
Saturday, June 26, 2010

With Democrats Like These....Update

H/T to the Christian Progressive Liberal at jackandjill for identifying the twelve democratic traitors who voted against extending unemployment benefits. As CPL notes guess which democrat is NOT on the list.

You know who’s name ISN’T ON THIS LIST? Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) – you know; the one that Harry Reid refused to certify his election until he needed HIS VOTE to get Health Care Reform passed. LOL.

WTF needs republicans with democrats like these? Twelve so called Democrats joined republicans to block extension of unemployment benefits.
The ugly secret of the unemployed is one that is well-known to the unemployed.

It is not because we’re lazy.

It is NOT because we want a free ride.

It is NOT because we feel we’re entitled. Hell, when we lose our jobs, real entitlement would be paying us unemployment at the rate of our former salaries so we can maintain our living standards until we get another job.

But we gratefully accept the 25-40% of our former income we can collect from the State. Some money is better than NO MONEY.

The ugly secret of the unemployed is the fact that we continue to be victimized for being UNEMPLOYED. When you are laid off your job; when your job is sent out of the country, courtesy of trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA: when you get fired because you will not compromise your ethics for the sake of an unscrupulous boss - you wind up collecting unemployment benefits, usually 25-40% of what you USED to earn.

WTF runs for office, strike that, WTF runs for a Congressional Seat representing the cradle of the Civil Rights movement with a *ahem* spotty voting record?
Terri Sewell has some serious gaps in her voting record. Sewell, who moved back to Alabama in 2004 after working as Wall Street securities attorney, just started voting in Alabama in 2008 according to records provided by The Alabama Secretary of State. In 2008, Sewell ran as an Obama Delegate in the 6th Congressional District of Alabama, one of the most Republican districts in the country.

Conservadems are enabling the republicans undercutting the national economic recovery and the real dems are skeered to call them out.
The same old story happens again and again. Dems in the House pass reasonable legislation, and Senate Dems dicker with centrists and Republicans over "compromises," weakening the legislation step by step over many weeks, only to find zero Republican support in the end.

The public has no idea what is going on, and just blames Democrats, who appear to be in charge in DC. Now it is happening gain with vital public spending for national economy recovery -- state aid, unemployment relief, and adjustments in taxes and Medicare payments. This legislation is not just important to this or that group. It matters for keeping any semblance of national economic growth going, for creating and saving hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Whats the matter with Democrats in Alabama you ask? Take a look in the mirror. The Alabama Democratic party has been infiltrated. That's what's wrong with the democratic party in Alabama. You know the drill. Find an effective liberal group/blog. Pick a fight. Have the groups pick sides. And who wins in the end? Not democrats that's for sure. What quooarr said;
If people listened to the power brokers all the time Joe Sestak wouldn't be the nominee in Pennsylvania and Elaine Marshall wouldn't be the nominee in N.C. From time to time Democrats have to rise up and take their own party back. That time is long overdue in Alabama.

Amen quaoar. Amen. It's time for all good democrats to rise up and OUR party back.

It's time for Democrats to WTFU!
There's a saying that goes, "When you settle for less, you usually get less than what you settle for." Well, that pretty much describes those of us who've watched the republicanization of the Democrat Party over the past 25 years.

What it's gotten us is "Democrats" who vote for any hair-brained scheme Republicans can come up with (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.), who weaken healthcare options to appease their lobbyist friends, who vote against unemployed(as happened the other night) and others who will completely jump ship when they feel the political winds are right, i.e., Shelby and Griffith.

It's given us a weak party that doesn't know how to fight back and can't win for losing, even when the other side gifts them a winning hand of cards. Had enough?

I've had more than enough! I want my HOPE for CHANGE we can believe in back!

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