Judge Jimmie Edwards had a brainstorm.
The chief juvenile court judge for the St. Louis City Circuit Court thought: Why not place all the students who have been kicked out of St. Louis public schools under one roof and educate them?
Within a few hours, St. Louis Public Schools agreed to give him a building. Within a few months, he had marshaled enough volunteers to open Innovative Concept Academy.
That was in April 2009. The school’s roster expanded to include those suspended from city schools and dropouts, working to get their GEDs. Innovative now has 350 students, most of them in school uniforms, all of whom play chess daily. And attendance, at 94 percent, is one of the highest in the city. That’s at least partially driven by the fact Edwards, 55, operates the juvenile court’s truancy program out of the school.
It's too bad Troy Davis didn't have the same Judges Amanda Knox had. Maybe he would be in joyful arms of his family too, instead of his grave.
Ms. Knox left Italy on Tuesday morning on a British Airways flight for London, the Ansa news agency reported.
Throughout the original trial and the appeal, prosecutors tried to paint Ms. Knox as a calculating femme fatale, a “she-devil” capable of murderous acts despite her sweet courtroom appearance and demeanor.
But their case was based mostly on circumstantial evidence. The validity of the main forensic evidence, microscopic amounts of DNA on the murder weapon and on a bra clasp, was thrown into doubt this summer by a report from independent experts that was highly critical of the police’s handling and analysis of the materials.
Speaking of differences, what a difference a grassroots protest makes.
Ever hear of a police officer treating a teabagger disrespectfully at one of their hateful rallies? Even when they showed up at them with guns? Any teabaggers ever get pepper-sprayed in the face?No. No. And NO.
1 comment:
Italy abolished the death penalty decades ago. That's the big difference.
The Italian Constitution, approved on December 27, 1947 and in force since January 1, 1948, completely abolished the death penalty for all common military and civil crimes during peacetime. This measure was implemented by the legislative decree 22/48 of January 22, 1948 (provision of coordination as a consequence of the abolishment of capital punishment). The death penalty was still in force in Italy in the military penal code, only for high treachery against the Republic or only in war theatre perpetrated crimes (though no execution ever took place) until law 589/94 of October 13, 1994 abolished it completely from there as well, and substituted it with the maximum penalty of the civil penal code (imprisonment for life sentence). In 2007 a constitutional amendement was adopted. Article 27 of Italian Constitution was changed to fully ban the death penalty.
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