
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Update: Psst! President Obama, you are considered a "Thug" too

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We Are Not Thugs
Dear President Obama Sir,

It's me,  RedEye again.  When you finally decided to address the uprising in #Baltimore you referred to the people as thugs and criminals, yet you ignored the savagery of the police.   But that's not the reason EYE am writing to you today.  Eye am writing because EYE realize although you were a community organizer in Chicago, you weren't raised in the Hood, you were raised in  Hawaii by your white grandparents. Since you've surrounded yourself with people who don't look like Michelle and your mother in law, you might not be aware of the code words used by some (not to be confused with all) white folk. EYE am here to decode the code words for you.

1.  Thug is the new N-word, and no, I don't mean news.  As Richard Sherman said it's the acceptable way of calling black people Ni**er.   You might want to inform your press secretary of this because a lot of those Thugs are your base.  You know, the people who voted for you.  The people who proudly wear their Obama hats and T-Shirts.  The people who swell up with pride every time they see you, and your familyEYE dare say, you wouldn't be occupying the White House today had it not been for us Thugs.

2.  Criminals are code for black and poor.  It is the prevailing thought by some (not to be confused with all) white folks that poor blacks are criminals because they are and poor.  If you care more about a CVS, which can be rebuilt, you are part of the problem, not the solution.  EYE am just saying.

3. Riots is code for black people unifying protesting against injustice.  In case you've forgotten our founding fathers said NO army policing on our soil, so why is it every time black folks dare exercise their First Amendment Rights, Governor's roll out the government-funded, taxpayer issued Weapons of Mass Destruction like they are getting ready to put down a slave revolt?  When white folks assemble it's a celebration, but when black folks assemble it's a riot.

EYE must say EYE am disappointed you and the Baltimore mayor resorted to name-calling, that is so GOP.
Little more than four months before pivotal congressional elections, President Obama on Friday defended his economic policies and berated congressional Republicans for blocking many of his initiatives.
"They don't do anything," Obama told supporters gathered at a band shell near a Minneapolis lake. "Except block me, and call me names."

While EYE have your attention, let me say THIS, the majority of Thugs, EYE mean black folks, are more afraid of the Police than ISIS, whoever the heck they are.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Plantation Mentality 101: #Black youth stands up to the oppressor, Slave mother shows out for white supremacy #BaltimoreUprising

Meet Toya Graham "The Baltimore Mother of the Year" praised for beating her child like a slave on national TV

The 13th Commandment:  Happy are those who get others to do their dirty work.   So, the media has anointed Toya Graham, a single mother of 6, whom they would normally call a welfare queen, but I digress,  as the epitome of black motherhood because she gave her son a public smack down on national TV because she didn't want him to become another #FreddieGray, so she became the Baltimore Police department.
"He gave me eye contact. And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that. That's my only son and at the end of the day I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray," Toya Graham said, referencing the 25-year-old man who died after mysteriously sustaining severe spinal injuries in police custody earlier in the month. His death has sparked protests throughout the city, with tensions boiling over Monday.
What cannot be ignored is Toya Graham's statement about locking eyes with her son then losing it: “He gave me eye contact...And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that.” That's why Freddie Graham was killed. The police lost it after Freddi Gray made eye contact with the Baltimore Police remember?  
 Remember the reason Gray was pursued in the first place? According to Deputy Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez, “A lieutenant begins pursuing Mr. Gray after making eye contact with two individuals, one of which is Mr. Gray.” After making eye contact….
So if Toya Graham is the #BlackMotherofTheYear, what is Adrian Peterson?  Remember him?   Remember how the media and the ‪#‎NFL‬ reacted to him 'disciplining" his son? Remember his reasoning was that it was done to him and he was trying to teach his son respect for authority?

If Toya Graham is the #BlackMotherOfTheYear for giving her son a public smack down, does that make Ray Rice the #BlackHusbandOfTheYear?  Remember him?  Remember how the media and the NFL reacted to him decking his wife on camera?

And we aren't going to even talk about Michael Vick, who was convicted because Cousin Pookie Nem were running a dog fighting operation with his  money.

