Hide your kids, hide your wife! Herman Cain has some splannin to do.
During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.
The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures.
And how does Cain's camp respond? By whining of course. Clarence Thomas is that you?
Peter Kilgore, who was the National Restaurant Association’s general counsel when Cain led the group from late 1996 to mid-1999, and remains in that position today, declined comment, saying he cannot discuss personnel matters, Politico reported.
“Inside-the-Beltway media have begun to launch unsubstantiated personal attacks on Cain,” spokesman J.D. Gordon said in a written statement to the AP. “Dredging up thinly sourced allegations stemming from Mr. Cain’s tenure as the chief executive officer at the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, political trade press are now casting aspersions on his character and spreading rumors that never stood up to the facts.”
Asked if Cain’s campaign was denying the report, Gordon said, “Yes.”
“These are baseless allegations,” Gordon said in a second AP interview later Sunday evening. “To my knowledge, this is not an accurate story.”
It looks like the gop front runner has all kind of tricks (no pun) up his sleeve. Yep, it's turning into a scary Halloween for the Cain Campaign. Snicker
Long before Herman Cain chief of staff Mark Block was appearing in the most mocked campaign ad of the presidential campaign so far, he and deputy chief of staff Linda Hansen started a Wisconsin corporation that the Journal Sentinel reports illegally helped the GOP presidential candidate get his campaign off the ground.
According to sources and documents obtained by the newspaper, Prosperity USA, founded by Block and Hansen, footed the bill “for tens of thousands of dollars in expenses for such items as iPads, chartered flights and travel to Iowa and Las Vegas - something that might breach federal tax and campaign law.”
Can you say The Cain gop Train is off the tracks? You Betcha!
The GOP failing miserably at its gamble to "fight fire with fire," being left to wonder how come they couldn't at least split the black vote with Cain as a candidate. "Gee, I thought those blacks always supported blacks no matter what." (And for further evidence to the contrary, see Artur Davis.)
Either way, even with Mittens being pushed onto the stage while Cain gets yanked offstage with a shepherd's crook, the GOP still stands a huge chance of losing in 2012. I think I need another refill of this here popcorn...
What's that you say? There is a Scam in the Alabama State House? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! NOT. Scams are OK in the State House if you are a republican. Snark
House Speaker Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn) made news recently with reports that he plans to write a book called Storm in the State House, about the Republican Party's 2010 takeover of the Alabama Legislature.
A follow up report, from Bob Martin of The Montgomery Independent, indicates Hubbard might want to change the name of his tome. Scam in the State House probably would be a more appropriate title.
If Hubbard's ethics looked shaky in the initial article, they look positively Nixonian in the followup.
I wish I could say I was surprised by the response to MY post, expressing MY opinion, on MY own damn blog, from the ATTACK MACHINE regarding Hampton Cove Elementary Principal Fillis McGhee, but I'm not. This is who they are and this is what they do to defend and protect the status quo from some teachers, administrators and parents.
I'm waiting on the ATTACK MACHINE to ATTACK THIS
In five months, Dr. Wardynski recommended spending just shy of one million dollars on programs supported by The Broad Foundation.
That’s not bad for a five month tenure, is it? While it’s not clear how much The Broad Foundation has spent “training” Dr. Wardynski, if the “training” for Teach for America is any indication, it’s likely in the $20,000 range. In exchange for this investment, Dr. Wardynski has already returned $410,000 in five months. In all likelihood at some point in November the rubber stamp board will approve spending $550,000 for Teach for America to hire 110 teachers who haven’t been trained to teach.
New Rules
I invite anyone who wishes to comment on this blog to do so. I enjoy the comments, whether you agree with what I have said or not. But some people want to abuse the right to comment, and since this is my blog, I have decided to lay down the following rules.
1. Any comments that includes name calling, personal attacks or insults will be deleted. Attack the issue not the person. Tolerant people can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
2. Any comments by anonymous, different anonymous etc. will be deleted.
3. Any comments that include the educated black man Walter Williams quote will be deleted.
4. Any comments not on topic will be deleted.
Happy Haunting!
Hilarious stuff here.
You whine repeatedly about your banning at LiA and now this. Good thing I never did any of those things.
Keep up the comedy.
Who did I ban?
Consistently dense... Never said you did, you stated you were gonna start deleting comments. Same thing.
