
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Debunking the lies and the lying liars who tell them

"Well, there's a certain mean spiritness that's out there, not only in Alabama but it's in America. And that makes this election extremely important." Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders (D)

I'm not going to say much about Boss Hoggs, I mean former RNC chair and Mississippi Guverner Haley Barbor's (R) latest Trent Lott moment (what's up with the Mississippi delegation?), meaning, he said publicly what they say behind closed doors, and exposed what black folks like Alabama Senator Hank Sanders(D) and others have known for years, which is how the powerful and the privileged really feel about minorities (red,black,brown). I will point out the fake, hypocritical outrage expressed by the powerful and the privileged. Thank goodness technology is making it difficult to maintain a firewall. I've said it before and I will say it takes power to exercise racism...a person can have all the racist beliefs they want....but when they have the power of the government to act on those know the rest.

What I want to know is what makes the right leaning Left in Alabama cats and critters the authority on black folks in the Alabama's 7th congressional district? According to one of them, (para quoting) Artur Davis's constituents are homophobic,bigots who don't believe our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be allowed to fight and die for their country like straight folks. And they say I posted factually incorrect information on the front page and my comments were out of line??!!!

First of all... While it may or may not be an excuse, it's very possible that Davis was representing his district in his vote-- something he's been criticised for not doing in the past. Take a good look at Birmingham as Democratic as it might be and you tell me that it's a friendly place for our gay and lesbian friends. I can think of a few good arguments that might prove otherwise. That's not just any old Alabama mayor railing against the abominations. That's not Fred Phelps. That's a black Democrat-- a man that by at least two counts should understand that whole Civil Rights thing.

The fact of the matter is that Davis is an Alabama politician, and there are very few (if any other than Patricia Todd) who would be willing to openly campaign on gay rights in this state. In fact, I'd find it amusing to see if any of those who might criticize him for his vote would be willing to do so. Conveniently enough, none of them have had to actually vote on it. I'd be more than happy to challenge them to run on a statewide amendment to legalize gay marriage in Alabama and see how far they get.

And make no mistake, had Davis voted "yes" he would have likely been criticized by these very same people for voting against his constituents. Everything can be twisted and oversimplified-- particularly when coming from those who are or who have worked for a political opponent..

One commenter goes so far as to proclaim the real problem is the district still is overtly homophobic on political terms. Note the commenter doesn't offer one shred of PROOF the district is overtly homophobic. But the real kick in the head is this comment from the resident right wing radio boy
Blacks are not nearly as pro-homosexual rights... (4.00 / 1)
... as you white liberals seem to believe. (see: Prop 8)

I would guess the 7th District supports Davis on this position by a far majority.

Uh, who made radio boy the authority on black folks and what they believe? How dare he try and blame black folks for prop 8. Facts belie the scapegoating of black folks for prop 8, read them and weep. Black folks know injustice when they see, hear or experience it.

The excuse du jour for hating Dr. Joe Reed is he is an overt, homophobic, racist because of the Patricia Todd affair. Patricia Todd is an openly gay Alabama State Legislator from Birmingham. The big lie is Joe Reed challenged her election because she was gay, but once again the facts belie this charge. According to ADP chair Joe Turnham, a challenged was filed by Gaynell Hendrix's mother in law, not by Joe Reed, because of what happened during the vote and state election law. The racist/homophobic spin started here, the mainstream media picked up the spin, and the rest is a media enabled, revisionist, weapon of mass distraction.

Read the Verified Election Contest for yourself. Jefferson County election officials are accused of preventing a fair, free and full exercise of the electon process, claiming Patrica Todd received “illegal” votes and that vote totals were changed without notification to Ms. Hendricks. No where does it say the election is being challenged on the basis of race or sexual orientation.

It's a big, brazen lie,the majority of black democratic voters are homophobic.

It's a big brazen lie, Joe Reed is a homophobic,bigot.

It's a big brazen lie white folks are softer on gay issues and appear less religious.

It's a brazen lie a nondefense of Artur Davis wasn't a defense of Artur Davis.

It's a big brazen lie Left in Alabama is a progressive blog for a new direction in Alabama politics connecting progressive voices.

In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King,Jr.


kayman said...

I can't offer proof. Read this link:

Maybe you need to read do a little research on the voting records of the counties in AL-7 with the Amendment 774 (Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment) in 2006. FYI, the ban passed overwhelmingly in all the AL-7 counties by a 3-to-1 ratio and this was 2006.

You said I can't provide proof of homophobia and anti-LGBT rights mantra in the district, HA!

Redeye said...

Sorry kayman but a voting record from 2006 is not proof the majority of the people, not to be confused with voters, are homophobic and anti LGBT rights in AL-07. And it certainly doesn't justify Artur Davis voted against the repeal of DADT.

kayman said...

I'm not justifying Davis' stance at all.

Last time, I remember the people who speak their political voice, i.e., "voters" are the ones who matter. If you don't vote then you choose the option of making your voice not count, thus implicitly saying your "voice" doesn't matter. Just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean it's not true.

As Jay-Z said, "People lie, numbers doesn't."

Redeye said...

Jay-Z said numbers doesn't lie or did he say numbers don't lie? Not that it matters and you can take that just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean it's not true spin back over to right leaning LiA. That whine won't hunt here.

Anonymous said...

Great blog post again! You are so on the right track!

Redeye said...

Thanks for reading and for commenting.

kayman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
majii said...

I see that you also have problems being brought to your blog by "those who know everything." I've noticed the trend of some on the left to engage in spreading lies and in smear tactics more often recently. I've even stopped visiting some blogs I used to go to everyday because of the tendency of some bloggers on these sites to "go off half cocked." I'm much too old for that.

Nice blog. Think I'll be stopping by more often.

Redeye said...

Thanks for stopping by and please do stop by more often.