Let us not forget the reason this young man was protesting, not to be confused with rioting,  is because ‪#‎FreddieGray‬'s was arrested for making eye contact with the police, his neck was snapped, his spine severed, he lapse into a coma, and died a week later. So no, I am not celebrating the single mother of six who beat her son like a slave on national TV.  IMHO she is no different than Adrian Peterson, Ray Rice, or the ‪‎Baltimore PD‬. This is nothing more than a public beat down by proxy as the media looks on with glee.  
 Probable cause from a Baltimore police officer has always been a tenuous thing. It’s a tenuous thing anywhere, but in Baltimore, in these high crime, heavily policed areas, it was even worse. When I came on, there were jokes about, “You know what probable cause is on Edmondson Avenue? You roll by in your radio car and the guy looks at you for two seconds too long.” Probable cause was whatever you thought you could safely lie about when you got into district court.

Toya Graham is so not the Black Mother of the Year
 It’s incredibly easy to offer simplistic solutions like “I wish more parents were like the Mom in Yellow”.  The complex issues that affect the African American community aren’t so easily answered. Those issues will continue to plague Baltimore and America forever. No amount of “beating them before the cops do” is going to change the color of black people’s skin.
Freddie Grays mother is the Black Mother of the year.

Trayvon Martin's Mother is the Black Mother of the Year. 

Rekia Boyd's mother if the Black Mother of the Year.  

Micheal Brown's mother is the Black Mother of the Year

Sean Bell's mother is the Black Mother of the Year

John Crawfords mother is the Black Mother of the Year.

Walter Scott's mother is the Black Mother of the Year of the year.

Miriam Cary's mother is the Black Mother of the Year.

Tamir Rice's mother is the Black Mother of the Year.

And the list goes on and on......  

Instead of handing out Black Mom of the Year awards, the media should be doing some investigative reporting and go inside the headlines ,but I guess that would be too much like right.


Monday, April 27, 2015

As you watch the breathless, wall to wall,white, male dominated, media coverage of the #BaltimoreUprising" read/watch/learn/ THIS

Last December, when a grand jury declined to indict white New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo for the choke-hold killing of Eric Garner, many Americans protested in grief. Much of the outrage was attributable to the persistent lack of justice for black men who die at the hands of police.
At the University of Michigan, three graduate students came together after emotional conversations on campus about the deaths of Garner and black teenager Michael Brown and decided to create Walking the Line of Blackness, a video that shares the voices and experiences of 16 students at their school who identify as black or African American.
The video was a collaborative effort that took place over the course of the spring semester, born of questions about how to drive the conversation forward into action, said Maron Alemu, one of the collaborators and a student at Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

And you wonder why people are angry?


"If ever a photo should exist to explain how we feel every day, from the moment we arise til we fall asleep. "

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Sometimes a photo from Baltimore says more than a thousand words.  Fist Dap to The Real Segun Idowu @RevrendDoctor
There is nothing wrong with families framing their struggle solely in terms of their child who was killed; similarly, there is nothing wrong with the community framing their uprising within the context of police murder after police murder with nothing but an increasingly armed and hostile police force killing more young black men on the horizon...
But let's talk about random acts of vandalism, not to be confused with rioting, so we won't have to talk about this right here.
Erica Garner, 24, the daughter of Eric Garner, who died in New York police custody, attended Gray’s funeral. She said she came after seeing video of Gray’s arrest, which she said reminded her of her father’s shouts that he could not breathe when he was being arrested on a city street.
“It’s like there is no accountability, no justice,” she said. “It’s like we’re back in the ’50s, back in the Martin Luther King days. When is our day to be free going to come?”
Gray’s death has prompted near-daily demonstrations. He was arrested one week before he died when officers chased him through a West Baltimore neighborhood and dragged him into a police van.
Police said Gray was arrested after he made eye contact with officers and ran away. Officers held him down, handcuffed him and loaded him into the van. While inside, he became irate and leg cuffs were put on him, police have said.
Gray asked for medical help several times, beginning before he was placed in the van. After a 30-minute ride that included three stops, paramedics were called.
Authorities have not explained how or when Gray’s spine was injured.

Another day, another hashtag...

Rest in Power and in Love #FreddieGrey

Saturday, April 25, 2015

And the media enabled #hcsboe taxpayer funded #desegregation spin rolls on...