NO its NOT the same. I am going to let you slide for the dense remark.
This time.
Redeye, I'm surprised you let this small-time chucklefuck shitbird get to you. Not a good look.
And of course Dale isn't gonna mention one word of how Wardynski's funneling HCS funds back to The Broad Foundation -- It doesn't fit his conservative narrative. Those people made Wardynski and he's just returning past-due favors.
"You whine repeatedly about your banning at LiA and now this. Good thing I never did any of those things. "
As long as the man is in control of his blog, he can "whine" about whatever he wants. That's the beauty of having your own blog.
Don't you have a radio program to run or something?
Delete and ban away, it is the only way you can win.
As for the Broad stuff, I asked him about the individuals he has brought in.
Have you?
"Delete and ban away, it is the only way you can win."
So you actually intend on remaining here until you've needled Redeye into banning you? Interesting.
Not being a small-time talk radio personality leaves me little leverage to get any answers from Wardynski.
Why don't you e-mail him and find out?
And please keep insulting me, it helps highlight your inability to make real points.
Can you guys help me out... Am I a small time hack or am I able to destroy elections with one awesome joke?
Like I said, not being a small-time talk radio personality leaves me little leverage to get a word from Wardynski. There's little chance of him answering any of my emails and even less chance of a straight or honest answer. At best, I'll get a boilerplate response from one of his assistants. At worse, the email goes unanswered.
"Can you guys help me out... Am I a small time hack or am I able to destroy elections with one awesome joke?"
You really want me to answer that?
What did you ask Wardinskyi about the "Broad stuff" and what did he say?
Inquiring minds want to know.
BTW, any word on how the Huntsville Federation of republican women and State Senator Scott Beason feel about Herman Cain now?
Oh is it question and answer time?
Me first...
Mack, Yes I would like and answer to my question...
Here it is again: "Can you guys help me out... Am I a small time hack or am I able to destroy elections with one awesome joke?"
To Mack and Redeye, I though name calling and insults were done here?
Why is this still post still here?
"I'm surprised you let this small-time chucklefuck shitbird get to you. Not a good look."
Seems to violate at least 2 of your new rules. I know I am asking you for consistency and I know that isn't a strong point for you.
Now to show you how to answer questions....
"What did you ask Wardinskyi about the "Broad stuff" and what did he say?"
I asked him why he was hiring people with Broad experience for the district and he said he was looking for people to help him accomplish his goals.
What is your problem with Broad, Reedeye?
Next question:
Now I know you, you are going to act like you don't understand the answer I just gave you. Think real hard about the answers and try to answer my questions before you try that this time.
"BTW, any word on how the Huntsville Federation of republican women and State Senator Scott Beason feel about Herman Cain now?"
I assume because they are partisans, it will require more than this little bit of vague information to sway them too much. Sorta like you and Weiner, Clinton, Kennedy and other clearly obvious dirtbags who happen to be Democrats.
Kudos too you however for being willing to slam a black guy on your blog, Davis and now Cain.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
These aren't insults, Dale. They're accurate descriptors of your behavior on this blog.
What is your problem with Broad, Reedeye?
Broad's goal is to privatize the public school system. If the system is privatized it becomes a system for the fortunate few and not the masses.
"I assume because they are partisans, it will require more than this little bit of vague information to sway them too much. "
this little bit of vague information? Is that what you're calling it? Ask Bill Clinton and Clarence Thomas about a little bit of vague information. Remember Jennifer Flowers? What about Paula Jones? Anita Hill ring a bell? But you're probably right, it's going to take more than this to sway them. LOL!
"Kudos too you however for being willing to slam a black guy on your blog, Davis and now Cain."
I am an equal opportunity slammer. Key words, YOUR BLOG. This is RedEye's blog and EYE will slam who I want to slam.
BTW, did you ask Wardinskyi what goals he was trying to accomplish exactly?
Dear Ashley,
There is a difference in disabling someone's account and not letting them post to a blog and deleting comments which contain name calling, personal attacks and insults, and are off topic.
I have not banned anyone. I will not ban anyone. I believe in freedom of speech.
Now if you want to implore personal attacks, insults, name calling and lies you might want to frequent another blog because that kind of behavior will not be tolerated here.
Here are the rules. You can abide by them or not. Your choice.
