
Monday, July 20, 2015

Adventures in Double Standards Colombia, South Carolina Edition #CompareAndContrast

The KKK is classified as hate group with a long history of murder, bombings , intimidation and atrocities against Blacks and other minorities, but especially Blacks.  Recently Bloggers Mack Lyons and Abagond compared the difference between the way the white, male dominated, media covered protest by white Americans in contrast to protest by black Americans.   EYE would like to devote this post to the way law enforcement, local, state, and national government responded to the protest by the KKK in Colombia SC over the Confederate Flag, and the #BlackLivesMatter protest held in Ferguson, MO in the wake of the shooting death of unarmed teen #MichaelBrown, and in Baltimore MD and New York City in the wake of the death #FreddieGray.

Confederate Flag Supporter Mimics Gorilla To Black Protesters

Note the line of uniformed police officers standing between the KKK and the citizens as a Confederate Flag supporter mimics a Gorilla to black protesters. 

Note, not a government issued, taxpayer funded military tank, tear gas, assault sniper rifle, or police dressed in riot gear in sight when the Ku Klux Klan clash with black anti racism protesters in South Carolina.

Government employees have to uphold the law, like black cops protecting and serving at a KKK rally. Surprising show of humanity my Donkey.  This black police officer had not choice but to treat this ‪#‎KKK‬member with "humanity." 

Law enforcement make an arrest following a KKK rally at the State House in Columbia, SC.

2000 in crowd, 5 arrested 23 calls for emergency  services.  Now if had been a #BlackLivesMatter protest  all of them would be locked up. But the KKK can protest and be protected by cops.

Compare and contrast

A photo from Baltimore says a thousand words.

EYE Report.  You decide.

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