The painting is currently displayed in the West Wing of the White House, just outside President Obama's Oval Office.
Unfortunately for black students living in Huntsville, AL, aka The Rocket City, the public school system has been hijacked by a group of people who believe black students don't deserve to have equal access to a quality education because they are... well black. According to them black students either can't learn or don't want to learn and it's all their parents fault for not teaching them how to act like white students, or, because of unfairness in life.
The school system has been co-opted by a group of people who care more about their property values than about all children having equal access to a quality education. The status quo created the best public school system their tax dollars would buy themselves, and the worse public school system their tax dollars couldn't buy for everybody else.
Huntsville integrated it's public school system without armed guards in 1963. From that time until the late 80's Huntsville City Schools were fully integrated. All the schools were considered "good schools" and all the children were learning. First came white flight. Then came black flight. To the detriment of black, brown and poor children.
How did this group of people take over the school system? By electing people who shared their point of view to serve on the School Board, the city council, the county commission, the Mayor, State Senators, State Legislators and United States Congressmen/women by being politically involved.
Parental Involvement is the key. I don't just mean attending PTSA meetings or attending Parent Teacher Conferences, do that too, but become POLITICALLY INVOLVED. The POLITICALLY INVOLVED Parents gets the worm.
Gone are the days when all parents and guardians had to do to ensure their student had access to a quality education was work and pay taxes. Gone are the days when all parents had to do was go to PTSA meetings and Parent Teacher Conferences. Gone are the days when all parents had to was provide students with food, clothing, shelter and school supplies send them off to school and they would learn something.
It is imperative parents be politically involved because if they are not, school administrators and teachers think they don't care about their student. And if they think you don't care, they darn sure won't and don't care.
I am really concerned about the future of public education in Huntsville for black/brown and poor students. I fear they are going to end up being uneducated and miss educated. I fear they will end up being the new slave labor because those in power believe that is what they deserve. I fear, ssegregation today,segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,is here to stay.
Stay tuned for some solutions to the problem black folks still live with.
How is it the schools fault when students REFUSE to learn or put any effort into being good productive students?
"the public school system has been hijacked by a group of people who believe black students don't deserve to have equal access to a quality education because they are... well black."
How can you prove that? Has any one said that?
My problem with the Huntsville City Schools are keep students in the school they are zoned for!!
The teachers at all schools are equally good or they would not have been given a job! Why allow students to attend schools out of their zone when the same education is available within their living area? This is causing over crowding in other schools and causing the schools they are suppose to attend to close due to not having enough students!
I do not see how you can say that a quality education at one school is better than another school. If you truly believe that ask yourself why. Is it the students who cause problems disrupt class and could care less that hold the good students back? I think that has more to do with it than anything. The school system could turn Butler into one big alternative school for the kids who refuse to learn and staff it with all the police officers from the system that are currently in the other schools.
Why cater to the bad students who continue to refuse to learn are who show that they want to be productive? When we do cater the good kids are being neglected.
meant show they don't want to be productive
What "proof" do you have that black students "refuse to learn"\ don't want to be "productive"?
Are students refusing to learn or are schools failing to teach?
Who are the "bad" students and why are they "bad"?
Why should taxpayers be told which public schools their students can or cannot attend?
If all schools are created equal why the disparity in achievement and resources?
Click on the hyper links in the post and read for more "proof" of my assertion(s).
#1 Most schools that have low test scores and graduation rates are predominately black! That's a fact!
#2 The ratio is probably 75% refuse to learn and 25% refuse to teach because they are sick and tired of the few students who cause problems and do not want to learn!
#3 The ones who disrupt class cause problems for teachers other students and other faculty members.
#4 You need a system in place or what's to stop all students in the city from wanting to attend the same school. Hence the zoning rules go to the school nearest to where you live that makes logical sense at least to everyone but liberals!
#5 I'm not sure. All city schools should have the same resources but as far as teachers they all have degrees so they will be like any worker for any company there will be good ones and bad ones.
All black schools and all white schools are against the law. That's a FACT.
Probably is not a FACT.
Liberals pay taxes that fund the school system too.
If all schools had the same resources there wouldn't be any disparities.
Several issues addressed in these posts may be clarified by the article by William L. Conwill and "School climate factors in selected full service and traditional elementary schools in a Southeastern city: Contrasts and comparisons" in the Spring 2007 (Volume 4, Number 1, pages 43-51) issue of the American Association of School Administrators
http://www.aasa.org/uploadedFiles/Publications/Journals/AASA_Journal_of_Scholarship_and_Practice/Spring-07vFINAL.pdf. William L. Conwill
Welcome to the discussion William Conwill. What specific issues addressed in this post are discussed in your article?
Here's something for you to consider.
New Century Technology High is the only school in North Alabama to be named one of America’s best 500 public high schools in the US by Newsweek in 2011.
It is a US News Silver Medal School.
