According Geek Palaver this was the hot topic at last nights Huntsville City School Board meeting. For those who don't know Wardynski is the new Judge, Jury and Executioner hired by the south Huntsville City School Civic (sic) Association to;
Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!
Now this is how the School Board *cough cough* dressed it up. h/t Geek Pavaler
In case you missed it, tonight the board had yet another discussion about how to evaluate Dr. Wardynski. The board has proposed five goals by which Dr. Wardynski will be evaluated. These are:Board VP David Blair opened the bidding at$10,000 which was supported by his south Huntsville Civic (sic) Association sidekick Dr. Jennie Robinson, who believes that he deserves a bonus because he’s refusing to hire teachers, aides, and other support personnel. Ain't that a dip?
Accelerate Learning at All Levels
Increase Flexibility in the General Fund Budget While Preserving Educational Programs
Build Bench Strength Though Strategic Staffing
Improve Capital Infrastructure
Meet Department of Justice Requirements to Deserve Unitary Status
In any event the discussion of a bonus is *ahem* moot IMHO because Dr. Wardnynski isn't going to meet the goals set forth by the south Huntsville Civic (sic) Association via the School Board. I guess they've forgotten, the certified instructional leader is sitting at home drawing a salary.
What is his plan to accelerate learning for all levels and how in the world is he going to accomplish this without certified teachers and support personnel? And the United States Department of Justice has already told the Huntsville City School System not to even think about being granted unitary status.
The District’s 2007-2008 overall student enrollment was 43.1% black and 48.7% white. However, the majority of the District’s 47 schools were racially identifiable black or white due to the composition of their respective student bodies.The only goal I see him accomplishing is Building Bench Strength Though Strategic Staffing, translation hire more high paid consultants from out of state while firing local teachers and administrators and balancing the budget on the backs of students.
The Board was so busy trying to figure out how much of our tax dollars to give Wardynski they didn't have time to answer any irritating unanswered questions.
Why is the superintendent, with 11 months experience, making $55,000 above the minimum posted salary?If you care about the future of the Huntsville public school system you will get involved.
Why is the deputy superintendent making $7,000 above the maximum posted salary?
Why is the new CSFO making $130,000 a year (or $16,000 more than the previous CSFO)?
Why have all three of the senior members of the central office all come from Aurora, Colorado?
Why has the board unanimously approved 142 of 147 recommendations, most without discussion? (Only 5 have received any dissenting votes. All 147 recommendations from January through August have been approved.)
Why is the board discussing bonuses for the Superintendent and senior staff when they have frozen everyone else’s salaries?
Why are there different policies for hiring administrative staff and teachers where administrators get to name their own salaries, while teachers cannot be hired for more than the state-minimum?
Why is the special education budget being cut from FY2011 to FY2012 by $7 million making up 61% of the total savings projected in the budget from FY2011 to FY2012?
Why have 25 special education coordinators/therapists been moved out of the central office?
Why is the only standard for success used by the board that, “we’re not being sued?”
Why was the FY2012 budget approved before responding to public questions?
Why does the superintendent need so many aides?
If you want the best school system possible for all of our kids, including yours, you will get involved.
If we all work together we can win this war just like they did in Wake County (Raleigh) North Carolina.
In a beautiful reversal of fortunes from the 2009 Wake County, NC School Board elections, the people of Raleigh / Cary and greater Wake County turned out and elected 4 new Democratic School Board members. Not only that, but they also took down long time conservative board chairman Ron Margiotta! The dismantling of the Nationally recognized and applauded Wake County diversity plan will now slow and begin some reversal as well.More on how voters fought the corporate take over of the school district in North Carolina.
Voters in Wake County, N.C. headed to the polls yesterday in high numbers to reject a slate of conservative Republican Board of Education candidates who opposed a longstanding diversity policy aimed at avoiding high-poverty and racially-isolated schools.Education is the HOPE of the republic.
The big win for Democrats and desegregation represents a big loss for conservative benefactor Art Pope, who served as the architect of the 2009 school board election that saw an anti-diversity Republican majority win control of the officially nonpartisan body, and who along with his political network backed yesterday's losing candidates. Pope is one of the most influential money men in North Carolina politics and is a close national ally of the billionaire Koch brothers through his role as a national director of the conservative advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, which backs school privatization and whose North Carolina chapter helped Republicans in the 2009 school board race.
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