It is a brazen, right wing, media enabled, LIE most black students don't want to learn. It is a historical FACT blacks were prohibited from learning.
The most oppressive limits on slave education were a reaction to Nat Turner's Revolt in Southampton County, Virginia during the summer of 1831. This event not only caused shock waves across the slaveholding South, but it had a particularly far-reaching impact on education over the next three decades. The fears of slave insurrections and the spread of abolitionist materials and ideology led to radical restrictions on gatherings, travel, and—of course—literacy. The ignorance of the slaves was considered necessary to the security of the slaveholders (Albanese 1976). Not only did owners fear the spread of specifically abolitionist materials, they did not want slaves to question their lot; thus, reading and reflection were to be prevented at any cost.
African Americans recognize the power and the importance of education hence the formation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, which to this day are full of black student who not only want to learn, but are learning.
HBCUs actually were "invented" in 1837, 26 years before the end of slavery. Richard Humphreys, a Quaker philanthropist, founded the Institute for Colored Youth to train free blacks to become teachers.
The school had moved from Philadelphia to Cheyney, where it eventually became Cheyney University, and by 1902 at least 85 schools were set up by white philanthropists, free blacks, states or churches to educate sons and daughters of former slaves.
Until 1954 and the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education, which ended "separate but equal" school systems, HBCUs were the number 1 option for most blacks interested in attending college.
The Brown v Topeka Board of Education decision gave us Ruby Bridges and the Little Rock Nine. Brave, black students who volunteered to integrate the public school system.
Let us not forget what Vivian Malone Jones lived through when she integrated The University of Alabama despite then Governor George C. Wallaces' infamous stand in the school house door.
Fast forward to 2011 when an Arkansas school district won't allow a black valedictorian
After four years of nearly straight-As, Honors and Advanced Placement classes, 18-year-old Kymberly Wimberly achieved the highest GPA at McGehee Secondary School southeast of Little Rock, Ark., according to a court complaint.
However, instead of awarding the student for her hard work and dedication, the school denied her the valedictorian status because she was black, claims the document filed by Wimberly's lawyer, John W. Walker.
According to the court document, this is not the first time this has happened in the school's history:
"[The] defendant's actions were part of a pattern and practice of school administrators and personnel treating the African-American students less favorably than the Caucasian ones...Until Wimberly, the last African-American valedictorian in the McGeeHee school district was in 1989."
This is proof they are still standing in the school house door.
"The next day, high school principal Darrell Thompson told the mother that he had decided to name a white student as "co-valedictorian," even though Wimberly had a higher GPA and a press release had already been sent out to the local paper naming her in the position."
Wimberly earned her valedictorian status outright -- she shouldn't have to be "co-"valedictorian with someone who, by all rights, barely missed out.
One could suspect the principal's afraid of losing his job thanks to some influential pull by either the white girl's parents or the school board.
As an aside, you should check out my new blog. After a false start or two, I finally got around to getting it up and running.
I use to hear from the old folks growing up that if you wanted to keep something from black folk,just simply put it in a book!
With that knowledge known why in god name would we as a people continue to ignor the option of education?
Even though we know that the forces are against that ideal for us,why have we punked out so easily?
Welcome to my blog roll Mack Lyons!
@BigmacInPittsburg, I used to hear from the old folks growing up that education was the key. They told me I was just as good as anyone else but because of the color of my skin I had to be smarter and try harder.
I heard this from my maternal grandparents who didn't have a formal education but who sent 12 children and helped others go to college by working in the ore mines and farming.
I learned this from my paternal grandparents who were educators, educated by parents who sacrificed and struggled to send them to boarding school and teachers college.
We haven't punked out, but they are trying to make us punk out. I attended segregated schools until I was in the 6th grade. When I look back, we had used books but excellent, caring teachers who believed in us. Every child can learn with the right approach. If more administrators and teachers adopted that philosophy education would be the hope of our republic.
Tid bit--
In 1994, an elderly Rosa Parks was horrifically beaten and robbed by a black male. The only time Rosa Parks was the victim of a violent crime, it was at the hands of a black man. Why doesn’t the AP talk about this? Why are they inventing a fake attempted rape by a white man, when a black man committed an actual violent crime against her.
Here's one for you.
Atlanta school board treated with kid gloves over scandal.
Nearly two hundred black school teachers and administrators were part of a massive cheating scandal in Atlanta. The scandal revolves around raising the test scores of black students to artificially close the black white achievement gap.
Now the Georgia State Board of Education has suddenly decided that firing the cheating teachers would be too harsh.
Omaha Schools spent $130k on anti-white “diversity manuals.”
Every employee of the Omaha Public School district will be given a copy of a book that teaches how to better indoctrinate students with “white guilt.”
From Omaha World-Herald…
The Omaha Public Schools used more than $130,000 in federal stimulus dollars to buy each teacher, administrator and staff member a manual on how to become more culturally sensitive.
The book by Virginia education consultants could raise some eyebrows with its viewpoints.
The authors assert that American government and institutions create advantages that “channel wealth and power to white people,” that color-blindness will not end racism and that educators should “take action for social justice.”
The book says that teachers should acknowledge historical systemic oppression in schools, including racism, sexism, homophobia and “ableism,” defined by the authors as discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities.
The authors argue that public school teachers must raise their cultural awareness to better serve minority students and improve academic achievement.
The Omaha school board approved buying 8,000 copies of the book — one for every employee, including members of the custodial staff — in April. The decision to buy the book was made 11-0, with board member Mary Ellen Drickey passing on the vote.