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Is the Mainstream Media a Propaganda Machine?

In another glaring example of the media we have using the public airways to spin the false narrative the desegregation consent order is the best thing since white, I mean, sliced bread, WAFF Channel 48 did their part erroneously claiming the "man who started it all was pleased with the consent order." proceeding to interview the son of the man who started it all 52 years ago.  The son of the man who actually started it all who was 5 years old at the time.  The son of the man who was "troubled" by Huntsville City Schools motion before he was "pleased" with Huntsville City Schools motion. The son of the man whose children and grand children aren't enrolled in Huntsville City Schools.  The son of the man who lives in the town of Madison, AL, which is not under a desegregation order because the schools are well.....integrated.

EYE guess it would have been too much like right to interview the man who actually started it all 52 years ago since he is very much alive and as far as EYE know he's a great story teller. But according to WHNT  Dr. Sonnie Wellington Hereford III doesn’t have any children or even grandchildren in the system any more so he’s not as close to the details of what’s going on now.   EYE wonder why?  EYE submit it's because the media doesn't want him involved, they would prefer he be seen and not heard.

Let's talk about the man who actually started it all.  Dr. Sonnie Wellington Hereford III
is a retired physician and civil rights leader who has taught at Alabama A&M University and Calhoun Community College, and has served as campus physician for those schools, as well as Oakwood College.
Two photographs tell much of this story.
One is an iconic image of the civil rights struggles in Huntsville's past: Dr. Sonnie Hereford III, dressed in suit, tie, hat, every inch the serious physician, holds the hand of his young son, Sonnie Hereford IV, as they walk away from Fifth Avenue Elementary School on Sept. 6, 1963. They'd been turned away by state troopers dispatched by Gov. George Wallace to enforce segregation.
That was on a Friday. The next Monday morning, 6-year-old Sonnie IV would become the first black child to enroll in a previously all-white school in the state of Alabama.
The photograph would become a public symbol of temporary defeat but ultimate triumph, published countless times, including in The Huntsville Times.
From his 2011 Memoir, Beside the Troubled Waters:  A Black Doctor remembers life, medicine, and Civil Rights in an Alabama Town.
Beside the Troubled Waters is a memoir by an African American physician in Alabama whose story in many ways typifies the lives and careers of black doctors in the south during the segregationist era while also illustrating the diversity of the black experience in the medical profession. Based on interviews conducted with Hereford over ten years, the account includes his childhood and youth as the son of a black sharecropper and Primitive Baptist minister in Madison County, Alabama, during the Depression; his education at Huntsville’s all-black Council School and medical training at Meharry Medical College in Nashville; his medical practice in Huntsville’s black community beginning in 1956; his efforts to overcome the racism he met in the white medical community; his participation in the civil rights movement in Huntsville; and his later problems with the Medicaid program and state medical authorities, which eventually led to the loss of his license.
Hereford’s memoir stands out because of its medical and civil rights themes, and also because of its compelling account of the professional ruin Hereford encountered after 37 years of practice, as the end of segregation and the federal role in medical care placed black doctors in competition with white ones for the first time.
Why is the man who actually started it all being marginalized, minimized, and excluded from the discussion?   Could it be because Dr. Sonnie Wellington Hereford is from the era of authentic Civil Rights leaders like Dr. John Cashin and Reverend Ezekiel Bell?
Huntsville, Alabama, grew quickly during the United States’ Space Race with the Soviet Union. From 1950 to 1960, the population tripled from 16,000 to 72,000, with 30% black citizens. With Redstone Arsenal and the National Aeronautics (NASA) bringing scientists and middle class citizens to Huntsville, the city administration tried to present the city with a progressive image. However, instead of improving conditions for black citizens, the administration claimed that a racial inequality did not exist.
On 3 January 1962, the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) field secretary and former Freedom Rider Hank Thomas came to Huntsville. He quickly gathered a group of students from Alabama Agriculture and Mechanical College, a historically black college founded in 1875. He also recruited Council High School students to join in launching a sit-in campaign to desegregate lunch counters around Huntsville.
On 5 January 1962, police arrested two demonstrators for trespassing on public property, Frances Sims and Dwight Thomas. In a few days, police arrested 14 more students.
In response, members of the black community in Huntsville sent a delegation to speak with Mayor Searcy about working with store owners to integrate lunch counters. After Searcy refused, members of the community formed the Community Service Committee (CSC).

