Brooks had a mostly friendly audience among the 300-plus people who attended the event sponsored by the South Huntsville Civic Association. However, not everyone agreed with the representative's conservative view points.
About a dozen people in the newly formed and loosely organized Occupy Huntsville group hammered Brooks on issues ranging from tax loopholes for corporations to the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows companies to donate to political campaigns just as citizens can.
It turns out Average Joe is not a member of Occupy Huntsville, so all the whining about negative press and co-opting the movement in an unsigned email from occupyhuntsville@gmail.com is moot.
We have gotten negative press from the media concerning the Mo Brooks meeting that took place yesterday. Some of the media statements that were made are: Some of the audience members booed the "Occupy" sympathizers, with one protester having his microphone yanked by security after he repeatedly interrupted Brooks and refused to let him speak." and "The small but vocal minority dominated most of the time devoted for questions." It is unfortunate that the media associated this disruptive occurrence with "Occupy" in any way, but we have no control over that.
Those of us who come together have varying political views and we do not try to influence one political view over another. We must be careful to prevent those who have political agendas from co-opting the movement. Many will attempt to use the name of OccupyHuntsville as a platform for promoting their own political agenda. Let's continue to stand in solidarity with OccupyWallst and its cause.
Memo to the Huntsville Media,I repeat, Average Joe is not a member of Occupy Huntsville, although I wish he would join.
A confrontation believed to be one of the first in the nation between a member of Congress and Occupy Wall Street affiliates continues to garner headlines and attention.
U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R) spoke to WHNT News 19 on Tuesday about the heated exchange that broke out at a town hall meeting the previous night. An Occupy Wall Street sympathizer ended up having his microphone removed by event coordinators after repeatedly ignoring requests to not interrupt Congressman Brooks during an exchange on campaign finance reporting.
Yep, Mo will do anything including having a citizens microphone removed by event coordinators to keep from answering questions from the Average Joe and Jane. I wonder if he would have yanked Joe the Plumbers" microphone? Naaaah.
Mostly I just you to know that I'm an independent moderate voter, not an official member of Occupy Huntsville. I'm an average lower middle class person, like most voters in my district. But I will say that I'm part of the "99%" as I'm not wealthy. And like the Occupy Wall Street people I'm sick of the political BS and do nothing Congress. Most Americans think there is way too much money in politics. Too many lobbyist. Too many ties between our elected officials and big corporations. I'm glad people are finally standing up. I've had enough so I decided attend that town hall. I didn't mean for my question to turn into "Average Joe" vs Mo, but I'm fed up with untrustworthy politicians like Mo Brooks.
I wonder what part of 99% of the American people are FED UP with untrustworthy politicians like Mo Brooks don't they understand?
When will the media stop trying to smear the Occupy Wall Street movement? And yes, it is a movement. A movement of Average Joe's and Average Jane's of all races, religion and sexual orientation. Occupy Wall Street is a Profoundly Moral-not Political Movement.
Genuine Democracy is a time-consuming process. But that's exactly what the participants want it to be, so everyone can genuinely participate on an equal basis.
It's not wise for our elected officials to remove the microphone when taxpayers are trying to question them. That sounds like something an evil dictator would do in a dictatorship.
I'm just saying....
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