I wish I could say I am surprised a Huntsville Judge ruled in favor the Huntsville City Schools, against former Hampton Cove Elementary Principal Fillis McGhee, but I'm not. I can tell you from personal experience the judicial system and the school system work hand in hand to legally lynch parents, teachers and administrators who....challenge the status quo. The little guys and gals can't win or get a fair break.
If anyone believes the reason McGhee was fired for submitting fraudulent teacher evaluations to the central office, lying about her 2 year old nieces age to get her into a district's pre-K program, and using her position to secure her sister a job as an instructional aide, look no farther than the al.com comment section to see who the Judge really ruled in favor of.HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- A judge this afternoon ruled that the Huntsville school board was justified in firing Hampton Cove Elementary's principal on accusations of nepotism and fraud.
Fillis McGhee was placed on administrative leave in August after Dr. Casey Wardynski, Huntsville's new superintendent, accused her of submitting fraudulent teacher evaluations to the central office, lying about her 2-year-old niece's age to get her into the district's pre-K program and using her position to secure her sister a job as an instructional aide.
The allegations against McGhee were hashed out in court. Allegations bought forth by Jackie Walker, coordinator of the pre-K program, Laura Chisler, the pre-K teacher at Hampton Cove, special education director Amy Sledge and Onin Staffing, a temporary employment service.
Sledge testified Wednesday that McGhee also tried to have her niece evaluated for special education services. Sledge said she told McGhee she couldn't evaluate the girl because the girl's score could be skewed by the age discrepancy. At that point, McGhee became angry, asking, "Why is everyone in my business?" Sledge said."It was a little intense," Sledge said.During cross-examination, Jake Watson, McGhee's attorney, seemed to imply that Sledge might be testifying out of fear of losing her job. He asked if she'd heard rumors that her job might be cut by the new superintendent.Sledge, appearing startled, said she hadn't heard those rumors.
The atmosphere of intimidation and fear of retribution is real.
The Court is helping Wardinsky do what he was hired to do.My sources confirm there was a special interest faction associated with Hampton Cove Elementary who did not want an African American leader at the predominately white school because she was approving too many majority to minority transfers.
Lynching Complete.Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!
Fillis McGhee got caught abusing her position and now must live with the consequences.
Don't do the crime if can't do the time.
Is it even possible for a black person to EVER be guilty of a crime? The FACTS in this case were clear and overwhelming. Are you disputing the facts or are you saying you don't care if principals engage in the malfeasance that Ms. McGhee did?
Moore Must GO wrote:
moore, obammy and the principal at hampton cove elementry school are all products of that great program called "affirmative action". I have never seen anything good come out of this program.
he yahoos on the school board kept giving Anne Roy Moore the grade of A in all areas. Remember these idiots. Doug Martinson is a radical left-wing liberal pushing democrat candidates. If a candidate is endorsed by Doug Martinson, vote for the other guy!
Doug Martinson is a AEA tool. He pushed for raises that we couldn't afford. He sent the school board to Georgia to recruit teachers who speak Spanish. They didn't plan ahead, yet kept giving Anne Roy Moore high grades so she could get huge bonuses.
Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!
Good work Wardynski! Now, with the new Student's First Act and tenure law, the school board will be the ones deciding to uphold the terminations of the Coach and Davis Hills teacher. Keep strong school board and do the RIGHT thing - uphold these terminations. As far as the principal, we can only hope the judge has enough common sense to not allow someone with such questionable character (and fraudulent activity) lead one of our schools.
If that's not "racial" what is?
Anonymous#2, I don't know why you think you have the right to come to my blog and call me names but you don't. I am not a "racial moron", I am a human being.
Tolerant people can agree to disagree without resorting to name calling, personal attacks, or insults. Those are the rules at RedEye's Front Page, this is not the al.com forum.
Anonymous#3 you said-Are you disputing the facts or are you saying you don't care if principals engage in the malfeasance that Ms. McGhee did?
I wasn't in the courtroom so I don't know what the facts are. I only know what the Huntsville Times told me the facts are.