EYE sure do miss the good old days when we had real Civil Rights Leaders and Community Organizers instead of mascots, preachers and elected officials, who pose as leadersEYE also miss the good old days when the media used the public airways to inform the public instead of using them to distort what we decide with all spin all the time, unfair and unbalanced.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

#hcsboe Using our tax dollars to baffle us with BullPoop with our tax dollars, one news story at a time

: Al.Com just can't get enough coverage.  Will somebody help hold McCaulley up?  Looks like she is about to topple over.   Also looks like the David Driscoll Group Christmas Card Photo. Keep smiling, at least the special investigator will have a group photo to go by.  

EYE see our taxpayer funded Political Strategist is hard at work with a full, scale, media , offensive, trying to convince the public a pile of Poop is really a Rose. Sniff Sniff   EYE can't believe they have the nerve to use the Civil Rights struggle to justify this mess.  Strike that, yes EYE can.  The only thing missing is hearing from the "other side",  but EYE guess that would be too much like right.   Pun intended.
 So here's the deal, The Chamber's Board of Directors, Warynski, and the BOE wants Unitary Status in theory but not in practice.  They want to be able to say they don't have a dual school system while they maintain and operate a dual school system.  I wonder what part of Unitary don't they understand?
Hey!  Look at that bright and shiny object over there....

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Desegregation Judge drops the hammer on black/brown/poor students and taxpayers #HCSvDOJ #hcsboe #SeparateAndUnequal

Huntsville City Schools March 11, 1963 -March 11, 2015  (Huntsville Times file)

EYE am still trying to figure out how Judge Madeline Haikala morphed from Huntsville City Schools can show no evidence they aren't operating a dual school system , to  it's OK for Huntsville City Schools to continue to operate a dual school system, but that's exactly what she did in a memorandum issued late last night.
Her memorandum opinion posted on the court's website called the proposed consent order "an excellent vehicle to help the district advance towards a 'nonracial system of public education' that will eliminate the effects of the former segregated system and allow the district to return to local control."
The proposed consent order was developed jointly by the school district and U.S. Justice Department after Haikala ordered both sides to enter mediation last summer to work out their differences. They presented their plan in unified manner to the judge during a two-day hearing in March.
About that "unified plan".  It's basically the same plan as the original plan. The only difference I can see is former Butler High and Terry Heights students won't be forced to attend the Mega Black school illegally renamed after two black astronauts, located less than half a mile from an active rock quarry. However, that will change when a majority of them are relocated to public housing across University Drive.
If Sage Hill comes to fruition, the developers have agreed to make all 62 units available to public housing families that live in Sparkman Homes on Holmes Avenue, said Lundy.
The housing authority wants to transform Eisenhower-era Sparkman Homes west of downtown into a new mixed-income development; relocating nearly 40 percent of current residents to Sage Hill would make that easier.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund asked the judge to reject the plan.
The SPLC criticized the proposed consent order as being written in "vague and overbroad terms that create uncertainty" and make it hard for the court to enforce.
It also seeks language that requires the school district to provide attorneys to students/families brought to disciplinary hearings in they can't afford one; obligations to report ongoing data; and a time frame for implementing reforms.
The NAACP's Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., said while it is no longer counsel in the case, it weighed in on the desegregation plan because of its "institutional mission and previous involvement in the matter."
It concluded its six-page letter, saying Huntsville failed to present a plan "that promises realistically to work and promised realistically to work now." It also criticized the proposed consent order for being "dangerously vague," "at best, ambiguous" and "difficult to enforce."
Councilman Richard Showers called for a rejection of the plan also.
It seems the District was successful in pleading their case that it was in the best interest of the schools in North Huntsville to remain as they are and continue the same 'feeder' pattern," wrote Showers. "Failing schools feeding into failing schools."
Am EYE disappointed in the Judge's ruling?  You bet EYE am.  This was an opportunity for Huntsville City Schools to be a shining example for others to follow, a beacon of HOPE for the future of our Republic.  it was an opportunity for all children, regardless of race, gender, address, or circumstance to have equal access to a quality public education.  There is no right way to do the wrong thing.  Separate and unequal was wrong then, and it's wrong now.

