
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Edit~ The Huntsville City School System is Hopeless

The motto for the Huntsville City Schools  used to be Education is the Hope of the Republic, but after attending a recent Save our schools, Save our Neighborhoods meeting I've come to the conclusion there is no hope for the Huntsville City Schools, so they should just close all of them. The powers that be aren't interested in educating ALL children, they are interested in educating SOME children.

Based on a the findings of a so called demographic study the school system is closing 9 public schools with the majority being guess where...the African American neighborhood.

Have you ever heard of a demographic study with no data?
Several questioners — in particular, Dr. Roger Richardson of Alabama A&M – demanded to see the data, methodology, and assumptions behind the study. Said Dr. Richardson: “If the board paid $75,000 for this study, it should demand its money back.” He went on to explain that in his professional capacity, he would give no credence to a study that did not explain where and how it arrived at its conclusions. One lady who was at the microphone later said to the panel: “You’re in a town full of engineers and other technical people, and they’re going to want to see the data.” Answered Wilson: “Yes, I’m finding that out.”

Psst Dr. Richardson, they don't have to give you no stinking data because they are the HSC BOE. You know, the same BOE that ignores the United States Supreme Court.

Remember over 50 years ago when the Supreme Court ruled separate but equal public schools were illegal in the Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka decision? Evidently Huntsville City Schools didn't get the memo because it's deja vu all over again.

The District’s 2007-2008 overall student enrollment was 43.1% black and 48.7% white. However, the majority of the District’s 47 schools were racially identifiable black or white due to the composition of their respective student bodies.

The school closure/consolidation plan is supposed save money but as Ben points out that dog won't hunt.
One of the more enlightening moments of the evening came near the end from, of all people, Ann Roy Moore (assuming she knows what she is talking about, and in this case, I believe she probably does). Given the recent Huntsville Times article reporting that the city is still paying gobs of money to maintain the schools it shut down last year, I had been wondering why the system didn’t just dump the properties for whatever low ball price someone was willing to pay, just to end the upkeep costs. Moore explained that according to state law, the school system is not allowed to sell any property for less than its appraised value. The state can grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis, but only if a property fails to sell in a couple of years or so. Another option would be for the system to demolish the school building and sell the land. But in poor neighborhoods, even the land isn’t worth much.

In other words, if the system closes the nine schools currently on the chopping block, it will have to pay for all the costs associated with combining schools, buying more buses, etc., but it will also have to maintain the shuttered campuses for a couple of years or more until they can be sold. Or it will have to pay to demolish the school buildings. The more I hear about this, the worse it sounds.
So here's the deal,  if you are affluent, you have access to the best public education your tax dollars can buy your property values are safe.

If you are middle class/ low income, you don't have access to the best public education your tax dollars can buy,  and your  property values aren't worth much.

I repeat

Back in the day ALL of the Huntsville City Schools were excellent schools. There were no identifiably black and white schools. All the teachers taught all the students, and all the students learned. Back in the day it didn't matter where a student lived because the quality of the school in the neighborhood wasn't tied to property values. Fast forward to the present and the reverse is true.

As long as the quality of public education in Huntsville is based on parental income and property values there is no hope for the Huntsville City Schools.

As long as those in positions of power believe it’s a silly, unrealistic, line that every school should be as good as Grissom, there is no hope for Huntsville City Schools.

As long as those in positions of power believe them uppity coloreds and sneaky Mexicans would receive an education only white, god-fearing, clean, and law-abiding children deserve, there is no hope for the Huntsville City Schools.

As long as black parents aren't politically involved to the same extent as white parents there is no hope for the Huntsville City Schools.

I don't care how many Superintendents, clueless consultants and school boards are hired and fired, there is no hope for the Huntsville City Schools as long as people with racist beliefs have the power to exercise racism.

One would think a school system whose motto used to be Education is the Hope of the Republic would make an effort to educate ALL students regardless of race, gender, sex, or address for the HOPE o our Republic.


FED UP said...

