
Thursday, December 5, 2013

GOP playing the Race Card from their Race Deck

Token Black  RNC Spokesman: "What Exactly Has the President Done for the Black Community.  More to the point,  what has the RNC done to, I mean, for the Blacks?
What has the GOP done for blacks?
Voter suppression
Cutting food stamps
Cutting Pell Grants
Denying health care
Bankrupting Detroit, Governor cut back block grants to Detroit
Gutting Head Start
Cutting education
Enriching charter school administrators
Spending more on prisons than education
GOP achievement that they are so proud of.

 Race cardSomething white people say when they want to belittle black folks problems.   

Media Is Growing More White, but don't tell anyone.
As the American Society of Newspaper Editors has reported, racial and ethnic minorities make up less than 13 percent of newsroom employees. Minority ownership of television stations hovers around 3 percent, while radio station ownership is at 7 percent, despite the fact that the minority population of the U.S. is roughly 28 percent.
 RedEye tiptoeing away from the computer to go play cards....

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