EYE told y'all the desegregation hearing was much ado about nothing.
 After months of  secret mediation The United States Department of Justice basically approved Wardynski’s rezoning plan that he developed and implemented entirely without public input.
Huntsville City Schools will agree to anything as long as they can legally operate a dual school system.  In an effort to stop expelling black students the district agreed to rewrite the Student Code of Conduct, implement a Restorative Justice Strategies, develop a Positive School Climate Program, and appoint a Desegregation Advisory Committee.  All of this by a superintendent and school board who who view African American students as natural born gang members, and adopts polices that treat them that way.
 Even If We Win We Lose
So after months and possibly years of litigation over the rezoning plan, what have we won?
The district will still be under the control of the DoJ except now the plan that the DoJ believed would best bring us unification has been rejected.
The DoJ still controls our destiny. Does fighting their plan (even assuming we’ve seen their plan) bring us closer to unification?
Nope. It doesn’t.
The Wardynski Plan is a fool’s errand. We did not have to file it. And the public has had zero input into the plan.
So, after potentially years of litigation and expense, we will have accomplished absolutely nothing, even if we win.
Nothing except the following:
  1. Wardynski has shored up support for himself in this town because he’s willing to fight the “evil” federal government.
  2. Wardynski has improved his name recognition on a national level.
  3. Wardynski has spent a ton of the district’s money that he should be spending on improving education at all of our schools. And of course,
  4. We’re still a segregated system.
This is, in the Bard’s wise words, much ado about nothing.
BTW, if you want to see the real "winners" just read the comment section on
Casey you have to break the mold and prove you're not afraid of minorities, democrats, liberals, aclu (sic) types and the entire entitlement crowd! Do that, and you'll be doing the job you were hired to do! Oh yeah, not to mention striking down all racial transfers. And that includes allowing not allowing whites to racially transfer either. If you don't like where your child goes to school, move to where they can be zoned into a school of your preference, that's what I had to do!
Mission Accomplished  to the detriment of those who can't flee.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

#BlackLives Matter NOT in the United States of America

  tattered flag

tattered flag

Losing Our Humanity We are no longer the United States, we are the divided states of rich and poor, educated and uneducated, black and white, gay and straight, hateful and hated.

1.5 Million Black Men are Missing. These ‘missing’ black men aren’t on the back of milk cartons and they haven’t been kidnapped. According to the Times, they’re missing from society because they’re either dead or in jail:

Unbelievable  Jail Sentence of White Girls who Hunted Blacks in Mississippi.   Here’s a video from the The Young Turks. Please advised there is footage of the murder and it very disturbing.

A Judge Just Let A Cop Walk After a Deadly Shooting of an unarmed women in ChicagoServin was off duty when he fired the shots. He encountered a group gathered in an alley while driving through in his Mercedes sedan. As he drove the wrong way down the alley after an altercation, he said he thought he saw one of the men reach for a gun and fired several shots over his shoulder at individuals who had their backs to Servin. Servin hit 22-year-old Rekia Boyd in the back of the head, killing her. 

Baltimore Man Dead Following Police Encounter was Stopped for Making Eye Contact with the Police.   "Running while black is not probable cause. Felony running doesn't exist, and you can't arrest someone for looking you in the eye. You have to believe he committed a crime and have an objective basis for that belief. They had none of that." 
 As I watch us losing our humanity daily, I am disappointed in my country. We are allowing extremists to set the agenda. The lunatics aren’t running the asylum; they have scaled the walls, busted down the doors, crawled out of the windows, and they are among us. Cindy Rose