The NCTHS graduation program lists 74 graduates in the Class of 2011. Of these:
47 earned advanced diplomas [64%]
45 were Pathway Completers
36 were award advanced diplomas and were Pathway Completers
1 earned an appointment to the US Air Force Academy
24 reported having won at least one merit scholarship [32%]; 51 scholarships are listed, but the final total could well be higher since these figures are based on what information was available before the graduation program went to press.
Consider the demographics of the self-selected 2010-11 student body of 304 (142 female/162 male) pupils:
16 Asian
126 Black
32 Hispanic
1 Indian
129 White
Also, 41.45 % qualify for free or reduced charge lunch. No other school in the City approaches such a racial or ethnic and economic balance.
126 Black, 129 white, 33 other.
And it is an unzoned school.
havealittletalk said:
Also, 41.45 % qualify for free or reduced charge lunch. No other school in the City approaches such a racial or ethnic and economic balance.
126 Black, 129 white, 33 other.
And it is an unzoned school.
And it is a success.
And it's also the why Colombia was approved by the Justice Department. Now I understand they want to move New Century to Lee. Wonder what the Justice Department has to say about that?
Speaking of the Justice Department and approval, the reason Providence got approved is because the ratios were supposed to reflect the student population of the school system. Wonder what the DoJ has to say about busing 6th grade students to Williams?
Clarification, RedEye said;
And it is a success.
And it's also the why Colombia was approved by the Justice Department. Now I understand they want to move New Century to Lee. Wonder what the Justice Department has to say about that?
Speaking of the Justice Department and approval, the reason Providence got approved is because the ratios were supposed to reflect the student population of the school system. Wonder what the DoJ has to say about busing 6th grade students to Williams?
According to the School Board attorney, JR Brooks, the DoJ is cool with it. Then again, if he misunderstood them, and the HCS lands in court (again), his firm gets the business, like with the principal firings.
Clarifying last comment -- DoJ is cool with shipping Providence 6th graders to Williams, according to Brooks.
I think Dr. Wardynski has the good sense to trash the demographer's recommendations. They haven't been mentioned lately.
There are so many reasons not to move NCTHS. See http://havealittletalk.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/a-message-for-dr-wardynski-superintendent-huntsville-city-schools/
havealittletalk--- you gave me stats on the school how about why the school does so well! Is it the diversity, the students, the teachers are a combination? How to you suggest we make all schools like this one? How many other schools in Huntsville have a 50/50 diversity? I'm curious to see if others do and see what those test scores are. Is this a school for more gifted children?
No other school in Huntsville comes close to having 50/50.
NCTHS didn't set out to achieve this: the students are self-selected. It isn't a gifted program, but students do have to apply. They have to want to learn. Once there, they are expected to work hard. There are very few discipline issues.
My point is that when you write:
"#1 Most schools that have low test scores and graduation rates are predominately black! That's a fact!" you give the impression that you think race is the determining factor in success in school. NCTHS shows otherwise.
Also, if your wish came true, that is, "#4 You need a system in place or what's to stop all students in the city from wanting to attend the same school. Hence the zoning rules go to the school nearest to where you live that makes logical sense at least to everyone but liberals!" there would be no NCTHS.
It would be a wonderful world if everyone wanted to go to a school that was about achievement.
The one interesting page in the Demographer's report [2nd from last page, you can get it at the HCS site] showed where the NCTHS kids are coming from. It's not, except for 25, Grissom [16 kids] and Huntsville [9]. It's Columbia, Lee, Butler, and Johnson.
Moreover, Huntsville High and Grissom together received only 108 transfer students last year [66/42], less than half the number of Black kids at NCTHS.
My interpretation of this is that kids really don't enjoy going where they aren't wanted.
At NCTHS, everyone is a transfer, so everyone starts out on an even playing field.
That is what makes a good deal of difference, I think.
I think it is fascinating because NCTHS's demographics and self-selectivity fly in the face of a lot of what people assume to be true.
"They have to want to learn."
What you said is what I've been saying! That's the major factor in the whole school problem LOTS of the students do not want to learn!
What proof do you have "a lot of black students don't want to learn"?
proof- Most black schools are the ones that have the most problems from students and low test scores!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pull test scores from the schools in Huntsville and any other city then tell me what you find!!!!!!
Again, what proof do you have that most black children don't want to learn, and why wouldn't they "want to learn"?
I assume you are smart enough to figure out if most black schools have lower test scores and graduation rates it's the students fault. There is no way that all the black school that perform badly can say it's the teachers, staff, funding etc. It's not!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not proof, that's a biased opinion and you know what they say about everyone having an opinion don't you?
Are you saying it's the student's fault they aren't learning anything at school?
What part of "all black schools" and all white schools" are illegal don't you understand?
