
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Not playing the "race baiting race" card

Sending the Azalea Trail Maidens as Alabama's one and only official representative to the Inaugural Parade of the First African American President is not playing the race baiting race card.

Calling the first African American President of the United States a Kenyan born, Muslim is not playing the race card.

Calling the first African American President of the United States a Tar Baby is not playing the race card.

Calling the first African American President of the United States your boy and an ol'boy is not playing the race cards.

No really racially charged words here. No Siree.

Nope, those are terms used to disrespect the first African American President of the United States of America but they are not meant to be racist.

I declare, some people just go around LOOKING for reasons to be offended.

Just look away

Look away

Look away


Hello this is Hank Sanders, Alabama state Senator, and I’m still mad as hell. I say hell no! I ain’t going back to the cotton fields of Jim Crow days. I’m going forward with Ron Sparks, Jim Folsom and others who would do right by all of us. I hope you are mad as hell and will not go back, and you have the power to choose. I will stand until hell freezes over for Ron Sparks for Governor and Jim Folsom for Lt. Governor on November the 2nd.
Democrats likely need a strong turnout among black voters in Alabama to elect Sparks to the governor's office and Folsom as lieutenant governor.

When asked about the calls Friday, Sparks said, "If you believe there is not racism in this state, then you are not living in the same state I am living in."

Republican governor candidate Robert Bentley said the calls are an attempt at race-baiting, and Sanders and Sparks should apologize for them.
Translation-It's not race baiting unless we say it's race baiting.

Nod, nod, wink, wink.

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