
Monday, December 20, 2010

Artur Davis voted against DADT, blame his constitutents and Joe Reed

I am continually shocked by those who continue to defend the indefensible actions of Alabama CD 7 and outgoing Congress Critter Artur Davis (DINO) but blaming the people who elected him to office and Joe Reed, who has dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of black/disenfranchised Alabama citizens is steeped in institutional racism and white privilege.

First of all... While it may or may not be an excuse, it's very possible that Davis was representing his district in his vote-- something he's been criticised for not doing in the past. Take a good look at Birmingham as Democratic as it might be and you tell me that it's a friendly place for our gay and lesbian friends. I can think of a few good arguments that might prove otherwise.

First of's a horrible excuse because if Davis was concerned about representing the interest of his district he wouldn't have voted against the health care reform and hate crime bills. Birmingham is as friendly of place for our gay and lesbian friends as any other Sweet Home Alabama city/town/county. In case you've forgotten Birmingham used be called BOMBINGHAM because it wasn't a friendly place for black folks including Frank Phelps a black democrat.

We've proven that Democrats aren't the logical thinkers they love to claim they are. They're based in emotion, with no room for logical, complex thought as to strategy or asking for valid reasons as to why a thing might happen a certain way. We don't dissect a vote and consider that some things might be a little more complicated than one simple yes or no vote. We look at the "he voted against tax cuts" line rather than the "those tax cuts were also going to add a huge burden on the deficit" line.

Spoken like a true republican. Democrats aren't capable of logical thinkers, especially if they don't go along with the right wing spin. Democrats have to be told how to think and what to feel because they're democrats. Contrary to popular opinion, democrats, strike that, real democrats know the difference between right (pun intended) and WRONG. Real democrats base their thoughts on emotion. They care about their fellow human beings regardless of race, gender, religion or party. Real democrats aren't "in the middle", real democrats take sides. Strike that, they take the "right" side. Real democrats don't try and walk an imaginary line down the middle.
Here we have one of the few people who could bring so much good to Alabama politics, but his greatest sin is to piss off the party establishment. Yeah, sure he votes against the party line sometimes-- which by the way isn't so big a deal for others in the party-- but for the most part, he's a good guy and votes with the caucus. From where I'm standing, the only current Alabama Democrat who has any room to criticize Davis for his vote is Patricia Todd, as she's really been the only one with enough guts to really come out in favor of gay rights.

Uh, how the heck can you bring so much good to Alabama politics is you pi$$ of the party establishment? From where I stand any democrats, gay or not has the the right to criticize Artur Davis. Patricia Todd is not the only Alabama democrat with the guts to really come out in favor of gay rights. Patricia Todd had the guts to be openly gay and I commend her for her being who she. I wish other elected officials and candidates had her courage.

Speaking of Ms. Todd... Let's not forget what happens when you piss off Joe Reed.

Joe Reed didn't challenge Patrica Todds election on the basis of her sexual orientation. As a matter of fact Joe Reed didn't challenge Patrica Todds election at all. Stay tuned for an in dept/detailed debunking of this LIE. And let's not forget what happens when you pi$$ off the LiA establishment eeither.:)

I disagree with his vote. The problem is that there are so many others that I do agree with. If Dems are willing to overlook that, then you deserve what you get. Perhaps November wasn't a big enough message.

Dems aren't willing to overlook elected officials who pander to right at the expense of their base. The problem is Dems have overlooked and defended the indefensible for the sake of "winning" elections. If WE democrats continue to not hold elected officials accountable and stop going along to get along we will continue to get what we deserve. NOTHING.

Enough of blaming the victims for the actions of those who elected to represent us. They work for us. Remember? Artur Davis and his defenders are perfect illustrations for the difference between liberals and progressives/moderates Liberals don't give Artur Davis a pass just because of the color his skin. Liberals look at the content of his character, on this case the lack there of.


yellowdog said...

what could Davis be thinking?

What real Democrat would fail to take his place in passing a core Democratic value (as opposed to Republican lip-service)that "all men are created equal" and we all have equal value to this country of ours. Just another skin-deep division. Race, sexual orientation, religion - all just skin-deep, all just superficial differences.

Once we can get past these shallow issues finally, maybe we'll be ready to tackle equal rights for women!

Redeye said...

Ain't that the truth!

Davis is thinking about Davis.

kayman said...

I want you read this post done back in October by black, gay male blogger whom published information from a recent Gallup poll on how anti-LGBT rights so many blacks are against fellows black who are LGBTs. Specially, the portion where there is says the majority for gays serving openly in military actually dropped from 57 to 48 percent from 1994 to 2010.

You might learn something from a BLACK GAY PERSPECTIVE for once in your life. Instead of pretending that you know everything black and what's good for all of us.

Redeye said...

Up until yesterday gays couldn't openly serve in the military kayman, so your black, gay,male,blogger, Gallup poll proof is moot. There is no dispute there are anti gay/homophoboic black folks, but that's no excuse for Artur Davis voting against the repeal of DADT.

I'm not the one pretening I know everything black and what's good fo all of US, you must have me confused with the LiA cats and critters.

kayman said...

Uh, LGBTs still can't serve openly in the military, so you can legally still get kicked out of the armed forces for being a LGBT. It will another year before the legislation is enforced into law by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Artur Davis is irrelevant after Friday, so that argument about him is the one that is truly moot because it's never been about him. However, the facts about lack of regard for LGBT rights amongst the overtly pious amongst a significant number of blacks doesn't lie at all.

By your words, if you don't agree with something (whether it is validated with evidence or not) then it doesn't matter.

You will never convince anyone with that major logic fallacy if you can't even address the facts.

Redeye said...

FACT, Artur Davis voted against DADT.

FACT, some of defending the indefensible and blaming his constitutents.

FACT, it is your and a black, gay, male blogger and a Gallup Poll opinion the majority of the voters in the 7th district are homophobic bigots.

Address those facts.

Redeye said...

Let me clean up some typos;

Should read- I am not the on PRETENDING I know everything black and what's good FOR all of US, you must have me confused with the LiA cats and critters.

Should read- some ARE defending the indefensible and blaming his constitutents.

Should read-In your, a black, gay, male blogger and a Gallup Poll OPINIONS the majority of the voters in the 7th district are homophobic bigots.