I return from my vacation to find the new School Chief, Dr. Casey Wardynski re enacting General Sherman's march to the Sea, firing teachers and Principals left and right, armed with S. 310, the Students First Act, sponsored by Sen. Trip Pittman and Rep. Chad Fincher. Don't let the name Student's First fool you.
The Students First Act would allow school leaders to operate schools efficiently and effectively. Citizens demand elected and appointed school leaders be accountable to the public so they must have the authority required to operate schools to meet student needs.
Translation, school boards can fire and hire tenured teachers without going through that pesky old Teachers Union (AEA).
Make no mistake: AEA wants to preserve the status quo and is targeting the very heart of Students First in an effort to remove “deference” from the employer decision. S.310 provides a full due process hearing before any termination decision can be made by a school board. The superintendent has the burden to prove that an employee should be terminated for cause. After the decision, a hearing officer would consider an appeal and give deference, or weight, to the school board’s decision which is based on the evidence presented at the hearing. In other words, the hearing officer can not substitute judgment or disregard the employer’s decision, but determines whether or not the school board’s decision is justified and proper.
Which brings us to the dismissal of the Davis Hills Middle School teacher Jo Anne Thompson, and Hampton Cove Elementary School Principal, Fillis McGhee.
Thompson, who according to my sources, is not only a fine person but is an effective language arts teacher at Davis Hills Middle School, was fired for, get this, taking time off during the first week of school to attend the Baptist Church national convention with her pastor husband as she's done for the past NINE years.
Wardynski previously told The Times that Thompson had gone on her trip despite being denied permission by both him and new Davis Hills principal Kirus Johnson. Thompson allegedly told Wardynski she had already purchased her airline tickets and that she'd been allowed to take the time off for the convention for the last nine years.
The allegations against Fillis McGhee are more serious.
The school board voted unanimously to cancel the contract of Fillis McGhee, who was accused of nepotism and fraud by Wardynski. Wardynski said that McGhee had used her position to secure a job for her sister and had falsified documents to get her 2-year-old niece in the system's pre-K program.
Wardynski also said McGhee falsified professional learning plans for several of her teachers, including forging the teachers' signatures on some of the documents. The principal also allegedly charged parents for an after-school tutoring program and had them make the checks out directly to herself.
Note I said the allegations against McGhee are more serious. Under the old law the school district would have to prove the allegations are true. Under the new law, allegations are enough to get you fired.
My sources confirm there is a special interest faction associated with Hampton Cove Elementary who do not want an African American leader at the predominately white school because she was approving too many majority to minority transfers.
Both Thompson and McGhee are fighting their dismissal and this will be the first test of S.310.
According to this comment at al.com Wardinksy is doing what he was hired to do.
Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!
So now we know why Wardinsky was hired, and what he was hired to do.
"Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!"
Casey, if you're reading this, don't do this. You'll only end up with the Department of Justice's foot up your ass behind this, which, when it comes down to it, is effectively promoting the re-segregation of the school system. If you think you're worried about doing the job you were hired to do, imagine how it'll be with those DOJ wingtips traveling up your intestines.
Those guys at AL.com should be glad they have a little Topix-lite they can vent on. It warns everyone else about the attitudes that still linger around the Deep South.
It's not like they haven't been warned.
For some reason the Huntsville City School Board of Education wants the school district released from a court order to desegregate all though the school district is segregated. The Department of Justice told them not to even think about being released from the federal court order.
The District’s 2007-2008 overall student enrollment was 43.1% black and 48.7% white. However, the majority of the District’s 47 schools were racially identifiable black or white due to the composition of their respective student bodies.
Here is the *ahem* rationale for the segregation
The DoJ can’t force people to live where they don’t want to live (yet), so it is basically saying that either Huntsville must engage in massive busing or… engage in massive busing.
At some point, Casey's gonna get the bright idea of being the first (or one of the first) superintendents to dissolve the public school system and initiate a private charter-based system, just to get from under that desegregation order. I assume all of the "urban" and "problem" students the new system doesn't want to deal with will get dumped on the county school system.
The County won't allow the "urban and problem" to be "dumped" on them, so in essence they will be tough out of luck.
One thing I will say about the county, they don't have the same racial/segregation problems as the city, they embrace diversity instead of running from it.
If someone asks to be off and is told NO then that's their own fault if they choose to take off any way!! Rumors are not fact! The principal at H.C.E falsified professional learning plans for several of her teachers, including forging the teachers' signatures on some of the documents then she should be FIRED!!!!
Allegations are not facts.
If these facts were proven, would you support the firing?
True! so when and if it's proven will you say racism or will you agree that they should be fired? I think he is not doing the same old thing that has been done and that is a good thing!
If it's proven the H.C.E. principal forged signatures should should be charged with forgery!!!
Time to clean house and improve the Huntsville Schools!!
