
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Support Obama or Else!

Support Obama and STFU!
Support Obama or leave!
Don't think, support Obama!
Stop whining, Support Obama!
Give him credit for what he has done!
Give him time, he's only been in office 18 months!

There shall be no criticism of President Bush, I mean Obama. Deja Voodoo all over again? One thing that gets my goat is people who don't have problem with President Obama's policies and who don't want to criticize his actions bashing those of us who do

 If you support Obama blindly, that's fine. If you don't want to question Obama that's fine. But don't try and suppress dissent or dissenters. That's something that happens under evil dictatorships and under gop administrations. Remember?

For the record I am a strong supporter of President Obama's, but I have serious and strong objections to some of his policies. It's not the CHANGE I HOPED and VOTED for.

I voted for our troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
I voted for restoring honesty, integrity and justice to the Justice Department and an end to Scooter Libby justice and Brownie incompetence.
I voted for closing Gitmo.
I voted for health care reform that included a public option.
I voted for public education reform.
I voted for jobs.

Now, the way Obama is heading he will be a one term President because his base, aka The Professional Left will stay home in November (can you say Scott Brown?).

Former White House Press Secretary  Robert Gibbs showed his true colors (pun intended) when he attacked The Professional Left.  Like former Mississippi Senator Trent Lott , he told us us how some in power in this administration really about the base. It also explains why President Obama's agenda is what it is (not) and why his poll numbers are tanking enabling republicans to get their hands on the car keys in November.

Was Robert Gibbs in cahoots with Rush Limbaugh to make sure President Obama failed? How many more Robert Gibbs are there in the Obama administration? Hmmmmm....

Gibbs re "Professional Liberals":

"They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we've eliminated the Pentagon. That's not reality," he added. "They wouldn't be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was President."

Wrong Mr. Gibbs. I would be perfectly satisfied if Dennis Kuchinich was President. For one thing, our sons and daughters would be coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Our tax dollars would be used to rebuild America. We would have health care reform that included a public option. As a matter of fact Mr. Gibbs, Dennis Kuchinich has been right (no pun) about everything.

What The Rude Pundit said, all the damn way! Warning, contains raw, language.
So, let's get this straight, Bobby G. We on the left warned your boss and the Democrats that every time you reached out your hands to the Republicans, those f&^kers would just gnaw on 'em. But you kept on with the effort of bipartisanship, watering down bills and watering 'em down. Anyone with a lick of sense knew that the GOP was just setting you up: force 'em to compromise and then make sure that what gets passed does just a scintilla of what could have been done. On bill after bill these mad negotiations occurred, and now you're accusing us of not living in reality? No, really, truly, f&*k you, man.

And all of you who don't have a problem with President Obama's agenda STFU. Really, truly.

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