liberal to the Supreme Court.

I'm just saying....

Yer either wit the Tea Baggers or yer aginst the Tea Baggers. You can't join with the Tea Baggers for a common cause then bash Tea Baggers for being white and racist.


yellowdog said...

Glad your back! It was an eventful Davis-watcher week. And it is nice to hear someone even mention or comment on what he does with honesty.

Davis could have been a great spokesman for the liberal argument in Alabama, and instead we get social and fiscal conservatism and political calculation like vitually every other Republican. How do we move Alabama to the left, when our Democratic candidate moves to the right?

I too am a fan of bluebearcat, another lone voice 'over there.'

Keep pointing out the truth, Redeye. We need it.

Anonymous said...

You keep pointing out the truth too over there too yellowdog. It's too bad they can't handle the truth over there, they would rather believe the spin.