How about making kids go to the school they are zoned for. Once that is done then see what needs to close. It is STUPID to bus kids out of zone! If you are zoned for Butler go to Butler not Huntsville High Grissom etc. The teachers at Butler should be just as good as Grissom. I never understood why we ship kids all over the city. If you can't afford to live in Grissoms bad!

Redeye said...

Why should students be confined to schools in their zone? They aren't confined to churches in their zone. They aren't confined to shopping in their zone. They aren't confined to paying taxes in their zone. Sounds a lot like confining them to seperate and unequal.

FED UP said...

That how schools have done it for years. I was close to Bob Jones (5 min) than I was to Sparkman (20mins) but I was zoned for Sparkman. That was 88-92 why not keep it that way. We did not seem to have problems then. Why should you send the student across town? If the teachers were not good enough then they would not get a job to teach. I think it's crazy to be able to choose the school. That's what you do when you go to college. That is what created a lot of the problems in Huntsville today with the schools.

Mack Lyons said...

If you have enough money to send your kid to a private school, the zoning situation is rendered null and void. At that point, you can take your kid to a school as far as gas prices and your desire to commute will take you.

A lot of the low-income kids don't have that luxury, so they have to stick with the crappy public schools in their zone, unless their parents arrange for them to attend a better school in another zone (and run the risk of ending up like Kelly Williams-Bolar. Take a look at that picture and see the pain and hurt in her eyes. She was only trying to give her kids a better education with the resources she had and got shat on for her troubles).

FED UP said...

You do not make any sense. What are you saying? What makes a crappy school in their zone? Are the teachers at Butler just as good as the ones at Grissom........YES. The question is why is the school crappy........Do the other students make it that way? Most blacks in Huntsville do get to attend another school if they choose to. I do not know all the rules but it does happen. Why does it happen. Go to the school you are zoned to attend!!!

Redeye said...

If Butler were equal to Grissom students would transfer in instead of transferring out. In your case Bob Jones and Sparkman are equal so it didn't matter which school you attended. Arican American parents can request a majority to minority transfer but most of those tranfers are denied.

Rebel Flower said...

Fed Up has to be a troll...I swear he comes on and says the most racist things that I have ever read not remotely based on anything in reality. If you don't understand why "bussing kids" out of crappy zones is necessary then you are lost and sad. School systems are different and from what I can tell Fed Up, you went to one of the underfunded school systems or was home schooled.

FED UP said...

If that is the case hen admit that it's the other mostly black students who make the school bad!!! They have the same teachers with college degrees as the so called good schools. The solution then is to fix the blacks that cause the problems and make the good blacks want to go to a better school.

Rebel Flower If I am a racist then I'm sure you are too. I just ask the questions and state the facts that you or other blacks will not admit!!

FED UP said...

Why is a school equal? Is it due to the better students who are there to learn etc. Is it the higher test scores? The scores are high due to the students.

yellowdog said...

Obviously, education has declined.

When I went to school we were taught "critical thinking." Look beyond the bare 'facts' to find the underlying truth. We studied books like "How to Lie with Statistics." We were taught to avoid "logical fallacies."

Fedup is citing anecdotal information that has no relation.

If you suppose "being black" is the primary cause, and then have no facts to back that up, your supposition is profoundly wrong.

To further your case, you have to rely on your readers to be as uneducated as you appear to be.

Unless of course there is a method to your madness, and you are deliberately repeating falsehoods and racist slurs because repetition has been shown to wear people down, or you have bought into this lock, stock and barrel, and we are going to have to do the 50s, 60s, and 70s all over again.

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

See - it is all about education.

Redeye said...

Fed Up is not a troll. According to Fed Up they are a product of the public school and state University system. Most importantly Fed Up is a VOTER who elects candidates who share his point of view and who says out loud what they say privately.

FED UP said...

Why then should a student zoned for another school be allowed to go across town to a school of their choice? If you say the school is better then tell me why the other school is bad! It can't be the teachers so it must be the student body! The schools labeled bad in Huntsville are mostly black so I ask you what is the problem?