Keyword...IF. Fire first and prove latter is not the way to "improve" the Huntsville City School system.
Dale Jackson, remember that time you used the official state seal of the Secretary of State to tell Democrats they were supposed to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday? Did you get fired?
I know of instances where it's been proven teachers/coaches forged documents and they didn't get fired, as a matter of fact the parents got in trouble for daring to bring it to the attention of school officials.
What if the allegations about the faction at Hampton Cove who didn't want an African American leader at the school because she was approving too many majority to minority transfers are proven to be true...would you change your tune?
"If these facts were proven, would you support the firing?"
I would, from a strict policy standpoint.
But allowing an individual to take off at the very start of the school year for 9 years running despite policy on the contrary says a lot about the school board.
"If it's proven the H.C.E. principal forged signatures should should be charged with forgery!!!"
Has any other school official or parent ever been charged with forging paperwork? These aren't bad checks we're dealing with.
Ohioans already have to deal with the embarrassment of locking up a mother who sent her kid to school out-of-zone. I don't think Huntsville should have itself put on the map for something similar.
"Dale Jackson, remember that time you used the official state seal of the Secretary of State to tell Democrats they were supposed to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday? Did you get fired?"
I do remember, it was not illegal and there were no charges. No i did not get fired.
"I know of instances where it's been proven teachers/coaches forged documents and they didn't get fired, as a matter of fact the parents got in trouble for daring to bring it to the attention of school officials."
That shouldn't of happened... Dr. Anne Roy Moore failed those parents and the system by not investigating that. Let's name names.
Was this before or after your husband was convicted for making terroristic threats at school?
"What if the allegations about the faction at Hampton Cove who didn't want an African American leader at the school because she was approving too many majority to minority transfers are proven to be true...would you change your tune?"
I sure would, let's bust that mess up.
Um no, it's not illegal for YOU to use the official seal of the Alabama Secretary of state on a document telling Democrats to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. If a democrat had done that it would have been considered attempted voter suppression.
Dr.Moore was operating under the direction and with the approval of the school board as is Dr. Wardinsky.
The links I provided are proof of the majority to minority transfer allegations.
Go to the school you are zoned for!! If the teachers in the schools people wish to transfer from were horrible then they would not be employed!! It would stop overcrowding and stop schools from have to few students and the school could stay open! College is where you choose your school!!!!
Why should the government choose which public schools taxpayers students attend? The tax dollars which fund the schools aren't allocated or collected according to zone.
Taxpayers should have the option to choose which public school their students attend so they can be prepared to choose a college/technical school.
Now if all schools were created equally the zone system wouldn't be a problem, but since they are not it is unfair to force taxpayers to send their students to low achieving schools.
What if every student wanted to attend the same school then what? That's why you go by a zone system!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do not like the school where you live.....MOVE to the area of the school you want to attend!!! I'd like to see the students who go out of zones to attend schools tax records!! I'm curious if their tax dollars are going to schools or is it my tax dollars from the welfare checks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are many FREE programs so one can better themselves and achieve a better education job etc then they can move to the so called good schools!!
Now if all schools were created equally the zone system wouldn't be a problem,
What schools? Why are they not created equal? I'd like an explanation! Name them!!
You might want to ask yourself if it's the school or the students in the school as to why the schools bad!! My vote is the students!
Since school is the subject here is one for you! These are the types of problems that plague schools! Does this happen in Huntsville? I say YES!!
Second school district caught in racial cheating scandal.
First Atlanta and now Philadelphia. In an effort to close the black vs. white academic achievement gap, black teachers and administrators were cheating to inflate their students standardized test scores.
One teacher has come forward and admitted that “unethical behavior” was committed on a large scale. All in hopes of raising black scores in compliance with No Child Left Behind.
Redeye, There is no information regarding these special factions and now it has been reported that Moore knew of these problems at Hampton Cove and did nothing...
As to the State Seal issue, I want you to understand this... A grand jury was convened and no charges filed. What more do you want? Troy King tried to nail me for political reasons and lost. I guess your OK with that?
Every parent wants access to the best public school their tax dollars can buy. If all the schools were equal all the students wouldn't want to attend the same school. Moving to the area of the school zone parents want their children to attend is easier said than done.
And even children whose parents receive aide deserve access to a quality public education.
Students don't allocate funds, develop the curriculum, formulate policies,hire and fire teachers/principals and support staff, so my bet is on the people who do when identifying why schools are under achieving. My bet is there are people who share your point of view in positions of power to exercise racism.
I would like to see your tax records so I can see if any of my tax dollars are funding Confederate Memorial Parks, or illegal wars, or tax cuts for the rich...oh wait.....
Racism is not saying go to the school you are zoned for. As I have said before the race card is played out!! What is is when someone constantly trys to find racism in every situation? I'll be glad to see the day when the race card is not played anymore!
