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State Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery |
Once upon a time, a black man would never raise his voice at a white man. Once upon a time, when a white man told a black man to do something, the black man would say, "Yes sir boss." Those days are gone.Thank goodness state Rep. Alvin Holmes is not that kind of black elected official. I commend Rep. Holmes for speaking out for the rights of all Alabama women to choose to have a safe, legal, abortion. Because make no mistake, this bill will not prevent any women with means from having access to an abortion, this bill adversely and disproportionately affects black/brown/poor Alabama women and children who are already born. Children republicans don't want to have access to quality affordable health care, access to a quality public education, or even food.
Even nowadays, many black politicians are afraid to be perceived as "the angry black man" or "the angry black woman". Many lower their voices and moderate their speech patterns, expressions and mannerisms to appease hyper-sensitive white voters.
If you want to know who and what the Alabama GOP panders too, all you have to do is read some of the comments on Al.com. See what I mean below:
Actually, Holmes can bait for race or race for bait....whites have grown totally indifferent to the whining, crying and moaning of the black underclass. For anyone who could possibly be concerned, consider the source.
Mr. Holmes is just angry because he knows the days of race baiting by black politicians is coming to an end. The black vote has been bought and paid for by the Democrat party and the party has moved on to the new kid in town....illegal aliens.
Alvin Holmes is a race baiter. He always plays the race card to get the uninformed voters to vote for him. He does nothing but stir up hate, He is what wrong with Alabama now.
State Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery is dumbing down those who vote for him. Vote him out before everyone is owned by the Government.I don't agree with the point of view expressed above, but I defend their right to express their point of view without being vilified/castigated. Racism is not about what was said, it's about what is done.
I am sick and tired of some (not to be confused with all) white people telling grown a$$ black folks what they can or cannot say, how loud they can play their music, what they can wear , or, when they can protest about the way they are being treated. It is condescending at best, racist/racism at worst.
"It is apparent that Mr Holmes was decrying the blatant hypocrisy of most of the legislature members. They bring to the forum legislation written by outside sources such as ALEC that is divisive, unnecessary, and counter to existing law. A thinking person wonders why his words would bring the ire of so many. The answer for me is that they know he is speaking the truth and cannot deal with it."
First of all you are not black and secondly blacks do not shoot white people because they wouldn't turn down their music,or because they were walking home from the store wearing a hoodie. Black Congressmen don't cut off the speaker to keep the white congressman from making his point. Black bloggers don't ban white bloggers because they won't go along to get along. Alvin Holmes was fighting fire with fire. There is an old saying, if you throw a rock at a pen full of pigs, the one that squeals is the one that's hit. It does not go both ways, but you know what, even if it did, two wrongs don't make a right (pun intended).
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Really? I was just answering your comment about blacks not killing white etc. I only stated the truth. You seem to delete the truth because you can't believe our kind could ever do wrong! I am the same as you but I also stand up when I see a double standard on any race and you seem to have that when it comes to our kind or Democrats!! How about that coffee?
P.S. feel free to band me. I am one of the few who leave comments and am willing to debate with you but unfortunately you seem to never debate with anyone who calls you out. You only want readers to agree 100% with you!!!
Really? This is post is about Alabama House Republicans denying black/brown/poor women access to a safe, legal, abortion. Stay on topic or else your post will continue to be deleted.
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