The elitist Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads, are scratching their head pretending they don't know why in the world we the real American people have taken to the streets. According to them the protest doesn't have a clear message for them to mock, and no clear leader for them to bash.
It makes me want to holler, we want what you have...a high paying job...access to quality affordable medical, dental and mental health care.... 401k, portfolios, retirement and stock options.....several homes....an education...the ability to educate our children....the ability to take care of our elderly parents....the ability to travel around the country and the world....the ability to feed our families..... $200 dollar hair styles, designer clothes and shoes....OK, that last part was a snark but you get my drift.
Psst Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads! We the real American people are tired of the rich getting richer while the rest get the shaft.
We the real Americans are tired of being asked to do all the sacrificing of life and limb.
We the real Americans are tired of being lied into unjust, illegal, immoral wars.
We the real Americans want our damn country back.
You got that?
If not, watch, listen and learn as former Congressman Alan Grayson (D. Florida) breaks it down for you, that is if you really want to know what the occupation is all about.
Weapon of mass distraction.
Occupy Wall Street
Distraction - exactly.
Effup is a tool who serves his rich masters. I guess he believes in trickle down economics and will be rewarded by the 1% he serves. ButI bet he is part of the 99% who are protesting the economic inequality and injustice created by the 1% with their money and power.
While it is terrible that bad people on the other side of the world prey on the weak, our problem is Hillary and Barack are responsible?
The only thing trickling down on Effup ain't money.
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