
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A woman voting republican is like a Turkey voting for Thanksgiving


Anonymous said...

Just a thought.

Why do most all Democrats agree with abortion but do not agree with the death penalty.The babies are innocent and have never killed anyone, raped anyone or molested anyone!!

Redeye said...

Most democrats do not agree with abortion, Democrats support a womans right to choose to have a safe legal abortion. Now I have a question, why are most republicans pro life as long as it's in the womb and after than all bets are off and the baby is on it's own?

If you are against abortion don't have one.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure. I personally think that it's not the Governments role to take care of people unless it is a dire situation ie down syndrome etc etc. I agree with it when someone loses a job but that should be no longer than 2-3 years.I don't mind helping those that will help themselves but there has to be a cap on it!

We have too many that milk the system. We give benefits to people who are not even citizens but yet our schools are failing teachers need raises,roads need paved etc.

I also think the father should have a role in the decision to abort if that is the last option. He help make the baby!! The other alternative is adoption. I have a few reasons I think abortion MIGHT be ok but I still do not like it. Those reasons would be incest, rape, or kids that are say 10-14.

Anonymous said...

By people I meant when the babies are born that is the parents responsibility.If they choose to bring a life into he world they are responsible for food, shelter and clothing NOT THE TAXPAYERS!!!!

Redeye said...

You know what DARYAL Pinchon aka FED UP, you are entitled to your opinions and your point of view, what you are not entitled to do is impose those views on the majority of the people who do not share them. If you are against welfare, God forbid you or someone you love needs welfare. If you are against abortion don't have one, even in the case of rape, incest, or kids 10-14.

Anonymous said...

TRUE. I do have family on welfare. They refuse to work when they can live off the taxpayers! They expect to be paid like they have a degree when they do not and their mentality is about the same as many others on welfare. You constantly complain when I reply to your story or comments. Is this not a site to debate some agree some etc? Again do you only want comments form people who bow down to your every word and agree 100% or people like me who are willing to state other facts, theories etc?

AGAIN what can I do to prove I am not this other guy? I gave you my Facebook link many times. I think we have actually met a time or two at Richard Showers center and at the Johnson ground breaking if that was you. It was a brief hi in passing. I'd be glad to sit over coffee in a public place and talk about the issues we face. Even though we disagree.

Redeye said...

If you have family members who refuse to work and are on welfare you need to report them to the authorities, not complain about them on this blog. For the record, you have to qualify for welfare to apply for welfare. People aren't just walking up saying they want to be on welfare because they are too lazy to work. You are entitled to your own theories but you are not entitled to your own facts.

yellowdog said...

If women would just vote for their own self-interest, we wouldn't have Republican assaults on a woman's right to choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Spreading a little seed is about the only interest American males have in this issue. As a male, I cannot relate to being forced by the government and total strangers who have no knowledge of my personal circumstance to go through a life-changing process of my own body and personhood, I can't imagine the effrontery of someone I don't know telling me I have no choice.

But then I am not a Republican. Apparently, regardless of my circumstance I don't even have the right to eat in America? I have to justify my existence to these same total strangers?

And most of these self-righteous strangers identify as evangelical Christians? They better hope Jesus doesn't come back right now!

Redeye said...

What's even more ironic, for lack of a better word, the government can't force a woman to have an abortion,but the state can force her to have an intrusive trans vaginal ultra sound against her will. Is ironic the right word, or should is hypocrisy the word I'm looking for?

Anonymous said...

My family finds loop holes in the system like others do.We have people who have been on assistance for years!

Yellowdog and Redeye were you behind the people when the government FORCED universal healthcare on people? I did not think so! It's the same thing y'all are complaining about when it come to Republicans and abortion!

P.S. I am not off topic when I reply to what you are someone else commented about!

Brian said...

When is a restriction on abortion? Or are restrictions on abortion so abhorrible that after-birth abortions become a reasonable idea because the infant/toddler/child has become a threat to the welfare of the family?