Racism is : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to exploitation of either racist or (more frequently) anti-racist attitudes to gain a personal advantage, typically by falsely accusing others of racism against oneself.
In other words, Playing the race card is something white people say when they want to marginlize and minimize racist, racism.
Calling out racism doesn't make me a racist nor does it mean I am playing the race card.
I'll be glad when you stop dealing cards from the race deck.
Who decides the school zones? My bet is on people who share your point of view.
ale Jackson, as to the state seal issue, I don't have a problem with your being cleared of the charge by a federal grand jury (the jury must have been comprised of listeners to your show), that's the American way. Shouldn't Thompson, Henderson and McGhees be afforded the same rights? Shouldn't the allegations against them have to be proven before they are punished? Or is justice just for republicans?
Regarding zones:
Lee HS is underpopulated. Huntsville High is overpopulated. Simple solution: send all kids north and east of Governor's to Lee (present north border for Huntsville is Pratt/Bankhead. Likelihood of this happening without a fight: zilch. Reason: money and racism.
Neighborhood schools: take a look at map of Huntsville and school zones. Tell me exactly what the neighborhood school is for those who live west of Balch off 72 (Balch is west of Wall Triana). There is a ridiculously huge part of the City of Huntsville -- roughly 18 miles N to S, 10 east to west where there are 2 elementary schools, at present 2 but soon to be 1 middle, and 1 high school (not counting the school of choice, New Century). Neighborhood schools in this City became an Andy of Mayberry dream for lots of kids when the annexations of properties west to 65 began.
Do schools become under and over populated due to allowing kids to attend school out of zone based on their skin color and diversity? If so then attend the school you are zoned for or move! If you do neither than quit crying about it!!
Good idea about Lee and Huntsville High...change the names to North Huntsville High and South Huntsville High...New Century Tech/Colombia is supposed zoned for Balch road, however when parents realize the new High School on County line is closer than NCTH/Colombia, I think they will push for annexation back to the County.
Elem/middle schools could become schools of choice...with magnet type programs and magnet program racial rations..students would attend schools based on their interest instead of their parents income.
Of course non of this will happen because it's too much like right and all children will have equal access to a quality education.
Neighborhood schools are segregated schools because the neighborhoods are segregated by race and by class. Those who can move from North Huntsville to the detriment of the under class.
Not my fault or anyone else if someone can not move to go to another school!!
Schools become overpopulated due to poor zoning and planning decisions more so than they do transfers, FED UP.
Lee absorbed far more (171) transfers than did Grissom or Huntsville combined last year (42/66=108).
But Lee is still underpopulated. Why? Because it has been ridiculously overbuilt, for reasons best known to someone else. When the dilapidated school needed replacing, the new Lee to open this fall was built for 1,672 students. Lee's enrollment? 2000-01: 919. 05-06: 870. 10-11: 807. Projected: 2015-16: 761. 20-21: 584.
With planning like that, things are not going to get better.
So we are stuck with a half empty school in a negative-growth area.
So why not redraw the lines and send all north of Governor's & Hampton Cove to Lee rather than Huntsville. If that opens up space at Huntsville, move lines to accommodate some of the overage at Grissom.
Do you have a reasoned rather than emotional objection to this?
That might work! I just STRONGLY disagree with allowing anyone to attend another school based on skin color! That is racist to the other children not chosen! Go to the school you are zoned for and the new zone idea sounds good to me!!
I grew up 2 miles from Bob Jones and 15 from Sparkman why couldn't I go to Bob Jones? Because I lived on the North side of Hwy 72 which at that time was zoned that way.
I strongly disagree with segregated schools.
The U.S. Supreme Court strongly disagrees with separate and unequal schools too. Brown v. Topeka Kansas Board of Education.
I never said put whites in one school and blacks into another! I say go to school where you live! What if a football team is better at another school and a star player want to attend that school instead of his so he may be looked at by colleges. Do we let him go to the out of zone school? NO. then you would have everyone wanting to go back and forth etc etc. If that player is not allowed to then no one else should either!!!
My understanding is if that football player is eligible to transfer for a reason covered by HCS policy, he can. But at least for the first year -- and maybe all -- he can only play on teams of his zoned school.
What if FED UP draws the zone lines?
What I'd someone who thinks like FED UP draws the zone lines?
What if someone FED Up voted for draws the zone lines?
0h wait....
What if redeye drew the lines for white folks? ha ha ha YOU are the RACIST my friend! Stop hiding and just say so. I can tell by what you write in your blog!!
Redeye wouldn't draw zone lines, Redeye would make all the schools equal and have public school choice. Students and parents could attend schools based on their interest and not their address.
what do you do when 90% choose the same school?
90% won't choose the same school because each school will offer a different specialized curriculum. Also the student population will reflect the racial composition. There will be no more majority black or majority white schools.
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