
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

All 1% sales tax increases aren't created equal, but that's OK

 Restore Our Roads
Tonight the Mayor of  "One City One Vision" will hold a town hall meeting on the neglected side of town (aka District 1), to ask the taxpayers who have the least to give more, and support a 1% sales tax increase that will benefit the taxpayers who have the most.
Mayor Tommy Battle is asking the council to raise the city's sales tax from 8 percent to 9 percent on most purchases. The 1-cent hike would generate an estimated $30 million to $34 million annually -- $25 million of which will be earmarked for major roads.
The rest would go toward industrial incentives and capital needs such as parks, green ways, bike paths and sidewalks.
According to Councilman Richard Showers, Sr. the only project slated for District 1, the Mastin Lake Road Overpass, would not be finished until 2020.  According to my math, that's 7 years from now.  As for parks, green ways, bike paths and sidewalks, none of that will be happening in District 1 either.  What District 1 can get is a new school building they didn't ask for or need. What they can't get are grocery stores and restaurants, or,  keep the name of  J.O. Johnson High School.
 A penny-on-the-dollar sales tax hike would add $8 to the cost of an $800 big-screen TV, $5 to the cost of a $500 iPad, $1.50 to a $150 grocery bill and 50 cents to a $50 restaurant meal.
But here's the real's either raise taxes on everybody, or cut out some fat from government spending   on those who need it the most. You know, the people who can't afford the cost of an $800 big screen TV, $5 to the cost of a $500 iPad, $1.50 to a $150 grocery bill and 50 cents to a $50 restaurant bill. 

Taxpayers in District 1 are damned if they do vote for the 1% sales tax increase, and damned if they don't vote for the 1% sales tax increase.

RedEye Report. You Decide.

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