I was pro-choice until the women in my life convinced me that I was wrong. My wife believes that the bill banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat might be a tad restricting but would vote for it if she could. So yes, while I can not have an abortion, my wife can (and did consider having one once and decided against it) and she is more pro-life than me.

We both definitely believe that abortion should not be government funded. We believe that if you want your insurance to pay for abortion, that should be something you opt into as should coverage for birth control. Birth Control isn't that expensive to begin with and is available for free from the health department.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me." - Dudley Field Malone

yellowdog said...

Brian, your arguments are rational and reasonable regarding yourselves.

But you cannot know or comprehend the circumstances regarding women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. And since you and I cannot "walk in their shoes" how can we make decisions and judgments we really have no business making?

This is between a woman and her doctor. Not my business. And my opinion doesn't really matter in the end. This is a female experience I can never know or share.

I don't know any other issue more anti-women's rights, more imposing on a persons physical and mental condition than the State requiring a woman to have no choice.

Brian said...

No we can not walk in their shoes, but we can take advice and shape our opinions form those that have walked in those shoes. I used to feel that all babies conceived during a rape should be aborted until was introduced to somebody (who became a dear friend of mine) who had a baby conceived because of a rape. Her attitude, believe, and opinion has changed mine.

But I still believe that rape victims should have abortion available as an option. I do believe abortion should always be an option in the mother's life is at risk. I believe that abortion should be treated like other surgical procedures and should be performed at a surgical center, not a clinic, to minimize risk to the mother.

If men shouldn't be sticking their noses in women's business, why is Alvin Holmes (a man) speaking out against an abortion bill brought up by Mary Sue McClurkin (a woman)?

Also, if men can't have abortion, should male representatives abstain from voting on abortion bills? But doesn't that silence the voices of the women in their districts?

Anonymous said...

I love it Brian! @YELLOWDOG. Why should the Government pay for abortions? Why should the father who help make the baby not have an option too. He may want to take care of HIS baby even though the mother doesn't!

We having many things the Goverment mandates that we do ie Universal Health Care!

yellowdog said...

We do not vote on fundamental human rights. This is where the Supreme Court guides us, judges whether a vote or law is Constitutional or applicable. At this time, Republican State legislative bodies are passing laws contrary to the law of the land.

I can be adamantly and religiously opposed to any abortion, never see any possible reason to have an abortion, but this does not give me the right to impose my views or beliefs over someone else's right to choose to conduct their lives with their freedoms and rights intact.

Part of the genius of the American experiment in Democracy is to have a branch of government protected from the political system review our legislative and executive branches to determine if they step on basic human rights that are not a democratic choice. Protect us from the tyranny of the majority and the whim of the day.

And many argue the Republican Party uses choice as a social issue to attract conservative votes, and ultimately the Republican Party delivers nothing.

All these new State laws are being struck down by Federal courts or working through review. Ultimately, the right of a woman to determine whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy has to be that woman's choice.

Whether it is legal in the United States does not end that choice, not by a long shot.

Brian said...

So abortion is a "fundamental" human right? The Supreme Court declared abortion legal but the same Supreme Court has also said some restrictions on abortion are also legal. Right now the argument is over what is a reasonable level of restriction, not whether abortion is legal or not.

When is a child granted human rights protection? Is it when it can survive outside the womb? When it is born? When it can survive on it's own?

Redeye said...

Brian what you and others who share your belief, point of view, opinion, are guilty of doing is imposing your belief, point of view, opinion on those who don't share them. The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that a woman had a right to chose to have a safe legal abortion in accordance with the 4th amendment to the constitution. You know, the same constitution that that grants all citizens the right to bear arms if they chose to in accordance with the second amendment. Funny how some don't want restrictions on guns and ammo, which are used to kill people, but want to restrict a woman's right to chose to have a safe legal abortion. Again, if you are against abortion, don't have one. It's as simple as that. Men should refrain from coming between a woman and her doctor.

Brian said...

