
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Professional Left Blog Stroll

Everybody hates Liberals, even Robert Gibbs.
What with all the hoopla over Robert Gibbs' comments today it pays to simply remember that everyone in Washington hates liberals. It's a fact of life and until something happens to change the dynamic in which Democratic politicians are afraid to even mutter the words liberal, much less boldly and persuasively make a case for liberalism, I expect this will be the case. (The irony, of course, is that the liberals who do so have been proven right on the politics and the substance far more often than those who bet with the conservatives.)

Charlie Rangel says he will NOT cut and run.
Rangel called out the hypocrisy of the committee, his fellow Representatives and even the President over the two year old allegations against him.

Maxine Waters responds to the allegations against her in her own words, not the media's words.

“I have not violated any House rules. 
Therefore, I simply will not be forced to admit to something I did not do and instead have chosen to respond to charges made by the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in a public hearing.

Of course it's just a coincidence the ethics committee has only bought ethics charges against African American Democratic legislators. It can't be racism because it's a bi partisan committee headed by former Congressmen and CIA director Porter Goss.

1. A man who is alleged to have been involved in funneling large amounts of money in contracts to dubious "defense contractor" Brent Wilkes (whose companies were mostly on paper) knows something about ethics does he?

2. A man who is alleged to have been involved in the bribery of US Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham and took part in hooker parties along with his subordinates, knows something about ethics, does he?

3. A man who as the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee did not think it important to investigate the outing of CIA officer Valeria Plame Wilson by the White House as political pay-back, knows something about ethics, does he? This same who as a CIA officer himself should have known better, right?

4. A man who is alleged to have been part of a special CIA assassination team known as Operation 40, knows something about ethics, does he? (Graduates of which would show up in some of the worst US scandals, including the Watergate crimes and Iran Contra).

My friend Legal Schnauzer says the Obama Administration Seems to be Terrified of White People but this comment by mooncat at Left in Alabama may explain why;
This is from Chris Cilizza, so you have to take it with a grain of salt, but it isn't surprising that the CBC and Barack Obama sometimes come at things from very different points of view. He isn't the president of any part of America, he's gone to great pains to be the president of all of America.

Could it be white folks think if President Obama enacts legislation that is perceived to help black folks in any way, white folks won't like him? Are white folks afraid President Obama will exact some kind of revenge on white folks for slavery, Jim Crow and institutional racism or something? We know President Obama is the President of all of us, just like we knew the 43 White Presidents before him was the President of all of us.

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