Thousands of his supporters and loved ones will gather at Jonesville Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, to honor the spirit and legacy of a man who has galvanized a global movement for justice.
We would like you to join us, too.
To accommodate the worldwide demand to mark this moment together, as a global community, Troy's family has generously allowed his funeral to be broadcast live on www.NAACP.org.
Beginning at 11 a.m. today 10/01/2011, you will be able to share the experience with the Davis family and Troy's supporters and loved ones around the world.
Troy Davis: A Celebration of Life
Saturday, October 1st, 2011 at 11 a.m.
Watch the service live at www.NAACP.org
Even in the face of death Troy understood how his story could change this country forever. In the days and weeks ahead, we will work to ensure that Troy's mission is carried out, and the brutal practice of the death penalty is abolished in this country once and for all.
Troy's story has touched each of our lives. Please join us tomorrow as we stand alongside his family in this time of reflection and remembrance.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO
P.S. Many have asked about contributions to the Davis family. Letters of condolence may be sent to "I am Troy Davis," P.O. Box 2105, Savannah, GA 31407
In lieu of flowers, donations may be mailed to: "I Am Troy Fund," Capitol City Bank, 339 MLK, Jr., Blvd. Savannah, Georgia 31401
P.P.S. If you have not yet already, please sign the petition in Troy's memory, calling for an end to the death penalty in the United States: http://action.naacp.org/EndTheDP
What legacy? The career criminal legacy? The cop killer legacy?
Will the NAACP have a day to honor the murdered officer? Even if you and the NAACP think he was innocent why are there never events like this by the NAACP for the white officer that was killed?!
The money collected could go to the officers family!
I just pointed out the TRUTH yellowdog! I will keep posting!
Yellowdog...no one on here CARES about the officer or his family! All we ever read or hear about from liberals is Troy this Troy that!What about officer MacPhail and his family?
I am tired of liberals taking up the cause for murders, thugs, career criminals like Troy Davis, Tookie Williams etc etc etc It's time for the liberals to care about the victims!!!
When will the NAACP hold nay event for a white person?
You say it's ok to kill cops? You are one crazy messed up person in need of some medicine!!! The way you and others think is insane. If a cop is bad then he goes intot he system same as a thug like troy davis!!!!!
Although I disagree with REDEYE on most post I am sure Redeye would not agree with your statement ..."He was a pig who DESERVED to be killed"! Do me a favor, when someone does harm to you or your family DO NOT CALL 911!
Officer Mark McPhail, nor Troy Davis DESERVED to be killed by ANYONE.
Violence begets violence.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."
"Forgive them father, for they know not what they are doing."
I never heard of them either but I'm not surprised you dug them up in your pitiful attempt to validate your claim blacks are racist towards white.
Carry on.
I dug them up because Targetingcops posted a link that lead to it! His/her link is just as bad! I did not go looking for it without an invite!!!
This thread is about celebrating the life and legacy of Troy Anthony Davis who went to his grave proclaiming his innocence with grace, courage and forgiveness.
I guess you did not read it all and see pictures of injured cops!
This is the one on his page take a look!
"Our brother Troy Davis died a martyr and a hero in our people's historic struggle for justice against white terrorism. Racist Savannah police regime terrorist Mark MacPhail died in the way of his racially terroristic fathers. Fuck Mark MacPhail."
Texas Black Foot Soldier Masontae Limbrick
Troy's Funeral from the NAACP
Yesterday Troy Davis was laid to rest.
Thousands joined in to celebrate his life at the Jonesville Baptist Church, and tens of thousands more joined online through the webstream. The power of our global community—united to honor, to stand on convictions and to show respect–was palpable inside the church.
There was little talk of sadness, little mention of grief. The Davis family, compelled by their deep faith, chose to celebrate Troy’s spirit, to honor his life, and to continue to move his mission to abolish the death penalty.
Their strength mirrors Troy’s own. Half of his life was spent behind bars, a captive of a system designed to crush even the mightiest of spirits. But Troy never lost hope. He never lost his faith in God or in his higher purpose.
In the execution room, Troy used his last words to proclaim his innocence one final time. He then made a call for his movement—all of our movement—to bring about to end of the death penalty for good. And then, in his final breath, he asked God’s mercy upon those about to kill him.
Even in his darkest hour Troy Davis saw light. In the face of death he showed compassion, resolution and conviction—a bravery that will forever be remembered.
So together, we will honor Troy’s memory and work to end the terror of state sponsored execution. It was a goal of Fredrick Douglass, Ida B Wells, and Thurgood Marshall. And it is a goal that the NAACP will carry forward in the weeks and months ahead.
A punishment reserved almost exclusively for poor people of all colors, and especially for those like Troy who are of color, is not a punishment. It’s the most irreversible and violent act of discrimination, and the ultimate violation of human rights.
The way that each of us can ensure the end of capital punishment comes as soon as possible is to shift from rallies where we shout the slogan I am Troy Davis, to a sustained campaign where we practice the faith of Troy Davis. If our movement is going to be successful, then we must focus on three types of action:
First, we must target the death penalty for elimination in ten more states.
Second, we must approach every sitting District Attorney and candidate for District Attorney and let them know that they will no longer get our votes unless they stop sending people to death row.
Finally, we all must vote. We are more powerful than those who would do wrong in this world. But only through our collective voice will we achieve our goal.
The time has come for us all to come together and finish what our foremothers and forefathers started. We will end the death penalty, and we will do it in honor of Troy Davis.
Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO
PS: If you have not yet signed the petition to end the death penalty of the United States, please do so now, and ask your friends and colleagues to do the same. http://action.naacp.org/EndTheDP
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