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Jesus, Save Us From Your Followers Continued...
Brittany Cooper penned a powerful and provocative essay for, entitled The right's made-up God:  How bigots invented a white supremacist Jesus. 
As a practicing Christian, I am deeply incensed by these calls for restoration and reclamation in the name of religious freedom. This kind of legislation is largely driven by conservative Christian men and women, who hold political views that are antagonistic to every single group of people who are not white, male, Christian, cisgender, straight and middle-class. Jesus, a brown, working-class, Jew, doesn’t even meet all the qualifications.
Nothing drives this point home like Left in Alabama Blogger countrycats' we must laugh to keep from crying account of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore praising "Plessy v. Ferguson  minutes after a group of African-American pastors hung a "Letter from the Birmingham Jail Courage Award" around his neck. Seriously, that's what happened yesterday in Montgomery".    
Watch the video here And note just how, well... white... the assembly is for a "Coalition of African American Pastors" event.
Before I turn the blog over to countrycat let me say is our responsibility to be a bold witness and stop letting the right wing  use Jesus to justify their own prejudices.  Jesus didn't hate women, minorities, the poor and  LBGT's.   Jesus didn't say come whomever will as long as you look, think, and act like bigots.  As a matter of fact  Matthew 25:40 English Standard Version of the Bible reads:  And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

It is our responsibility to be a bold witness and say hate and bigotry is not God's way. 

"What so ever we sow, so shall we reap"~Galatians 6:7
RedEye stepping down out of the pulpit...for now.

"This is my country, Land of my birth"

How can society expect black boys to become men when parents have to give them a disempowering narrative like this?

If Trayvon Martin had been white and George Zimmerman were black. If you don't understand how deeply and viciously racist has been the official and right-wing reaction to the murder of Trayvon Martin, all you have to do is consider what would have been the official and right-wing reaction had the races of Martin and his killer been reversed. 
 I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.
What diff'rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.
With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My sould is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.
This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.
Eye Weep for My Country.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Is anyone surprised the Missouri National Guard referred to "Black" protestors as "Enemy Forces" in #Ferguson?

In Wake of Clashes, Calls to Demilitarized the Police
Eye mean really, @CNN?
Washington (CNN)As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters, according to documents obtained by CNN.
The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year.
Tell us something we didn't all ready know.   Eye tried to tell some of y'all it was open season on black people but did you listenNoooo.  That would have been too much like right.

So now that we know our American soldiers viewed American citizens somehow as the enemy, what are/can we do about about it?  And why didn't this come out in the #FergusonReport, which found widespread #racism in the police department the National Guard came to assist, and the Justice Department refused to file charges against?

Oh, and let us not forget American citizens were treated like "Enemy Forces" for 14 whole days and nights.

Is this the lesson of Ferguson?
Ferguson matters because it provides us with a foretaste of what is to come. It is the shot across the bow, so to speak, a warning that this is how we will all be treated if we do not tread cautiously in challenging the police state, and it won't matter whether we're black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat. In the eyes of the corporate state, we are all the enemy.
"And they want us to sing God Bless America?  Naw! Naw!  Naw! God Help America.
“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law and then wants us to sing God Bless America. Naw, naw, naw. Not God Bless America. God Damn America! That’s in the Bible. For killing innocent people. God Damn America for treating us citizens as less than human. God Damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and she is Supreme."
Black people must police themselves.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Jesus, save us from your followers....


From the files of they must think we are stoopid in Sweet Home Alabama.
A group of Christian pastors will present an award named for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail Friday to Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, in recognition of his efforts to stop same-sex marriage in Alabama.
I kid you NOT.

First of all, the so called "group of Christian pastors" consist of three, count them, three African American "pastors" and the "grassroots group" is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization based in Nevada.
We appreciate your financial support. Because we are 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations are tax-deductible.* If you would like to contribute to our efforts, please click here or mail your check to the address below. Thanks!
Please mail all correspondence to the address below:
CAAP West Business Office
2654 West Horizon Ridge Parkway
Suite B5-139
Henderson, NV  89052.