Why wouldn't I care if principals engage in malfeasance? My question is why are only African American principals and teachers prosecuted and convicted of malfeasance?
The former principal of Lee High School was caught with crack cocaine in his car and in his office. Was he convicted or fired? No. He was allowed to resign.
School Board Attorney J.R. Brooks "forgot" to get Justice Department approval for the building of Hampton Cove Elementary School. Was he convicted or fired? NOPE.
School Board Member David Blair moved outside of the district he was elected to represent and lied about it. Was he removed from the school board? NO. As a matter of fact he's serving a second term on the board.
And let's not even talk about the instances of the School Board violating the Open Meetings Acts.
I guess it depends on who is doing the malfeasance. When parents accuse white teachers and principals of malfeasance they find themselves in trouble.
The link that says post a comment gives anyone the ability to say what they want. You call people racist in every post. Are you the only person allowed to do that here? You make people that are proven guilty into racial martyrs. Guilt was proven!
Remember Richard Showers' "lynching" after guilt was admitted?
Stop looking for racism in everything and try living a happy life of coexistence. It is possible, and even fulfilling.
Also, learn to count. You skipped #1 and created #3.
I do not call people racist at every post.
I do not make people who are proven guilty into racial martyrs. Those are your words not mine.
I don't look for racism in everything. Racism finds me in everything.
Remember Mayor Spencer calling Councilman Richard Showers "uppity"?
Remember Mayor Tommy Battle throwing a bottle cap at Councilman Showers?
Richard Showers admitted to buying $40.00 worth of gas for his daughter in the aftermath of a deadly and destructive tornado. I would HOPE any caring, involved father would do the same.
You can say what you want, but you that doesn't include name calling, personal attacks and insults. We have standards around here. If you can't abide by those standards I'm going to ask my ex friend over at LiA how to ban you.
It's good to see others disagree with Redeye. Most all posts are as Anonymous said "You call people racist in every post. Are you the only person allowed to do that here? You make people that are proven guilty into racial martyrs. Guilt was proven!
Remember Richard Showers' "lynching" after guilt was admitted?
Stop looking for racism in everything and try living a happy life of coexistence. It is possible, and even fulfilling."
When did "uppity become a racist word?" The mayor threw the cap down not at Showers it just went in that direction! If he did throw it when did that become racist!!
Redeye always has an excuse for everything involving blacks or either every issue related to blacks is racism! IE If HPD gives a speeding ticket to a black it's because he is black not because he was speeding. If a black did not get a job it's because he's black not because they chose to go with someone else or someone else was better qualified etc. If you are black and don't support Obama you are an Uncle Tom. If you are white and complain about Obama you are racist etc etc.
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races." (Walter Williams)
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.(Walter Williams)
"I do not call people racist at every post." - I fell on the floor laughing.
Fired Grissom coach is white. Guess that just bursts your little bubble.
I guess you're right, though. Despite overwhelming evidence of malfeasance we should give Ms. McGhee back her job and let her operate with impunity. Because any effort to enforce rules/laws is clearly racist.
I'm glad you mentioned the fired Grissom High School Coach Anonymous. He was thrown in the mix because he was white, so y'all could say it wasn't all black. And so they could hire the ex Madison Academy Football coach to take his job. A coach who is not a member of AEA.
The Grissom Coach firing stinks to high heaven too.
The firing is justified he was was drunk on campus and was arrested! What if an uproar was made and made him a white martyr and yell and scream he was fired because he is white? He made a mistake and was let go. ENOUGH SAID! The same should have happened to Showers!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous thanks for being here I think Redeye deleted my last post thanking you and stating other facts!
FED UP=Anonymous
Assumption = You look stupid.
Are you just not used to seeing posts from people that don't share your racist views? These are three different people (2 as anonymous) that probably represent what many others would say if they read your racist rants.
The Grissom coach was fired because he was white in an effort to smoke the tail? That's beyond laughable!
