I must admit I was feeling helpless watching some of the same ones that marched us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, beating the Deja Voodoo drums all over again for war with Syria, but then Mo Brooks saved the day issuing the following statement via his mouthpiece.
Dale Jackson @TheDaleJackson
Hallelujah! Here comes Congress to save the Day! Everybody knows if President Barack Obama is for it, republicans are against it, and this is one of those rare times I agree with the TeaPublicans. We shouldn't be spending money we don't have attacking Syria. I bet even Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be against drones dropping bombs on innocent people.Just got off the phone with @RepMoBrooks, he wants @BarackObama to wait until Congress returns in 10 days to debate military action in Syria
Maybe we should help the Syrian Refugees instead of killing Syrians
If, as Juan Cole recommends, Obama decides to pivot and move to diplomacy after losing British support, focusing on the plight of refugees and using our airlift to send them aid would be smart politics as well as good policy.We have our own problems over here, I wish the Obama Administration would be as Hawkish about domestic issues as they are foreign affairs.
Shouldn't the problems in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, health care and the economy come before killing more people in Syria?
Hell Yes, they should!
"Let's have an up or down vote and put these hypocrites on record. "