
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freedom isn't Free, Shock and Awe, Shock and Shame

Major combat operations are officially over in Iraq and the majority of our troops are coming home. But we still have over 50,000 troops in Iraq and President Obama just sent more troops to Afghanistan. IMHO the W-ar on freedom just changed locations. Our sons and daughters are still in harms way on foreign soil. Billions/Trillions of tax dollars are being spent and for what noble cause? Anybody know? How many more of our sons and daughters have to die on foreign soil? How much more of our tax dollars are going to be spent on all war all the time? What's the strategy? What's the end game? When are the American people going to say enough is enough? I'm just asking...

Note there is nary a peep out of the right wing about our troops coming home from Iraq today.
For us on the left, today is a day to celebrate the start of the end of this war. For the right, it’s a sad day in which their favorite national pastime is coming to an end.

Yep the right loves some all war all the time and they don't mind spending money bombing people, but they have a real problem with feeding hungry people in the United States of America. Go figure.
National priorities are determined by the manner in which a nation allocates its limited resources; how and where it spends its money. At the end of July Congress passed a $33 billion supplemental war bill for President Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan. This past Tuesday the president signed a multi billion-dollar bailout bill for cash-strapped states but cut $12 billion from future food stamp funding to help pay for it. Proponents of this measure argue that using food stamp funding in order to save public sector jobs such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters at the state level is a valid trade-off.

Meanwhile in the land of the free and the home of the brave, the number of Americans who believe Obama is a Muslim has doubled. I wonder why? It's not like the media hasn't done everything it could to set the record straight. *Snark* Do ya think the media made Mosque controversy has something to do with the numbers?
Given that white Christian supremacist Tim McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, shouldn't we ban white churches from Oklahoma?

As New York City's indigenous Lanape Natives died at Ground Zero by the thousands when overrun by Christian colonists, shouldn't we ban Christian churches from their sacred ground?

If a mosque near Ground Zero is bad, then why not ban all Muslims from downtown New York? For this to work, should we require all Muslims in the city to wear yellow crescents?

And thanks to The Supreme Court ruling that corporations have the same rights as people Faux News Came Out of the Closet. I thought Faux News was fair and balanced? If they were fair and balanced they would donate $1 Million to the Democratic Governors Association.

Mission Accomplished. Freedom isn't Free. It's shocking and awful.

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