Check with your ex-friend, (why aren't they still your friend?), if you can't handle people thinking for themselves. Is he someone that was convicted as a terrorist? You know one of those right?
WOW Redeye I've told you before I always post as FED UP. I have read other comments here that have said anonymous and was also blamed for leaving the comments!
Does anonymous know Redeye? I was curious if Redeye was male or female?
Dale Jackson, you used the official state seal of the Alabama Secretary of Alabama in a memo telling Democrats they were supposed to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. Did you get fired?
YOU don't get to decide How, when or what I talk about on my blog. No one is forcing you to read or comment.
I guess you FED UP and Anonymous just happen to have the same IP address.
I know you are a lie now trace my ip again and anonymous and see that they are not the same.
Thanks Dale for the comments. Please explain the "To anonymous 83, the terrorist is her husband and she will never figure out how to ban anyone."
"Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!"
You continuing to tell multiple people that they are one person makes about as much sense as telling us a white guy got fired to cover up a racist plot. I guess he was part of the "master" plan too wasn't he?
The fact that you will get on here and state that we have the same IP address as if it is fact sheds a lot of light on your other statements. You might want to check with your ex friend again.
Oh, and don't bother having someone threaten me. I'm not a cheerleading coach.
Damn it. Redeye unraveled the plot.
Wardynski* was hired to fire all the blacks. City planners are secretly purchasing a remote island to move them to. In order to obfuscate his plans he took the Grissom coach out drinking and then handed him the keys to a school truck and commanded him to do some work at the field & called the police. All part of the plan!
Careful, your racism is getting in the way of rational thought.
*Whose name you consistently spell wrong for one of the following reasons:
1) His name is Polish and therefore inherently "white." Since you hate white people you butcher his name as a symbol of your feelings (consciously or not). If we were talking about a black person named LaQuatius I damn well bet you would spell it correctly every time.
2) You are lazy and ignorant.
3) All of the above.
FED UP, Redeye is a female named Eddgra. Here is some background info on her hubby: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/al-court-of-criminal-appeals/1440421.html
The atmosphere of intimidation and fear of retribution is real.
Dull Jackson of Attack Machine.
Much like the god-like Corporate CEO dressing down Howard Beale got in the movie Network, two things became clear after Dull Jackson's posting a frudulent document.
First and foremost, "No Harm, No Foul." The targeted audience pays no more attention to Dull Jackson than the justice system does. It was considered the act of an entertainer and a clown.
However, Dull's masters took a dimmer view, and suspended him for a week without pay. "Remember, Dull," they said,"you are our puppet."
After all, Dull is a whore. His message - show and blog - is to sell advertisement. There is no other purpose. He serves his masters for a paycheck. You cannot trust what he says, because he is a paid shill.
At Redeye's Front Page, we recognize the battle of ideas, not selling. We are anonymous because we don't have any need for economic or social status reward, or even infamy, but Dull posts under his name - "The show must go on."
And then, absent facts and ideas, or even understanding of the fundamental basic principle Redeye has always unflinchingly stood for, Dull Jackson has to go for the personal attack. Can't beat the message, so beat on the messenger. Attack Machine, right?
Debate the ideas and propositions put forward here - or go away.
We tried that. The facts are clear. She was proven guilty. But that doesn't matter to blind-eye. It only matters that the guilty party is black, therefore the ruling is racist. Prove racism and we'll all shut up. But you can't. When a guilty party is guilty, hitching your racist wagon to them only serves to make you look one-dimensional.
I wonder, has there ever been a black person, in your opinion, that has been proven guilty of a crime because of their guilt?
By the way, Richard Showers demanded city gas for his daughter from the pumps that were to be used only by essential city employees. Not only was his daughter not essential, he wasn't either. Then, when he was caught, he went back and paid for it and you called it a lynching. Where was the lynching? It was a clear cut case of someone doing wrong and getting caught. If it had been a white man would you have defended him, or attacked him?
I bet a white man would have been taking that gas so that black people couldn't have it. I've read enough of your garbage to come to that conclusion.