I agree if it were a forced issue having all black and all white schools but its not. The schools having zoning for buses overcrowding etc. If you live in an area zoned for a school then that's were you go. If you want to attend another school move to that area.If you were able to choose the school you went to what is to stop overcrowding? What's to stop the schools that no one wants to go to from having to close? Look at the Huntsville city schools now!! I say it's 75% the fault of the students that are not learning! We have become a society of entitlement! We want it to be given to us and we do not want to work for it ie: welfare, health care, grades, etc!!!
When America stops expecting a handout and begins to do for themselves thing would get better!
No, the schools have zoning to impede integration and enhance segregation.
Taxpayers fund ALL the school so they should be able to attend the best school their tax dollars can buy in or out of their "zone".
Welfare, health care and food aren't given to PEOPLE because they "don't want to work". They are provided to people who can't work. It's not a hand out it is a hand up,
FYI most black students want to learn just like white students so they won't have to depend on people who think like you for a handout. People like you who want to keep them in their "zone". People like you who don't expect or want them to learn.
Black Americans don't want anybody to give us anything. We want America to stop standing in the door so we can get it ourselves.
America is not standing in the doorway! How many people have been on welfare more than 3 years? Numerous. How can you say that they want a hand up? Is has become a lifestyle for many!! Welfare is suppose to be a temporary solution to help families get back on their feet but it has become a way of life!!!!!
There are NUMEROUS FREE programs that people can get into in order to get a hand up. How many are actually in those programs? I'd say very few based on the stats of welfare recipients that have received benefits for over 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FEDUP: Children don't file for welfare; adults do.
If you believe that black communities inculcate in their kids a belief in getting something for nothing, you should be encouraging them to take the majority to minority transfer option to white schools where everyone knows it is hard work alone -- not family money or connections -- that gets you ahead in this world. Right?
More Americans are on welfare thanks to failed republican policies.
Even more Americans are going to be on welfare if the republicans cut social security, pell grants and medicare.
Republicans are not only standing in the door, they are blocking the door.
It's liberals who say it's ok to let people break the law and come here illegally and get free health care welfare and other free money. We could also stop all pf that and save millions. As you said before stop the wars and that would save millions. Then we can get the democrats and liberals to stop passing out welfare like its candy. I disagree with both parties. We need common sense people in office and we should not have parties and we should have term limits.
Slow your roll FED UP. It is a brazen, right wing, LIE liberals say it's ok to let people break the law and come here illegally and get free health care, welfare and other free money. Actually it's your boy Ronnie Regan who said it was OK for Mexicans to come here and work. Then is his side kick Dubya said it was OK for illegals to come here to do the jobs they didn't want to pay black folks a decent wage to do. Y'all didn't start having a problem with them there illegals until they started wanted to be paid and to have equal rights.
republicans are trying to unring a bell while Democrats support a path to citizenship,the DREAM ACT,securing our borders and comprehensive immigration reform.
Democrats wouldn't have to pass out welfare like candy if it weren't for the disasterous republican policies like all war all the time and raiding the surplus to give the rich a tax cut.
Democrats wouldn't have to pass out welfare like candy if republicans hadn't sent all the high tech and manufactoring jobs overseas and to Mexico. When is the last time you watched a TV made in America? When is the last time you bought a piece of furniture made in America? When is the last time you washed your clothes in an American made washing machine?
Democrats wouldn't have to pass out welfare like candy if republicans would lead, follow or get out of the damn way of the clean up.
blah blah blah blah blah
liberal blah blah blah
Back to iggyland you go.
FEDUP wouldn't be here, wouldn't be any place at all, if, like most white Americans, his ancestors had had to wait 20 years to apply for a visa to get out of their famine-ridden lands.
Welcome to my blog roll havealittletalk.
havealittletalk-- I am here and was born here! The illegals were not born here. It's a totally different thing. My ancestors did come here the legal way I'm sure and gave birth to me here so I am legal and breaking no laws by being here! The ones here illegally are breaking a law same as rape,theft murder etc. If a law is broken you pay the consequences but you like most LIBERALS are to stupid to realize the bad effects illegals cause!!
Ask Native Americans about your ancestors. I'm sure they have something to say about rape, theft, murder and the bad effects illegals cause.
Well, FEDUP, if by "illegals" you mean Mexicans, consider this: had the Spaniards stayed in their own country where they belonged instead of coming to the Azetecs' homelands, commiting all kinds of heinous crimes against humanity, there would be no Mexicans. And had the Americans not taken the Southwest from its inhabitants, indigenous and Mexicans, things would be playing out differently as well. This land was their land. The whole idea of the hands the land is in when I'm around meaning that those hands OWN it forevermore in some kind of meaningful way doesn't work, once you start thinking about it.
As for your ancestors coming here legally, well, did they have visas?, green cards?, work permits?
About the only way they could've been illegal c. 1900 would have been if the health inspectors had marked a big X on their backs at Ellis Island and returned them to the ship and they had then jumped ship and swum ashore. So chances are, yeah, they were legal -- but you are comparing apples and aardvarks.
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