
Saturday, July 23, 2011

RedEye's Week In Review and a Mea culpa

TeaPublicans want to Free America. No Socialism. No Communism. Just McCarthyism.

Probably the most disturbing aspect of the multifarious effects of Fox News' right-wing propaganda machine and its Tea Party offspring is the way it has utterly taken over the lives of so many senior citizens, who lap up every word as the gospel truth and have become increasingly radicalized by talking heads like Glenn Beck.

Even as they project their own intentions onto the likes of the unions, the Fox acolytes and the Tea Partiers have effectively become a brownshirt corps of mean-spirited, vicious thugs. It's deeply disturbing to watch people in our parents' generation viciously attacking liberals with increasing venom and violence.

President Obama, be glad the TeaPublicans left you at the alter again.

O, with all due respect; it's time to double down. Show George Will and others that if this is to be the end of big government we will not go down without a fight. Show them that what the progressive proposes is not "incompatible with economic growth", but by putting people first, it is essential for it to take place.

And Mr. President, don't worry about the media trying to paint you as an angry black man because that is what they do when black folks are informed, passionate and dare speak truth to power to put us in our places. Stop worrying about what the Talking TeeVee Pundit heads say too. They have jobs and access to healthcare and they are RICH. Oh, and please stop pandering to the so called independents and moderate because they are really republicans and the only way they will vote for you is if you DICK Cheney your base.

None dare call it Bush*t! None in the media that is.
And therein lies the problem. You see, this is what happens when a country spends over three decades pretending that idiotic right wing ideologies are as valuable as facts. This is the result of the collective decision of the Very Serious People to take seriously right-wing rhetoric about taxes and economics and to treat it as if it were a valid, rational basis for policy. The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan apparently had it all wrong -- you can indeed have your own facts. Or perhaps more precisely, in Washington's bizarro world, an opinion is as good as a fact. Indeed, many of the Very Serious People no longer seem to know the difference between the two. Or if they do, they don't appear to think the distinction between fact and opinion makes any difference at all. In Washington, pointing out that something is simply false is viewed as very bad form.

I take that back about black folks not having the power to exercise racism. Black republicans have the power to exercise racism/sexism. Mea culpa complete. And they say I won't correct "factual errors". Snark

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