I bet if a black man posted a fraudelent document telling republicans to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday he would have been prosecuted and comnvicted to the full extent of the law.
Individual behavior is not the issue. People behave badly quite often. The question is, how as a society do we mete out justice? Who do we pursue? What are the results - and what are the motives behind those results?
A recent example - crack or cocaine. Same drug - period. "Different" users. Different sentences. Different justice. Different incarceration figures and results. Jails filling up with poor black crack users -- rehab, probation, reduced sentences, dismissed cases, failure to target or prosecute for more affluent white cocaine possession.
After review, the judicial system recognized inherent racist prosecution and sentencing, and required equal justice in our legal system - it was just so obvious!
This is just one tiny example of the institutional and defacto racism across the board in our society.
Aside from the failure of "liberty and justice for all" and God-given equality, we should all remember one thing.
If our legal and political system is allowed to take our rights away from some, what is to stop the system from taking them away from you?
"Denying racism is the new racism." Ignoring the facts right before your eyes has to mean something. Denying facts has to mean something. Since you condone and apologize for racist outcomes, doesn't that make you a supporter of racism? It can't just be ignorance - or you wouldn't have a beef with Redeye!
I'm glad other are her and expressing their opinions about the BIG RACIST redeye!
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races." (Walter Williams)
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.(Walter Williams) Walter is BLACK!
WOW REDEYE I read the link about your spouse who was lawfully arrested and convicted and I see why you were adamant about freeing troy "thug cop killer" davis not only because he was black but because you feel that all blacks are innocent like you feel about your spouse!!
I read the article and he was found guilty twice ha ha ha ha The system does work. I'd laugh if the Cheer leading coach would have knocked his a## out when he came at her in a threatening manner!!!
You guys are 100% correct with your post REDEYE IS A BIG RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weapon of mass distraction alert! It's easier to make RedEye the subject than talk about the substance and subject of this diary.
And for those of you emailing asking me to ban FED UP and Alter Egos, the answer is no, because if I did I would be just like them. And who would win in the end? Not us progressives\liberals that's for sure.
I have no alter ego trace my ip again PLEASE. There are others who know that you are as RACIST as the KKK!!!!!!!!!
You cry you scream you keep that double standard and keep living your lie. Walter Williams says it best!!!!
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races." (Walter Williams)
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.(Walter Williams) Walter is BLACK!
Redeye, would you have this blog and your twisted views about racism if you spouse ("thug") had not been arrested?
This is the mentality that elected the school board.
This is why there is no HOPE for the black\brown\poor students in Huntsville, AL.
The atmosphere of fear and intimidation is real.
This is the atmosphere in which teachers have to teach and students try to learn.
Lord help them.
Redeye this is why you are a joke. You know damn well that I use my name and my name alone when posting. We also know that you are incredibly stupid, so to think anyone believes that you know how to check IP addresses is laughable. You know I am not using other names. If I say it, it will say "Dale Jackson".
I dare you to show proof (screen capture) that shows the IP addresses are the same. Hell, I bet you don't even know how to do that.
Now to the rest of your idiocy.
Yep, I used the state seal in an awesome prank. Troy King was mad at me for asking him if he was gay and he tried to prosecute me. I beat him in court, innocent until proven guilty right? McGhee had her chance in front of a judge and lost, I won.
I always win.
You whine about political prosecutions and don't care that I was a victim of one. You are upset that I make you upset, sad, irritable and embarrass you. It is too easy.
"YOU don't get to decide How, when or what I talk about on my blog. No one is forcing you to read or comment."
Never said I could dictate your stupidity. I am just pointing out how pathetic and wrong you are.
"I bet if a black man posted a fraudelent document telling republicans to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday he would have been prosecuted and comnvicted to the full extent of the law."
They attempted a prosecution and I won, why do you ignore that.
Hey yellow dog, Do you know what irony is? Let me give you a clue... "Dull Jackson has to go for the personal attack."
"And for those of you emailing asking me to ban FED UP and Alter Egos, the answer is no, because if I did I would be just like them. And who would win in the end? Not us progressives\liberals that's for sure."
