Agabond must be reading this blog because they hit the nail on it's head with this post, which explains the difference between white racism and so called black racism. Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:
Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a weakened form of white racism.I hear you Mack Lyons.
Some readers think I am just flipping the script, that I am a black Stormfront or something. A black Stormfront would talk about “whitey” and “white devils” and imagine blacks violently wiping out whites and so on. The strange thing is, nearly everyone who talks about that kind of stuff on this blog is white. So much so that when a black commenter talks like that I suspect him (it is always a him)
A number of blogs have suffered from individuals who stumble in said discussions and dictate their own opinions, drawn from experiences that may be alien or inapplicable to the situations alluded to in the discussions. They expect everyone else to stop and listen, thereby becoming the center of attention by presenting themselves as a sage bearer of advice. Such advice usually comes from a perspective that's had zero experience with the discussion subjects or anything remotely similar.But I refuse to moderate or ban people from this blog because I don't agree with their point of view, or, how they present their point of view. This blog was started because someone accused me of doing the very thing you described above. Everyone has the right to express their opinion in their own way. Readers have the right to react in their own way. Most of the time FED UP is on speech ignore, which is my right. The Trolls are everywhere but I can't suppress free speech. I just can't.
Welcome to my blogroll TheSkepticOne! You are my kind of Blogger!
But this is America, where equality and justice are still determined by the color of your skin. Studies continue to show that when the victim is white, 9 times out of 10, the Black defendant is given the death penalty...regardless of where the trial takes place in this country.
And believe it or not, a sitting United States Supreme Court Justice says it's okay to put an innocent man to death in America because the Constitution doesn't address the matter.
Birmingham Home Girl is a day late and a dollar short.
In the hopes of cleaning up history’s view of her and I guess selling more books.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that the Bush administration was dismissive toward her concerns over security in a post-war Iraq, according to excerpts from her autobiography that Rice tweeted about Sunday.
How the republicans plan to steal the 2012 Presidential election with Artur Davis providing the get away car and Herman Cain driving it away. Cheating is not winning.
"Once again, a major political party in the United States is running on a platform of making it more difficult for people to vote, specifically for the poor, the elderly, minority voters, and college students. Once again, the kind of "voter fraud" that these laws supposedly stop, a "national crisis" has never been documented. These laws exist for one reason: to tilt the electorate in favor of the Republican party. Period."The rule of law or the rule of the jungle? I report. You decide.
Months of acts of aggression culminating in an extrajudicial execution sends a message to other countries, and even non-state actors, who find the US or any of its NATO allies to be a foe is that one must kill or be killed. This is the rule of the jungle, not of international law.
What a difference a Judge makes in Sweet Home Alabama. One Judge uses the 1901 Alabama Constitution to declare contract provision in Alabama immigration law unconstitutional in pending lawsuits. And another Judge uses the 1901 Alabama Constitution to keep a current law intact unconstitutionally discriminates against black and poor schoolchildren in Alabama.
"Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me 'Round"
"Free at Last, Free at Last."
Everybody in America, for example, knows who James Byrd is, and that he was brutally murdered by three whites in Jasper Texas four years ago. Byrd's lynchers offered him a lift in their pickup truck, beat him and chained him and dragged him to his death. An entire nation was outraged and guilty. The President issued a statement, legislators wrung their hands and the media keened over the inhumanity of the act and what it portended for the country's future.
Four years later a white man named Ken Tillery, hitched a ride in Jasper, Texas. He was given a lift by four black men who then murdered him to a deafening national silence. Like Byrd, Tillery was held hostage and beaten. Then he was run over and crushed to death. The copycat nature of the crime made it a natural news story. But there was none, save a modest account in the Houston Chronicle, to which nobody paid any attention. This savagery was apparently nothing. The pigments were politically incorrect. It was only some white guy, whose ancestors probably owned slaves.
« dichotomous thinking
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism
Thu 20 Oct 2011 by abagond
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:
Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control
the banks,
the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market
and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though the president is black, he cannot openly help blacks without being accused of racism.
Effup says "Jews run most of what you listed!!!"
Obviously, Jews are not the poor downtrodden white Americans Effup is lamenting. Whites can't get a break! The blacks and the Jews are crushing them!
Sometimes the truth slips out. Effup is just a bigoted racist troll spouting offensive Southern white supremacist crap.
Absolutely no credibility.
Don't tell me hateful racism isn't alive and well in Alabama. At least Effup exposes it for us, and reminds us how the republican'ts appeal to their base and maintain some semblance of power by tricking fools like Effup.
Maybe Effup needs to get a 20 hour per week job at Mickey Dees or Hellmart to understand the dignity and self-respect of working in America. When over 50% of working Americans are earning just above poverty wages for a typical family of four and over half of American workers are on the edge of total economic disaster, living one paycheck away from it, why do these poor Southern whites support a political party whose one primary goal is to let the rich get richer?
Absolute madness. Oh yeah. Its the blacks and the Jews.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks Yellowdog.
Effup is just a bigoted racist troll spouting offensive Southern white supremacist crap.
Absolutely no credibility.
Don't tell me hateful racism isn't alive and well in Alabama. At least Effup exposes it for us, and reminds us how the republican'ts appeal to their base and maintain some semblance of power by tricking fools like Effup.
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