There's one key difference between abortion and the 2nd amendment. On is in the bill of rights, the other isn't. And not everybody agrees on either one. If I said if you don't want restrictions on abortions, don't try to put restrictions on guns, would you stop advocating gun control of any kind?

I don't want abortion to be illegal. And I do think it should be done in safe controlled conditions. But I don't think it should be a common easy solution.

Brian said...

Redeye said:
"Brian what you and others who share your belief, point of view, opinion, are guilty of doing is imposing your belief, point of view, opinion on those who don't share them."

We impose our beliefs, point of views, opinions on those that don't share them all the time. Everybody does. The speed limit is somebody's belief/point of view/opinion on how fast everybody else should be driving. All law is forcing somebody's moral code on everybody. For the most part, everybody agrees. Iran code of law sentences homosexuals to death, does that make it right? At one point in this nation, slavery was the law, did that make it right?

BTW, restrictions on abortion do not come between a woman and her doctor. You go to a strange doctor at an abortion clinic to get an abortion today. The doctor at the clinic is only that woman's doctor while she is getting an abortion. They won't be there if she has complications later. They won't be there for her if she finds herself sterile or is having a complication during a later pregnancy. They wouldn't be there for the majority of women who have an abortion and need help dealing with the psychological damage from their decision. Studies have shown that 3 to 5 percent of women who have had abortion have found themselves sterile afterwards . Women who have had abortions find themselves 4 times as likely to have a ectopic pregnancy. Women who have had abortion find themselves 3 to 5 times as likely to have a miscarriage, premature birth, or complication of labor during later pregnancies. Women who have had abortions are 160% more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment than women who gave birth. Over 50% of women who have had an abortion express negative feelings about it. Up to 10% develop "serious psychiatric complications". Women should know the risks before they make their decision. Options other than abortions should be made available. I have yet to meet a woman that has had an abortion that is not scarred because of it. Abortion should be legal, but it should not be something easy to do. It should not be a substitute for birth control.

Also what about fathers who want to raise their kids. Does the father have no rights?

When does personal responsibility come into play?

What about adoption? There are plenty of families out there who want a child and will go to the ends of the earth to adopt one. I have an uncle that has adopted two kids, one from China and one from Central America who would have adopted an American kid if possible.

If the opinions of men shouldn't matter, than all the male representatives should abstain on any bill regarding abortion. Of course that silences the voices of all the women they represent, but oh well.

yellowdog said...

So you want to restrict and impede a woman's right to reproductive freedom because you have determined it is for her own good. She is not capable of making a decision regarding her body, her life, her liberty - you determine that.

What else you got up your sleeve?

Brian said...

That is not what I said, I said that information needed to made available to the women at the clinics so women can know the risks involved with abortion. Four friends of ours who have had an abortion were not told of the risks before they had their abortion. They were told how the procedure would go. They were told they were going to remove the dividing cells (dehumanizing the process as much as possible). They had to sign a form that stated they would not sue the clinic if there were complications. They came out of it feeling like they were being rushed through the process so they didn't have a chance to think about their decision and that the clinics were in it for money. They all regret having abort their child.

We want women to be informed and to have the time necessary to make an informed decision. Not rushed through to a decision that they will regret.

Redeye said...

Who is we? And who/what gives We the right to impose our beliefs on women who don't share them? We have equal rights remember?

Brian said...

The we in this case are me and my wife. She was giving her input when I was writing that.

When does it go from abortion to murder? When does it go from being dividing cells to being a child? When is a child's life worth saving?

yellowdog said...

The Supreme Court determined viability outside of the womb.

But when does it go from a woman's right to determine her health and reproductive freedom to the States intercession? This is the essence of choice. There is a legal window we have determined is a basic fundamental right of a woman to determine if she wants to have a child or not.

You, who know absolutely nothing about why the woman would choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, now insist you must be involved in that process. I insist it is none of your business. I respect all of our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government serves to ensure our personal liberties.

Sometimes it takes cultural change and broader awareness of impositions on our freedoms, but in the course of history we generally move towards personal liberty, tolerance and inclusiveness.