New Rules
I invite anyone who wishes to comment on this blog to do so. I enjoy the comments, whether you agree with what I have said or not. But some people want to abuse the right to comment, and since this is my blog, I have decided to lay down the following rules.
1. Any comments that includes name calling, personal attacks or insults will be deleted. Attack the issue not the person. Tolerant people can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
2. Any comments by anonymous, different anonymous etc. will be deleted.
3. Any comments that include the educated black man Walter Williams quote will be deleted.
4. Any comments not on topic will be deleted.
Your post is being deleted because it's not on topic.
The topic is the new rules. The rules are in the main body of the post. Seems on topic to me.
The new rules - and the mixed way they are enforced - is no different than Left in Alabama. Left wing blogs in this state have self segregated. Separate but equal!
@Redeye: "I have not banned anyone. I will not ban anyone. I believe in freedom of speech."
You're well within your inalienable rights to conduct the affairs on your blog anyway that you see fit.
I applaud that.
But let me make an observation or two: I've never equated "freedom of speech" with freedom of platform, a pad from which others might launch their thoughts, insults, comments, opinions, positions, or what have you.
On my blog, I always reserve the right not to serve the goals, aims, hopes, aspirations, agendas, or Machiavellian ambitions of others, if they violate the rules of human decency, and civility.
I see my blog as an extension of my living room, and those who post there as guests in my home. I try my damnest to acquit myself accordingly when I'm a guest of others in the blog space that they have set aside for an exchange of comments, ideas, thoughts, views, positions and opinions.
I said all that to say this: I would never ban anyone from my blog, that's something they can do all by their lonesome--and I won't hesitate to assist them on their merry way.
I am pretty sure Redeye has experienced the other side of many things, including being censored, edited, bullied, banned from blogs, not to mention what to write about, how to make entries, and even how to spell.
As much as our visiting trolls would like to pass on their white supremacist fearmongering, I think Redeye is a perfect example of the historic tolerance of the Black American experience in the face of slavery, discrimination, legal injustice, and ongoing defacto racism to this day.
The fact that Redeye is reluctant to do to others what has been done to Redeye speaks of depth of character.
Most of us recognize there are real battles out there in the world. This blog and this media forum is not reality and the voices that pop in probably would not behave as badly if they were sitting in your living room.
But they do inform us as to what they really think, which confirms what we really think.
Once the trolls understand irrelevant disrespectful ugly behavior is not acceptable, maybe they will get back to the real issues or go away. And comment on the topic. Allow a dialogue and discourse on the real world. Seek understanding and unity, not incivility and division.
And know liberal/progressive/Democrats don't roll over!
Good lord Mack....
"I should have called you an asshole and left it at that."
"These aren't insults, Dale. They're accurate descriptors of your behavior on this blog. "
Stop whining about name-calling then. I don't care if you call me names, just stop crying.
Oh Redeye, How do you constantly screw up?
"Broad's goal is to privatize the public school system. If the system is privatized it becomes a system for the fortunate few and not the masses."
The Polish Hammer is anti-Charter schools and privatization. try again.
"Now if you want to implore personal attacks, insults, name calling and lies you might want to frequent another blog because that kind of behavior will not be tolerated here."
I guess you missed Mack Lyons multiple attacks.
Oh DaleJackson, Charter Schools have nothing to do with privatization. Why don't you do some research on the Broad Academy then we can talk. Geek Pavaler and I have blogged about it extensively.
And please stop whining about Mack Lyons calling you names. You can dish it out but you can't take it. It doesn't feel good when people call you names does it? Much more on this later.
Yellowdog, thank you expressing my feelings. I am grateful for your support. That's all I can say right now. Much more later.
Black Diaspora said-I see my blog as an extension of my living room, and those who post there as guests in my home.
I don't see this blog in the same way. My home is my refuge. It's where I relax and retreat from the blogosphere. This blog is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and current events. I cannot control, or be responsible for the behavior of anyone but myself. Much more on this later.
I sometimes think you are obtuse, and sometimes I think you are stupid. I can't decide.
"Oh DaleJackson, Charter Schools have nothing to do with privatization. Why don't you do some research on the Broad Academy then we can talk. Geek Pavaler and I have blogged about it extensively."
Focus on the point, he is not for privatization or for profit schools.
Good luck twisting that into a classic Redeye "Duh, I don't understand those words" moment.