*The Coalition of African American Pastors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Your donations to The Coalition of African American Pastors may be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  No goods or services were received in exchange for any contributions.  You should consult a tax advisor regarding any tax deductions.
Remember the IRS "Scandal"?
The IRS has interpreted our tax laws to allow big corporations and wealthy individuals to make unlimited secret campaign donations through sham political fronts called “social welfare organizations,” like Karl Rove’s “Crossroads,” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and “Priorites USA.”
The real story can be found in the comment section
 Note too that the "Coalition of African American Pastors" is part of the anti-gay hate group NOM's "wedge strategy" to drive a wedge between certain minority groups.   Bill Owens is literally on NOM's payroll
About "Pastor" William Owens...
Over the past few weeks major news outlets have largely failed to identify Rev. William Owens – head of the recently-formed Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) – as a key player in the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM) race-baiting strategy, treating him instead as a legitimate representative of the black faith community’s position on marriage equality.
Owens garnered national attention in July after criticizing President Obama for endorsing same-sex marriage, comparing him to Judas for allegedly betraying black voters who supported him in 2008. He also weighed in on the Chick-fil-A debate by comparing opposition to the fast food giant to racism during the Civil Rights Movement.
Since making his controversial remarks, Owens has played the role of spokesperson for the African American community on Fox News, Fox Business, and CNN, as well as in a number of major news articles.
Oh the irony (for lack of a better word) of African American "pastors"aiding and abetting the co-opting of Martin Luther King's Letter from the Birmingham Jail to promote bigotry and justify marriage discrimination.
One of the worst things about being a dead famous person is the general public's propensity to put words in your mouth to serve their own agendas. It happens all the time with Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and now, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What Tee Up said all the darn way!
 The most disgusting part of this whole scam that moore and his "followers" are pulling of is that the media laps it up and gives them exactly what they want.
RedEye, stomping way from the computer to go pray for my my state, my country, and the world.

Jesus, Save us From Your Followers Continued....

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good Morning Viet Nam, I mean, America!

Call me cynical, but I believe the rash of unarmed black men/women/children killed by police is black, I mean, the backlash against President Obama.  I mean, if it's not backlash, what is it?  What makes white people implode when talking about race?  I submit it's because of the white, male-dominated media-driven racial stereotypes.   Not only do African Americans fear the real police, now we have to worry about the pay to play police too.

Speaking of pay to play police, Tulsa, We Have a Problem...
Remember that 73 year old volunteer hobby sheriff who accidentally shot and killed an arrestee in Oklahoma when he thought he was pulling out his taser? Well, turns it the Sheriff's department seems to have falsified his training records. Ooops.
Eye don't blame Republicans for wanting to focus on foreign policy so they won't have to focus on what's happening right here in the land of the free and the home of the braveSnark  
The silence from white activists, elected officials, public figures, and citizens has been deafening.
RedEye, being the media Eye wish we had instead of the media we have.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

RedEye's Rundown on Pay Your Taxes Without Representation Day!

RedEye Around #Alabama

Someone named Ron Crumpton announced he is a candidate for the U.S. Senate to replace Richard Shelby.  He is talking the talk and saying the right (no pun) things, but someone should tell him Left in Alabama is not the only Blog on the Block and he might want to diversify (for lack of a better word) his audience.

Speaking of  Alabama Blogs and Bloggers....It's not wise to blog about republicans in Alabama. Not wise at all.

RedEye Around the #Nation

They call it "separate" but equal.  If we flash forward to today, we can see how far we’ve come by looking at the colored governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal 

 No poor coloreds allowed in Chicago?  Eye report.  You decide.

About those teachable moments.....The problem with those teachable moments is that the same people always end up doing all the teaching. In matters of race (and sex, disability, gender and sexuality, but let’s stick to race right now), the marginalized are tasked with being educators. That is, people of color (POC), are expected to be patient and polite racial and cultural ambassadors who provide white people new to this whole “thinking critically about race” thing with a “way in.” The role entails charitably and unselfishly engaging questions, assertions and doubts from white people who’ve previously done precious little thinking about racism and privilege, but often have quite a bit to say on the topic.

RE: #Ferguson......The Questions we continue to ignore.
Bottom line: Was what happened in Ferguson racist?
Answer: Yes! Of course it was. On so many levels. But that is being ignored because we continue to ignore root causes and fix problems. Instead, we focus on sensationalism; the fateful moments leading up to the killing while reinforcing stereotypes of black people rioting and burning sh*t. The media want us to tune in while at the same time tune out what is really going on here.
Happy Pay Your Taxes without Representation Day Black/Brown/Poor Americans!

"No taxation without representation" is a slogan originating during the 1750s and 1760s that summarized a primary grievance of the British colonists in the Thirteen Colonies, which was one of the major causes of the American Revolution.

Eye am just saying......