What just happened?
The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate and successful hoax in which the nation's first black president, the Democratic and Republican parties, Wall Street and corporate media all played indispensable parts. The object of the supposed “crisis” was to short circuit public opinion, existing law, democratic process and traditions of public oversight, in order to deal fatal blows to Medicaid, Medicare, social security, job growth and public expenditures for the common good. It worked. We've been conned.
Now they call for "leadership"
Can't Make This Up: After Staying Silent Until Budget Deal Passed, AFL-CIO Now Issues a "Call for Leadership and for Action"
The result was as painful as it was predictable.
If nothing else, the debt ceiling crisis provided what Barack Obama is so fond of calling a "teachable moment." Hopefully, that extends to the President himself. After seeing his nominees blocked, his legislation filibustered and popular upper-income tax increases delayed by Republicans who withheld their support from his watered down stimulus and health care programs, President Obama nevertheless continued to seek common ground with those whose only goal remains his political destruction. The result was as painful as it was predictable.
Hope is not a plan
When everyone says a deal sucks it sucks.
Our Congress Critters protected their modest wealth.
Happy Birthday Mr. President, enjoy your birthday cake while the rest of us choke on a sugar coated Satan Sandwich.
What is a Satan sandwich exactly? According to a 2004 Urban Dictionary definition, it’s Dressing up a successful right-wing hostage-taking situation as an act of political compromise.
Un Huh.
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