
Friday, December 17, 2010

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"~Edit

Government action is not the whole answer to the present crisis, but it is an important partial answer. Morals cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. The law cannot make an employer love me, but it can keep him from refusing to hire me because of the color of my skin. Martin Luther King,Jr.

Regular readers know I started Redeye's Front Page after my front page privileges were revoked at Left in Alabama for allegedly posting factually incorrect information on the front page and refusing to correct it after it was pointed out to me. I was also accused of writing about race too much, making those who disagreed with me feel like they were racist, always wanting to have the last word and told if I wanted to have freedom of speech to start my own blog. Which I did, but even now anonymous commenter's post the same criticisms and attempt to tell me what and how I should write on this blog and accuse me of being obsessed with Left in Alabama blah, blah, blab, blab. But that's OK, I firmly believe in freedom of speech and the right for everyone to express their point of view. I respect individual freedoms and individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is it too much to ask for the same respect in return?

It's not the first time I've been banned from a forum because of my point of view, and it probably won't be the last, because for some reason blog administrators and right wing talk show host believe they own the public airways but I digress, but each and every time it happens I will "whine" about it loud and clear. Silence helps the oppressor, not the oppressed.

I make no apologies for being opinionated, my daddy taught me to give as good as I get, to fight fair, win like a winner and to lose like a winner. He also taught me to stand up for my rights, to stand up for the rights of others, and to encourage others to take the same just stand.

Which brings me to the latest chapter in the Left in Alabama vs Redeye Saga and exposes the real difference between liberals and conservatives. Strike that, it exposes the difference between fairness and unfairness. One of the front pagers, as they are known, posted a diary in what I believe is a backhand attempt to use the Constitution of the United States of America to justify practicing discrimination like the religious right use the bible to justify their actions under the guise of compassionate conservatism. In the course of the discussion one of the resident righty's takes the sheet off and exposes the power of white supremacy and privilege.
You are correct that I left when I felt my point of views were disruptive and unappreciated as opposed to contributing to the conversation. I think it is fair to state that I attempt to leave as graciously as I could muster. I did not whine or carp about others being unfair.

My point is that you have a great deal to add to the conversation. Use your posts, even if limited, to provoke serious discussion. If you wish to do a point - counterpoint routine, let me know and I will take the opposite side. Do not lessen your attributes by constanting carping about the rules. Sadly all of us must abide my rules we are not particularly fond of.
Note the patronizing, condescending tone of the comments? I couldn't respond on LiA because my username is disabled, OP I hope you're reading.

Why am I not surprised you are on the side of injustice? What worries me the most about your position is that you say you are an officer of the courts where justice is blind and citizens are entitled to equal justice. It worries me greatly someone with your point of view is/was in a position of power.

No OP, it's not about abiding by rules we are not "particularly fond of". Rules are fair not fond. Those of us committed to equality and social justice work within the system to repeal unjust rules. What if Rosa Parks had just abided by the rule that she had to ride at the back of the bus, or stand if there were no seats so a white person could sit down? What if Martin Luther King, Jr. and others had just gone along to get along with rules of Jim Crow? What if our LBGT sisters and brothers didn't fight for their right to fight for our country? Rules should apply equally. One set of rules for one person/group and another set rules for another group is discrimination. I'm surprised as an officer of the court you don't know this. I worry about the fate of those who came before you seeking justice in a court of LAW.

I appreciate your concern for my "attributes" but as for me I will continue to protest the double standard and the unfair treatment, because that is who I am and what I am about. Freedom and equal justice is a right not a privilege.

"some men see things as they are and ask why; he dreamed of things as they could be and asked why not."~ Senator Ted Kennedy eulogizes his brother Senator Robert Kennedy

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