Attention Cats and Critters at Left in Alabama and Over the Mountain Dems! Our ex Congress Critter Artur Davis (DINO) say's he should have supported the Voter ID law. Yep. You read it right (pun intended). Do you think maybe this is his application for a party switch? If so he will fit right (another pun) in with the other republican Flip Flopper's. Artur Davis in his own words;
I think Alabama did the right thing in passing one -- and I wish I had gotten it right when I was in political office.
When I was a congressman, I took the path of least resistance on this subject for an African American politician. Without any evidence to back it up, I lapsed into the rhetoric of various partisans and activists who contend that requiring photo identification to vote is a suppression tactic aimed at thwarting black voter participation.
Yep without that there black voter participation he might have been the democratic nominee for Governor since the majority of blacks voted for Ron Sparks instead of him. You see Artur and Company thought black folks were going to believe he was the second coming of Barack Obama and vote for him out of racial pride at seeing one of their own running for office. The fact he voted against the Affordable Health Care Act with the republicans and against the Hate Crimes Bill with the republicans didn't have anything to do with it. Nope. This is the truth according to Artur.
The truth is that the most aggressive contemporary voter suppression in the African American community, at least in Alabama, is the wholesale manufacture of ballots, at the polls and absentee, in parts of the Black Belt.
Voting the names of the dead, and the nonexistent, and the too-mentally-impaired to function, cancels out the votes of citizens who are exercising their rights -- that's suppression by any light. If you doubt it exists, I don't; I've heard the peddlers of these ballots brag about it, I've been asked to provide the funds for it, and I am confident it has changed at least a few close local election results.
Psst Artur! How many cases of voting in the names of the dead and the nonexistent, and the too-mentally-impaired to function have been proven in a court a law? I'll tell you, less than 2%. The real case of voter fraud is the absentee ballots and you you know who votes absentee ballots don't you? White, affluent republicans who have homes in several states and countries.
According to Artur It's all that stupid Sen. Hank Sanders fault!
The fact that a law that is unlikely to impede a single good faith voter -- and that only gives voting the same elements of security as writing a check at the store, or obtaining a library card -- is controversial does say much about the raw feelings in our current politics. The ugliest, hardest forms of disfranchisement were practiced in our lifetimes, and its still conventional rhetoric in black political circles to say those times are on the way back. Witness a last-minute automated call to black voters in the 2010 general election by state Sen. Hank Sanders, an ingenious lawyer and a skillful legislator who knew better, but who also knew the attack would resonate.When/what/how the heck did Hank Sanders attack Artur? Are you sure you aren't still mad at him for not endorsing you over Ron Sparks? I mean, really?
According to Artur, Bill Clinton is skeering folks too!
I was disappointed to see Bill Clinton, a very good president and an even greater ex-president, compare voter ID to Jim Crow, and it is chilling to see the intimidation tactics brought to bear on African American, Democratic legislators in Rhode Island who had the nerve to support a voter ID law in that very liberal state.What these folks say all the damn way!
yet, ANOTHER reason why he's FORMER Congressman. good riddance.What RedEye says; Artur Davis is putting a black face on racist racism.
This looks like the essay portion of Davis' application to the Republican Party.
up, sure is.
and he will not get any further with the Thugs than his buddy Harold Ford did.
If he thinks the ReThug party is the way back into DC, I got beachfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell him.
The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a black face on it, and Herman Cain (Artur Davis) has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say out loud.
Artur Davis is gone and we HOPE he's never coming back.
There is NOTHING racial about showing your id when you vote. You show it when you write a check, buy alcohol, go to a rated R movie etc etc. It's easy to get an Alabama drivers license or I.D. card. Those who complain are those that are to lazy to go get one or that always stir the racial pot when it does not need stirring!!!! Redye you seem to be using the biggest spoon!!!!!!!!!
Walter Williams on black racism.
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, The Economics of the Colour Bar, said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races."
They're blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.
Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.
Effup is mixing apples and oranges. Proving you are old enough to legally purchase alcoholic beverages, or proving you are a licensed test-passing driver are in no way related to voting rights and these new impositions of government intrusion into our lives!
As a free and democratic society we should be encouraging and promoting the Constitutional right to vote, not impede and restrict.
If I don't drive, go to R-rated movies or anything else requiring a picture ID, now, to vote, I need one? I use a debit card and no one ever asks me for ID - just the PIN and I'm in.
With facts related to the insignificance and irrelevance of the statistical evidence of voter ID fraud, this is just another political issue of distraction.
However, disenfranchising 5 million voters as a result of the new regulations is an assault on our right to vote, and is targeted at more likely Democratic voters, and of course minorities.
Some Black-Americans dislike and don't trust whites? Think whites have a long and ongoing history of using positions of power to hold back the progress and opportunity of classes of people in America by race? These are the 'Racists'?
With passage of laws like this, people will start marching in the streets crying for Democracy again!
Oh wait..."something's happening here...what it is ain't exactly clear..."
Voter ID laws target those who are least likely to have proper photo ID, plus it opens the door to other, more onerous requirements that need to be fulfilled prior to voting.
It's not that "easy" to get a state ID. Upon getting one when I was younger, I had to wait in line at the DMV during the middle of the day, as you couldn't do it online or via mail. Three forms of pre-existing identification (birth certificate, school ID, SS card) $23 and one DMV glamour shot later, I got my card. Now imagine someone who is elderly, homeless, destitute or just plain unable to take the time and money to get an ID.
Last time I voted, I don't remember anyone asking for my ID. The poll staff only verified that my name was on the rolls and allowed me to vote, simple as that. The way it should be.