You don't know how. And how sad it is that your progressive friends love cracking down on people who disagree with them.
Keep up the comedy blog, Redeye.
Keep coming to the comdey blog Dale Jackson, I mean FED UP, I mean Anonymous, I mean Different Anonymous. You are very entertaining. It must be lonely over at the Attack Machine and on the radio.
AGAIN I am only posting under FED UP. I am pleased to see that Dale and the others realize that you are RACIST!
Why not go on the Dale Jackson show?
If I were other people I would have known long ago about your husband and made a comment on it!!!!!!!!!! I just found out and read the article about his criminal thug behavior on this recent blog!!!
Redeye said
"The atmosphere of fear and intimidation is real."
"This is the atmosphere in which teachers have to teach and students try to learn."
Are you talking about when your husband made threats to a FEMALE teacher/cheer leading instructor in front of KIDS!!!!!!!!?????????? If not when you you blog on how to behave as an adult and not make threats toward others! Was the lady white? I bet she was!!!!! WOW HE'S A RACIST IN REDEYES WORLD!!!
So this is how you are going to handle people who disagree with you? You are going to lie and imply that all these posts are from me?
Pretty weak.
"Why not go on the Dale Jackson show?"
I would rather walk through hell with a pair of gasoline drawers on than appear on your show Dale Jackson. I don't listen to your show. I boycott your shows advertisers and sponsors, and I vote against politicians you support.
Thanks but NO thanks.
Hope I got it right this time.
I'm not Dale Jackson, the other anonymous, (I wouldn't know there was more than one unless I knew the posts weren't all by me), or FED UP.
YOU are a racist with no real point to make other than white people hate black people.
Sure, there are some racist white people. But in my life I've been exposed to many more racist black people than whites. But you get away with it because ' only white people can be racist'.
Have you tried yet to prove that racism was involved in convicting this guilty person? I haven't seen anything that even begins to convince me.
Except that "racism finds you in everything". You know what they say. There's one in every bunch, and if you can't find the one, its you. The only way racism "finds you" is that you paint everything with the same racist brush.
I will remain anonymous. Mainly because its so much fun to watch you repeatedly state that we're all one person. You have to realize you prove your stupidity when you continue to do that and we all know we're not.
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races." (Walter Williams)
Moore Must GO wrote:
moore, obammy and the principal at hampton cove elementry school are all products of that great program called "affirmative action". I have never seen anything good come out of this program.
My sources confirm there was a special interest faction associated with Hampton Cove Elementary who did not want an African American leader at the predominately white school because she was approving too many majority to minority transfers.
I've yet to see a source cited. Am I missing something? Is there anything other than someone telling the new super not to bow down to special interest groups and not to allow racial transfers. I agree with both of those ideas.
Transferring someone based solely on race is racist. No matter how you look at it.
Not Dale Jackson
Not other anonymous
Transferring students based solely on race is the LAW. No matter how you look at it.
Read all about it.
The Board of Education assumes primary responsibility for developing and implementing a
system of student transfers. The following definitions and conditions will apply in the context
of this policy and only applications for the following reasons will be accepted provided space
is available at the requested school.
A. Majority to Minority - The school district shall permit a student attending a school in which
the student's race is in the majority to choose to attend another school where the student's
race is in the minority.
B. Percentage - To enhance desegregation, the school district may permit a Black student to
transfer to another school provided that the percentage of Black students is greater at the
school to which the student is assigned than it is at the school to which the student seeks
to transfer. Also, the school district may permit any other student to transfer to another
school provided that the percentage of Black students is less at the school to which the
student is assigned than it is at the school to which the student seeks to transfer. The
transferee must provide transportation.
New posting rules starting NOW.
1. Any comments that includes name calling, personal attacks or insults will be deleted. Attack the issue not the person. Tolerant people can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
2. Any comments by anonymous, different anonymous etc. will be deleted.
3. Any comments that include the educated black man Walter Williams quote will be deleted.
4. Any comments not on topic will be deleted.
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