Janice Garnett, OPS assistant superintendent of human resources, said she could not recall another time that the district had bought copies of the same book to give to every staff member.
“Teachers fear for lives as students run amok.”
This is an actual headline that was run in a major daily newspaper. The same major daily also calls it “the school from hell.”
Now ask yourself? What do you think the ethnic/racial makeup of the school is?
Would it surprise anyone that the school is listed as 0% white? The school is made up of blacks and Puerto Rican immigrants.
Would it surprise anyone that this school receives $17,108 per student, per year for funding? This places it among the most lavishly funded public schools in the entire nation, even though it is in an area dominated by welfare recipients. 87% of the students at the school qualify for free lunch. This means massive amounts of white taxdollars are being diverted from the white community to go to this school.
From New York Post…
Kids hoot and yammer so loudly that their ruckus drowns out the teacher. A trash can is overturned in class and dumped. Grimy floors are littered with sunflower-seed shells, spit out by the hundreds.
Books and supplies fly out the windows. Mouse droppings are everywhere, even on the computers.
MS 344, the Academy of Collaborative Education in Harlem, is a hellhole where teachers should get combat pay — they are cursed, assaulted and sometimes groped.
“It was literally war,” said a teacher who once found a sticky used condom in her purse. “I was pushed, shoved, scratched, thrown against the wall, spit on and pickpocketed. I just wanted peace.”
The Department of Education has tried twice since last year to shut MS 344, the city’s worst-performing middle school. MS 344 has made the state’s list of “persistently dangerous” schools, and just two of 88 eighth-graders last year passed the state math or reading exams.
But the United Federation of Teachers and the NAACP went to court to block the closure and 21 others, arguing the DOE did nothing to fix the ailing schools. A Manhattan judge heard arguments last week and is expected to rule soon.
Mass cheating uncovered in Atlanta.
All efforts to raise black test scores, by throwing more money at the schools, have been a dismal failure. Take a look at the figure below. The Atlanta public schools are 83% black. The money spent per student is 45% above the state average. Massive amounts of white tax dollars from the rest of Georgia is being diverted to Atlanta so the blacks students can have the best of everything.
Despite this massive over-funding, the black-white achievement gap has remained the same. All claims that the Atlanta school system has improved has turned out to be a fraud.
This District State Average
Total per pupil expenditures $13,150 $9,089
Superintendent Beverly Hall allegedly retaliated against whistle-blowers. She could face ten years in prison.
Ethnicity: Atlanta Public Schools
Black, not Hispanic 83%
White, not Hispanic 10%
Hispanic 5%
Asian/Pacific Islander <1%
American Indian/Alaskan Native <1%
From New York Times…
A state investigation released Tuesday showed rampant, systematic cheating on test scores in this city’s long-troubled public schools, ending two years of increasing skepticism over remarkable improvements touted by school leaders.
The results of the investigation, made public by Gov. Nathan Deal, showed that the cheating occurred at 44 schools and involved at least 178 teachers and principals, almost half of whom have confessed, the governor said.
A culture of fear, intimidation and retaliation existed in the district, which led to a conspiracy of silence, he said in a prepared statement. “There will be consequences,” Mr. Deal said.
That will certainly include dismissals, according to school board members and the interim superintendent, Erroll B. Davis Jr., and could possibly result in criminal charges.
The findings of the investigation, which was conducted by a former state attorney general and a former county district attorney, will be delivered to district attorneys in three counties where cheating most likely took place.
Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta called the release of the investigation “a dark day for the Atlanta public school system.”
There are allegations of "mass cheating" in the Atlanta public school system by the white status quo because they want to take over the billion+ dollar Atlanta School system.
always an excuse from you! These are real stories just like the one you posted! I wanted to show you it also goes the other way but being the typical black liberal you refuse to accept the TRUTH. It's is and always will be all about racism with you! Like Walter Williams said it is the black that is the most racist in this day and age!!
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.
SPLC angry that CofCC.org exposed AP hoax, but admits story may be “fiction.”
Recently we reported that the AP is perpetrating an incendiary hoax, claiming that Rosa Park was once “nearly raped” by a “white neighbor.” The left-wing Huffington Post took the AP story and upped the ante even more. Claiming the non-existent “near rape” was part of a campaign of racial oppression against black people.
The extremist left-wing SPLC denounced CofCC.org for exposing this, yet freely admits we may be completely right in their own attack piece.
“Was the short essay a horrific event Parks witnessed? Had she been a victim of sexual assault? Or was the essay a work of fiction? The answer died with Parks in 2005, but the CCC feels certain it is a hoax.” – SPLC
The “horrific event” is an incident where Rosa Parks says a white employer put his arm around her waist and offered her a shot of whiskey. Parks tells him to stop, and the man stopped. The most horrific event in Rosa Parks life was undoubtedly being severely beaten by a black man in 1994. The AP nor the SPLC even mentions this. The SPLC claims that CofCC.org was “attacking Rosa Parks.” Obviously this is completely false. We attacked the AP for perpetrating a fake story aimed at vilifying white people. The AP took a short story described above, which may or may not have been based on a real event, and claimed it was proof Rosa Parks had been “nearly raped” by a “white neighbor.”
The SPLC admits that the brief incident of sexual harassment may have been a fictional story or something that happened to someone else. In other words, CofCC.org was completely right but the SPLC hates the fact that we are right.
The SPLC them claims that CofCC.org “grossly distorts” crime statistics. Yet they do not provide a single example. The SPLC really hates it when we tell the truth.
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