FuckUp, it's amusing and pathetic to see you attempt to cast whites as the new victim class, while spouting off about "black racism". In order to do this, you have to ignore generations upon generations of treachery, deception and outright malice and ill-will generated by whites towards black Americans. To see whites attempt to paint themselves as the oppressed against black racial aggression is to see comedy devolve before your very eyes into farce, and then tragedy.
No one here's saying people should hold onto grievances and grudges. But don't try to force black Americans to develop convenient amnesia over the actions of their white counterparts towards them, while expecting them to fully embrace white America with open arms.
The right to buy alcohol, drive a car, open a bank account, rent movies etc. aren't a guaranteed right granted by the Constitution of the United States of America. One man one vote.
It's not easy to get an ID and having to purchase one is a poll tax and I know for sure pay to vote was ruled unconstitutional.
Funny how the righty's care about non existent voter fraud, but don't care a thing about real election fraud.
F Walter Will F U.
"Most black Americans did not live through the racist acts of the 50's 60's or slavery so there is no need for amnesia!!! Quit crying over something you and most blacks were not even part off!! It was bad but most white Americans today had nothing to do with it!!!!!!!!"
Oh, I had no idea racist acts were merely confined to the 50's, 60's and periods of legalized slavery. That would probably make James Byrd Jr. and James Craig Anderson feel a lot better. If they were alive.
I guess white Americans can safely say they have nothing to do with racism as it stands today, even if they themselves continue to disavow any concept of white privilege or engage in thoughless displays of casual racism.
You are definitely a credit to your people, FuckUp.
It's whites of today who are instituting the Voter ID bill F U.
The white power structure is alive and well.
You can list all the crime statistics you want, it's not going to change anything.
Tell Mack the same thing! Walter Williams is a college educated BLACK professor who I quoted and gave credit to. Mack you and others refuse to believe that black racism exist and keep stirring the pot of Jim Crowe with a big spoon. The pot does not always need to be stirred and not everything is racial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Mack you and others refuse to believe that black racism exist and keep stirring the pot of Jim Crowe with a big spoon."
I might have an idea as to why you see "black racism" as somehow being an even bigger problem than the existing white racism.
The previous de facto and de jure racial mistreatment did not affect you, since you were of the majority of Americans who had the luxury of not having to deal with such issues.
When those de facto and de jure policies were largely done away with, you saw groups such as the NAACP advocating the "leveling of the playing field," which you saw as black Americans getting special treatment and privileges that you honestly believe they did not deserve.
The problem of blacks not being able to advance in a largely white environment was never much of a concern to you. You most likely justified such inability as being proof positive of blacks somehow not being smart enough or good enough to hack it with whites. The prospect of whites deliberately preventing black advancement never crossed your mind, since you never thought you and yours were capable of visiting such harm to people.
Which is why when the issue of slavery and Jim Crow come up, you become incredulous at the idea that your fellow whites were malevolent enough to visit mistreatment upon blacks without due cause. Of course, there must have been a reason for all of this to happen in the first place.
The constant issue of racism against blacks and how slavery and Jim Crow shaped the black community annoys you to no end. It's simply an argument that's designed to make you feel sorry for blacks, allow them to raid your wallet in an neverending frenzy of taxpayer funds and get them off the hook when it comes to crime.
You see Affirmative Action as employment privileges bestowed by guilt-ridden whites unto blacks who are obviously not capable enough to attain such employment. Race-based acceptance into colleges and universities are just gimmes handed over by emotionally-manipulated whites to blacks who obviously wouldn't hack it in these centers of higher learning if they didn't waltz in on their crutches. Of course, the history of systematic denial of both educational and employment opportunities by white society never factor in on your outlook.
All wrong! I see that blacks have advanced and have every opportunity any one else does! I say it's time to stop crying about the past and being mad at todays current whites for something they had no control over! What happened was wrong and I do not agree with it but it's time to stop using it as an excuse to most every problem! I got a ticket because I am black. I can't get a jog because I am black. I am in jail because I am black etc etc etc!
You still don't get it. You only see what you want to see.
Stop dismissing the concerns of the black community as "excuses." Stop glossing over the underlying reasons why certain things happen to blacks. You are not as "objective" as you believe yourself to be.
In fact, you never were "objective" in the first place, but that's our little FuckUp, isn't it?
I couldn't have said it better myself Mack;
The previous de facto and de jure racial mistreatment did not affect you, since you were of the majority of Americans who had the luxury of not having to deal with such issues.
It's easy for those who have always had rights to accuse those who had to fight for basic civil and human rights as "stirring the racial pot" , in other words they want us to STFU and let white folks decide when they are going to treat black folks fairly. Strike that. Let white folks decided IF they are going to treat black folks fairly.
This is a good point also;
"Black racism," or at least the prospect of "black revenge" looms large in your mind, as you can see yourself losing much of your material wealth, the collective social standing of your people as the "majority" and quite possibly your own life as a consequence of this "black revenge."
The thing is F U probably doesnh't have a lot of material wealth, but those with material wealth prey on the fears of the F U 's to maintain their material wealth.
Privilege of the powerful.
Power of the privileged.
That's what it's all about in America.
Some whites think the Black Panthers were like that, but they never went into white neighborhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.
That we know of!!!
Minister King Samir Shabazz, aka Maurice Heath (photo: Can't Stop the Bleeding blog)
"You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!"
Those were the words of Minister King Samir Shabazz, also known as Maurice Heath, the New Black Panther Party's Philadelphia leader.
By your analogy Jews can't be racist either due to the holocaust!!!!
"You want to reduce crime you are going to have to abort black babies"~William Bennett (r.)
"Black voters are aborigines"~Scott Beason
"I will do anything short of shooting illegals"~Mo Brooks
I could go on but you get my drift.
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