Flush with two real victories and one imagined triumph, the authors of the Hard Right's New Black Strategy have doubtless kicked the campaign into higher gear than initially planned. In addition to the usual centers of intrigue (the DLC, for example) and the on- and off-line publications of the Right, it will be necessary to monitor regional and local media and newsletters to determine who is being courted by whom. Again, when the cash actually arrives, it will be too late to nip the Trojan Horse candidacy in the bud.
In case you were wondering why Artur Davis flipped the script on the Voter ID laws..
H/T DownWithTyranny!
Davis isn't done with politics. He'd like to run for the Senate next... if former Democrat (turned Republican conservative) Richard Shelby retires. Will Davis first follow Shelby's path into the Republican Party? Jordan Bloom at the Daily Caller discovered that he's been doing more than undercutting Democratic policies. Now he's contributing to Republican candidates as well!
republican candidates in Mississippi and New Mexico no less
Artur Davis’s new tune on voter ID laws isn’t his only recent right turn. According to third-quarter Federal Election Commission filings, Davis — a former Democratic congressman from Alabama, donated $500 in September to the campaign of Heather Wilson, New Mexico’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. Davis also contributed to the Republican front-runner in the Mississippi governor’s race.
Psst Artur! Heather Wilson might have some *ahem* problems.
Now that former Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) is throwing her hat into the ring for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), expect a nasty, bitter race and plenty of ghosts turning up from Wilson’s decade-long Washington career.
Wilson, a former Air Force officer and director at the National Security Council, was a rising GOP star and a standout on defense and intelligence matters post-9/11. But her Washington career ended in 2008 when she lost a GOP Senate primary to Rep. Steve Pearce, who then lost the general election to Democrat Tom Udall.
In the lead up to that primary, Wilson suffered a series of public relations blows for her role in the U.S. attorneys’ scandal, improperly politicized firings of U.S. prosecutors by the Bush administration, which Democrats spent months investigating in 2007 and 2008. A lot of information about Wilson’s role wasn’t ever really scrutinized to the extent it could have been because she lost her first Senate bid.
Would a party switch work for Davis as smoothly as it did for Shelby-- and scores of other white ex-Democrats in Alabama?
Time will tell the truth.
"Money is speech in American politics,"
Republican legislatures just can’t help themselves from diluting minority voting power.
1 comment:
Too bad our Democrats will not stand on principle.
Or are they just so involved in winning elections they really don't have any core values?
If Davis has any core values, they are not in line with mine.
Where are the Democratic voices clearly stating that the affordable housing actions from Fannie and Freddie were a result of efforts to open up more affluent and expensive home ownership to lower income families?
And why?
Because how else do your children get into better public schools? Even right-wing Effup suggests moving into the better neighborhoods if you want your kids to go to the better schools.
And what do we all recognize as the key to upward economic mobility? - better education! and because of inherent lower income opportunity and lower educational opportunity, guess who is stuck in a rut, generation after generation?
So when we all (WE the people - US as government) make an attempt to rectify this inequity, rich bastards figure out a way to bamboozle investors until these bastards cash out and leave the 'derivative instruments' valueless, get a trillion dollar bailout from the little folk, and then blame it on the Democrats and blacks!
Had enough yet?
"I'll see you at the barricades, baby!"
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