"And please stop whining about Mack Lyons calling you names. You can dish it out but you can't take it. It doesn't feel good when people call you names does it? Much more on this later."
Good lord, maybe you didn't get that either...
I don't care about name calling, but if you are going to allow it, just allow it.
I love namecalling.
Stop pretending you aren't OK with it.
@Redeye: "This blog is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and current events. I cannot control, or be responsible for the behavior of anyone but myself. Much more on this later."
I would never challenge, nor suggest, what is proper decorum for your blog: That's your decision and yours alone.
But you said it yourself: "This blog is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and current events."
Calling someone the "N" word, or trashing black women, or gays, and engaging in the politics of distraction (as is often done on some blogs I won't name) is not the same as "the discussion of issues and current events."
"I cannot control, or be responsible for the behavior of anyone but myself."
True. But there's still many things bloggers can do--if they choose--to make sure that civility prevails, and that an environment where the "exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and current events" take the lead, and not "trash talking."
Here's my concern: I don't visit blogs where the host permits racial and sexual slurs, and otherwise allow commenters to say whatever they choose for the sake of "free speech."
These blogs often become cesspools of hatred, anger, and intolerance, and, overtime, lose the participation of serious commenters.
I visit blogs to share my viewpoint, and to read the viewpoints of others. For me, verbal cage fighting with no-holds-barred, doesn't create an appropriate environment where this can be done--at least not for me.
Should you change your blog standards for me? Of course not!
@yellowdog: "Most of us recognize there are real battles out there in the world.and the voices that pop in probably would not behave as badly if they were sitting in your living room."
Not to make you wrong (which is not my aim), but to offer yet another viewpoint: You'd be surprised where the "real battles" are taking place. These battles are not taking place "out there," they're taking place within.
"This blog and this media forum is not reality."
Most people think that way, but this "forum" is as real as any reality we've established with which to interact one with the other. In some ways it's more "real."
"[T]he voices that pop in probably would not behave as badly if they were sitting in your living room."
Which gives me more than ample reasons and justification, to help them ban themselves.
@yellowdog: "But they do inform us as to what they really think, which confirms what we really think."
That's legitimate. If you need a contextual field from which to experience knowing what you already know, then go for it.
On the other hand, my contextual field has a surfeit of examples from which to draw in order to experience knowing what I know.
I'm bombarded daily with new examples to add to a lifetime of examples--so much so, I now limit the input over which I have control.
"Focus on the point, he is not for privatization or for profit schools."
Oh really? And you know this because.........?
BTW, have you read this;
Using the logic of the Huntsville City Board of Education, University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban should only use his youngest, most inexperienced players when his team plays a Top Ten opponent.
Anyone who pays attention to education knows that the most persistently poor-performing schools are those in impoverished neighborhoods. For example, there are nine schools in the Huntsville system where more than 90 percent of students receive free-reduced lunches. According to an analysis by the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama, none of these schools have reading and math scores where all grades (three through eight) are equal to or above state average.
"I love name calling."
I know you do. What you call people is what you are yourself.
"The fact that Redeye is reluctant to do to others what has been done to Redeye speaks of depth of character."
BD, I am a product of the non violent social change generation. Banning anyone would make me just like them, and they would win.
I hear and understand your frustrations and your concerns, but if you and others stop coming to this blog because of The Attack Machine, who wins in the end? Not us progressive/liberal/freedom fighters that's for sure.
You said-I visit blogs to share my viewpoint, and to read the viewpoints of others. For me, verbal cage fighting with no-holds-barred, doesn't create an appropriate environment where this can be done--at least not for me.
I used to feel the same way. really didn't care what the other side had to say, until the owners of Left in Alabama listened to the voices of those who said my participation was keeping them from participating in the discussion, for the same reasons you named above.
I've set forth new rules that's all I can do. In the meantime what Yellowdog said;
Once the trolls understand irrelevant disrespectful ugly behavior is not acceptable, maybe they will get back to the real issues or go away. And comment on the topic. Allow a dialogue and discourse on the real world. Seek understanding and unity, not incivility and division.
And know liberal/progressive/Democrats don't roll over!
@Redeye: "I've set forth new rules that's all I can do."
And they're not onerous. I'm not thin skinned, so I don't think I'll be checking out anytime soon.
And frankly, I don't believe that things will get so bad here that I'll even be tempted to depart.
That's good to know BD.
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