
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Plan to Dilute the Diversity in the Alabama State Democratic Party Not Dead Yet *sigh*

This is one of those time I would pay money to be allowed to post on Left in Alabama, the Involved.  Informed. Progressive.  blog of record for Alabama Progressives (not to be confused with  Alabama liberals).   I understand why I was banned because the Involved. Informed. Progressives. can't stand for their point of view to be questioned or challenged.  It's their way or the highway.  Sound familiar?

I guess it depends on what their definition of diversity IS.
The new administration put forth a plan to increase diversity in the delegation -- with proportional representation for African American, hispanic, native American, Asian/Pacific islander, GLBT and disabled populations, as well as those 35 and under.  The old guard dug their heels in against including other classes in the diversity requirement -- and eventually won in the wee hours of Saturday morning.  Minority still means "black" and nothing else to certain people on the SDEC Board.
 All of a sudden everybody wants to be considered black, I mean, a  minorityThe new amendment would expand the ADP's Executive Board to include: the President of the Alabama Democratic Conference, the President of the Alabama College Democrats, the President of the Alabama Federation of Democratic Women, the President of the Alabama Young Democrats, the President of the Alabama Democratic Hispanic Caucus, and the President of the Alabama Stonewall Democrats.

It's all about race.  And therein lies the problem. The "minority" representation has long been a bone of contention among some (not to confused with all) within the Alabama Democratic Party.  They are trying to dilute the ONLY black folks representation with Hispanic and "other minorities"The question is why?

Today's Must Read:
Joe M. Reed Esq. for Alabama State Democratic Party Chair

RedEye report.  You decide.

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