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J.R. Brooks, attorney for Huntsville City Schools (file) The Gate Keeper |
With no discussion following four hours of questions to its counsel, the Huntsville Board of Education unanimously approved the proposed consent order that plans out citywide rezoning.
Superintendent Casey Wardynski, aided by the school's legal counsel and the U.S. Justice Department. The adopted plan will be presented to U.S. District Court on March 11 for judge approval. If approved, the school district can move forward with plans, including construction of new schools.From the files of they must think U.S. District Judge Madeline Hughes Haikala has amnesia.
"It's an historic moment," Wardynski said excitedly after the board voted.
Judge Haikala took particular exception to much of Wardynski's testimony, from finding his comments on federal grants untrue to finding insubstantial his objections to the federal rezoning proposals.It's Deja Voodoo all over again
"The Court strongly suspects that the district has chosen not to share many of the reasons for the choices that it made as it shaped its student assignment plan. The Court got a glimpse into the superintendent's thinking when the United States's cross-examined him about his objections to the government's rezoning proposals. When asked whether Hereford (Elementary) students would not benefit from attending Huntsville High, the superintendent, in an unguarded moment, replied '[t]hey [would] be going into schools that are not accustomed to dealing with students who are below grade level.'She also admonished the Justice Department, but only to say they were being far too lax.
"From the record, it appears that years of relative calm and inactivity have lulled the government into a habit of checking in only when the district proposes actions that require the government's review. The government should be more proactive. Based on the current record, the Court does not know when inequities in educational programs arose in the district; however, standardized test scores from 10 years ago demonstrate disparate results among racially identifiable schools. Had the government been keeping an eye on that sort of information, it could have brought it to the Court's attention more quickly and enabled the Court and the district to address the issue in a timely fashion. "
"If there is unfairness, it is because life itself is unfair. The unfairness is not manmade," said Hugh McInnish, at-large member of the county's Republican Executive Committee.It's like putting Lipstick on a Pit Bull
It seems the District was successful in pleading their case that it was in the best interest of the schools in North Huntsville to remain as they are and continue the same 'feeder' pattern," wrote Showers. "Failing schools feeding into failing schools."Garbage in garbage out.
The history in today's quick and quiet vote may not be apparent for years to come.Time will tell the truth.
It's now up to Judge Madeline Hughes Haikala to set Huntsville on this uncharted road to unitary status.
As usual the #hsvboe does what it does best, Covers Their Asses , the taxpayers be damned.The actions they are taking are pure segregation. You are merging every minority failing school onto one piece of land with schools with all black names,"
Thanks, Board, for doing such an excellent job of listening to and representing the public. No wonder you need your own personal public relations firm working for you at our expense.
Judge Haikala should send the parties back to the drawing board on this one and tell them that the public needs to be represented at the table because clearly our Board of Education is more concerned with explaining why they can’t address public concerns than they are actually, you know, representing the public that elected them.
You cannot unify the community without involving them in the process. Attempting to do so is like destroying the village to save it. Only a Colonel would think it an “historic moment.”
Prehistoric moment is more like it.
What is "true" segregation? Is it when one race is "not allowed" to attend a certain school, eat at certain places etc? There are black students at all "so called white schools"! Therefore there is NO SEGREGATION!Therefore Huntsville City schools is NOT SEGREGATED!!
Any student of color can attend any school they want to attend!! They move to that district or zone and just like that the are a student of the passing schools like Huntsville High and Grissel!! When they move to the proper zone there will be no one standing in the door way preventing their attendance!! Huntsville schools are NOT SEGREGATED North Huntsville is! Many segregate themselves to the North side so that is why they attend certain schools!! Do not give me the rich/poor speech. We all have free will and can attend college by getting "FREE" pell grants, student loans etc to better ourselves and then we can move to any district or pay for private school but heck half of us don't even care about passing high school and the pattern of uneducated,hip hop wanna be thugs,rappers etc will continue!!!!
It is a brazen lie any student of color can attend any school they want to attend.
Parents shouldn't have to move to that district or zone to have equal access to a quality public education.
North Huntsville is segregated therefore the schools are segregated.
As for the rest of your diatribe, talk to the hand.
Seems like Upset Resident doesn't know the difference between de facto and de jure segregation. Or how efforts to geographically isolate non-white residents through blockbusting, deed covenants and redlining have culminated in a school district that has, for all intents and purposes, effectively re-segregated itself.
Any student of color can attend any school they want to attend!! They move to that district or zone and just like that the are a student of the passing schools like Huntsville High and Grissel!!
Sure. All they have to do is buy a $200,000+ home within zoned area and they're golden. Of course, the sort of folks who're zoned for ex-Butler/Johnson/et al are likely to be the sort that can't afford to plop $200k, let alone $50k, for a home in that coveted district.
Mack Lyons then if they can not afford it they stay in their school closest to their home! It would make no sense to have a kid on Winchester Rd attend Grissom or a kid on Carl T Jones to attend Johnson!
You said "Or how efforts to geographically isolate non-white residents through blockbusting, deed covenants and redlining have culminated in a school district that has, for all intents and purposes, effectively re-segregated itself".
That is BS! Most all neighborhoods in North Huntsville were white in the 60's. 70's and 80's! In the 90's many whites left the area due to crime etc and many low income families were able to buy those homes and those schools became predominately black due to that more than a BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY you speak of!! Also were Butler and Johnson and other North schools failing in the 60's. 70's and 80's? NO!! WHY?
Again students fail not schools! Look at the big picture. Most not all failing schools in America are predominately black! There is no BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY in America for that to happen! It also proves my point even more students fail not schools. The same thing happened in those neighborhoods as well over time people moved out and others moved in essentially segregating themselves!! I'll say it again. Parents of these students have and had many opportunities to do better and be able to afford good housing in good school district by getting student loans, pell grants etc COLLEGE CAN BE FREE FOR THOSE THAT CAN'T AFFORD IT. They just chose and choose not to!!!!
Mack Lyons, people who share Upset Residents point of view are in charge. Therein lies the problem.
very nice and useful post i like the way you have explained
@ Bob
It was very good article, This is given wonderful information about Education Industry.
really great to listen about venture of Huntsville City Schools. you are doing well. keep moving towards excellence.
Great to listen information "Huntsville school board" keep it up.
Natasa Suri
I appreciate your efforts in preparing this post. I really like your blog articles.
It was very good article, This is given wonderful information about Education Industry.
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