We are talking about a woman's right to determine her own future. Men and women are not the same. We don't have the same choices in a biological sense. We do not share the same experiences. I will never be pregnant and I will never make a choice.

Men have historically represented women. We have allowed them to vote. We have allowed them to enter the work force. We chip away at sexual issues and pay equality and a myriad of issues that have no relation to biology, just how men in power feel about women who don't have the power at this time.

What we are saying is women do have the power and if they would unite and vote against the status quo Republican conservative movement, they could end this ongoing attempt to make them less than equal.

If women had control, wouldn't they want greater control of their bodies and reproductive capacities? They would have unfettered access to birth control and greater discussion and education regarding the responsibilities of the male, and the repercussions and the consequences regarding male sexuality.

If you want to eliminate abortion, help us eliminate unwanted pregnancy. When that goal is achieved, you will be successful in ending abortion.

Brian said...

What can be done to further help eliminate unwanted pregnancy? The vast majority of insurance plans before Obamacare covered birth control. Now all plans irregardless of sex or age have to cover birth control and everybody has to have a plan. Even without insurance, birth control was not that expensive, available for as low as $10 a month.

On top of that, local health departments offer free birth control. They also offer free condoms.

So eliminating unwanted pregnancy is not the problem. It might be making sure people know about the options that are available.

Yes, I know nothing about why, but those I know who have HAD ABORTIONS regret their decisions. They are for waiting periods. They are for more information about the risks being made available to women who are considering abortion. They believe that if they were not rushed through the abortion, allowed to think about what was going on, They might have made a different decision. They believe that abortion clinic dehumanize the process too much.

I am not talking about taking away the right for a woman to have a safe legal abortion. But I don't want to see a woman rushed through a decision that she will possibly regret for the rest of her life.

Brian said...

And who has said Republicans don't want women to be equal to men? Obama's white house doesn't pay their women interns the same as men. Women in Hollywood(which is overwhelmingly liberal) earn about 39 cents for every dollar a man in Hollywood makes.

Studies have shown that unmarried women without kids actually make more than their male counterparts. When you compare job to job, skill set to skill set, women make 98% or what men make overall, not the 77% overall number that is thrown out.

Yes there is a war on women going on, but look beyond the rhetoric, and you will see a very different picture being painted than what the politicians want you to see.

Redeye said...

What can we do to eliminate unwanted pregnancies you ask? Men can stop having sex with women. That's about the only way I can see to ensure women don't get pregnant . You and your wife have the right to make choices and decisions for yourselves but not for others. We are all created equal, with equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you and your wife belive abortion is murder don't have one. It is a simple as that.

Anonymous said...

REDYE women can also stop spreading their legs for men. It goes both ways! There are too many women with numerous kids from different men and most of those men are not in the picture!

yellowdog said...

Then why the Republican war on women? Has Planned Parenthood been knocked out - certainly not supported and strengthened? Has birth control been kicked out of the new health insurance exchanges, opted out by all kinds of conservative groups? Have you all insisted no tax dollars be used for "women's issues", birth control, any agency involved in even mentioning birth control or choice? Including schools?

There have been an estimated 50,000,000 legal abortions since Roe v. Wade. You know 4 or 5 women, probably in a church-affiliated "We are all sinners" meeting, regretting things from the past.

We all have regrets. Instead of moving forward, you want to dwell in the past. Judge people. Make them responsible, punished, for their immoral acts.

No one is ever happy about their decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The Republicans and conservatives want to justify their intrusion into the decision-making process, a private personal decision, because no one is happy about the choice they felt was the only real option at the time?

Another fact of biology, above any sense of morality, is men and women will have sex - and, as much as it may pain and disturb you, in this modern age this does not mean we require an accidental unintended pregnancy to force a woman to give up her personal liberty, freedom and choice.

yellowdog said...

And FED UP brings it right back to the welfare queen.

There it is, Redeye.

Right as always.

Redeye said...

A woman voting voting for a republican is like a turkey voting for Thanksgiving.