FED UP said...


Redeye said...

Why should the government tell taxpayers which public schools their students have to attend? Their tax dollars fund all the schools so they should be able to attend any public school regardless of "zone". Let's have some public school choice instead of the government telling parents what to do. Parents know better than the government what is best for their children.

FED UP said...

I'm sure some do not or the test scores at Butler Johnson Ed White etc would be good and we would not have this debate!! Why overcrowd other schools and cause problems for the school district? You are zoned for a reason to have an adequate number of students per teacher and by where you live. We overcrowded the good schools and now the schools are closing because they did not attend in the area they live. We could have avoided all this!!

Redeye said...

"We overcrowded the good schools and now the schools are closing because they did not attend in the area they live. "

This is a brazen lie. Good bye.

FED UP said...

Why are the bad schools less crowded than before? More black drop outs,transfers,seldon center attendees?

FED UP said...

New Jersey gives out affirmative action High School Diplomas.

Instead of telling failing minorities they need to work harder, NJ works harder to create scheme to give failing students diplomas anyway.

From NJ/PA CofCC…

The State of New Jersey has issued a report showing that over half of the students in Newark, of whom an overwhelming number the State consideres ethnically and racially disadvantaged, have failed the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) two times and have had to resort to taking the Special Review Assessment (SRA) in order to graduate High School.

The SRA exam is an ‘alternative’ that was created, which is undergoing a name change to be less ‘offensive’ to the test-takers, to allow students to show demonstrate their grasp and knowledge of their years of education in a format that is more suited to the context of their social situation.

The Newark School District has been a State run operation for years now due to the pathetic performance of both the students and schools within the district; which translates into Newark’s educational disaster burden being carried by the rest of the State, financially at least.

Acting State Education Commissioner Christopher Cerf has stated it is his belief that even he HSPA is not stringent enough and the bar should be raised, which implies that the SRA is in reality already an inferior testing protocol in place to simply make it easier for non-Whites and other academic underachievers to granted a diploma.

However, there is an opposition force already in place to enforce the sick doctrine of “equality” in the form of the Institute on Education, Law, and Policy at Rutgers-Newark that is ready to cry foul when and if the State decides to raise the bar on the HSPA and SRA or eliminate the SRA altogether.

FED UP said...

STFU Rebel Flower I did not write the article! What else is it if it is not affirmative action. When will you and others who feel blacks are treated wrong look at other issues?

There is no white affirmative action in sports! The NFL did not have many black head coaches so they were forced to interview and hire them. There are 0 starting running backs or corner backs in the NFL when will a reverse situation happen when a team has to start a white running back or corner back? The NBA is mostly full of black starters when will the NBA require at least 1 white starter on every team. What is good for the goose is good for the gander!!!

Mack Lyons said...

"Unless of course there is a method to your madness, and you are deliberately repeating falsehoods and racist slurs because repetition has been shown to wear people down, or you have bought into this lock, stock and barrel, and we are going to have to do the 50s, 60s, and 70s all over again."

Ol' FuckUp here is a staunch believer in the inherent inferiority of blacks when it comes to education and a great many other areas. Notice how he never puts down or disparages the blacks who have already dropped out and face a lifetime of menial servitude in the service industries. No, as far as FuckUp's concerned, they're exactly where they aught to be.

Redeye has a good point. As long as educational funding for schools is tied to property values, you will have well-funded schools such as Grissom (located in a generally well-off district with relatively high property values) co-existing with underfunded schools such as Butler (located in an area that's spent the past two to three decades transitioning to a lower-property value area thanks to suburban and exurban flight).

And as long as you continue to hold low expectations for black students, with the desired outcome for them to either drop out or be corralled in "Seldon Centers" all over the city, as to segregate them from "better" schools and students, the situation will not get any better.

Redeye said...

Ol' FuckUp here is a staunch believer in the inherent inferiority of blacks when it comes to education

I would add there are a lot of Ol'F#ck Ups serving on school boards all over the country.

Now you see why we must VOTE.