
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies"

Don't ask, don't tell is dead and gone! Whoever came up with that cockamamie idea in the first place? Oh wait, I forgot, it was the great triangulator himself, former President Bill Clinton. :) Let this be a lesson to triangulaters, there is no right (pun intended) way to do the wrong thing. It was wrong to discriminate against LBGT Americans. Thank you, President Obama, for making a wrong, right (no pun). Your actions almost make me forget your capitulation, I mean compromise with the GOP where us non-whites are going to pay for tax cuts for the rich, your criticism and ignoring of us Professional Lefty's, and that you didn't fight for single-payer like you compromised of the tax cut for the rich, and the ACLU has a big problem with your targeted killing program. :) Lots of other good stuff at Black Agenda Report.

The Chamber of Commerce and the red republicans are going to hate this! President Obama is on a roll!

With no EFCA to give unions a level playing field, today Obama's Labor Dept. took a step that's sure to infuriate big employers like WalMart who hate unions and empowering their workers, and who prefer to treat workers as a disposable commodity.
All employers will have to post notices in their workplaces spelling out workers rights to organize a union.

If you want to know how a taxpayer with specific characteristics would do under the compromise plan and under the other proposals that lawmakers have considered, click on Citizens for Tax Justice for state by state figures on the compromise plan.

The South Shall Rise Again? Lord help us.

It's official: The 2010 Census numbers have been released, and the South's projected growth in population and political clout -- which Facing South has been writing about for over two years -- is now reality.

Here are some of the highlights from the Census data released today:

* 13 Southern states* accounted for nearly half -- 49 percent -- of the nation's growth since the 2000 Census. The big leader was Texas, which itself accounted for 15.7 percent of the 27.2 million people added to the nation's count over the last decade.
* Thanks to this ongoing shift of the U.S. population southward, these 13 Southern states now account for 34 percent of the U.S. population.
Can you say President Haley Barbor (R. Mississippi Burning)?

Yes, he made a racial gaffe, but it was only a gaffe because he said it publicly. We all know that what he thinks he says privately, like so many folks in the majority population, (present company excluded of course) is much worse.
Folks in the National media are already writing off this latest little verbal faux pas and they are saying that it should not have any effect on his 2012 run. (I don't know who I want to come out of the republi-clown primary more; Haley or Sarah.) Good luck with your run Haley, you will be just fine.

They are who we thought they were. This is probably why the MSM is attempting to whitewash (pun intended) this issue and send it on back up to the attic.
Haley Barbour is a RACIST. Plain and simple. No holds barred.

Oh, you can put him in a suit, but, I’ve been Black in America longer than 3 days.

He’s had no ‘ come to Jesus’ moment about growing up during American Apartheid and the evil that it was for the Black citizens of the South. Not one frigging moment of self-awareness.

None.Instead, we have these repeated attempts by him to whitewash – LITERALLY – the hell that was the South during that time, and Mississippi in particular.

What's that you say? The pro-Artur Davis Rattlesnakes are beginning to turn on each other? Oh, Nose! Was his vote against DADT the straw that broke the Donkey's back? Does this mean I can have my front page privileges back or at least my user name? I tried to tell y'all. Don't blame me, I supported Ron Sparks.
Davis is worse than a wolf in sheep's clothing. (0.00 / 0)
He is evil and just demonstrated it within the last two years or more. He could have helped other Democrats win but chose not to in 2008. He must be held accountable for what he has done. He has been a shining star here while I kept my mouth closed and tried to support him. The truth is like most politicians he was looking after his own self interests. His last vote demonstrates who he really is.

I have always felt that the issue was not what Artur could do to help anyone, but rather, what could be done to prevent him from harming others. He has no allegiance to Alabama. Nor did he have allegiance politically to any other Democrat. I dreaded him from the beginning, got on board since he promised to be another Obama, but he is just plain evil. I could not speak up before, however; I believe I can speak up now. He is as vicious as a fighting pit bull.

BTW AM this is a brazen lie
Checking his vote... (0.00 / 0)
That's actually what he did with his HCR vote. Pelosi and Obama were putting it to press early on WAY before the vote that they'd already given Davis a pass-- which is why I laugh at folks saying that his HCR vote was one against his party.

Davis voted on HCR precisely how Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama told him to.
And so is this

Davis didn't vote the way you wanted him to or the way that I wanted him to, but he voted like a black Alabama Democrat. Shocker. F@!k that guy for voting like a black Alabama Democrat.

And so is this
Show me the long list of black Alabama Democrats who have accomplished anything positive for the gay community. Ever.

Terri Sewell ran on it. We know how much you guys who are in love with the party establishment love her.

Matter of fact, I know that a lot of the folks here who jumped on the opportunity to dog Davis over this support Joe Reed and Larry Langford. And again I say that those two have a shameful record on gay rights, which is precisely why I called it out to begin with.

What I want to "carp on" is why you get to post factually incorrect information on the LiA with impunity? You post stuff then hid behind the cat's tail so it can't be challenged. That's real *ahem* progressive. I don't know if you're brave enough to read or respond to this, but you need to offer proof of your assertions that black Alabama Democrats haven't accomplished anything positive for the gay community ever, or that folks who dog Davis over this (DADT) supported Joe Reed (?) and Larry Langford's anti-gay bigotry.

Speaking of lies, kayman, this is a brazen lie too.
The actions of Reed Co. against Patricia Todd is proof that this exists because he admitted he didn't want a "white lesbian" representing District 54 and complicity of the rest on this.
DaleJackson, you don't even know when you are being discriminated against so what qualifies you to make this assertion?
A district that is majority black, should be liberal (this is the thesis in the post where Artur Davis is shamed). The fact is however blacks do not support homosexual rights.
Psst, bluebearcat! I'd be careful about speaking truth to the powerful and the privileged about Artur Davis at LiA, you might wake up one day and your user name be disabled. :)
Black Alabama Democrats never voted on DADT. I know plenty of them voted to include sexual orientation in the last hate crimes bill to come up in Alabama, which is a hell of a lot more than Artur Davis has ever done. Davis doesn't get to pretend like he's better than folks like Hank Sanders who have been working for progress since before he was born then turn around and blame the black community when he shows his true homophobe colors for all to see.

Why anyone would defend this guy at this point is beyond me. He voted against climate change legislation, for bank-friendly bankruptcy reform, for TARP, for health care - then against it while claiming he would vote for the Senate version - then against it again, against hate crimes protection for LGBTs, and now against DADT repeal. Even by Alabama standards, that's a remarkably shitty record. He has now said that he wants nothing more to do with Alabama (line up the lobbying contract!).


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