"We were fighting for the right to breathe back then." I'm not sure who made this statement, or where I read it, but I believe the late civil rights icon Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth used these words to describe the conditions during the civil rights movement as it related to the treatment, or should I say mistreatment, of African Americans. If I am wrong someone please correct me. Over 50 years later we are still fighting for the right to breathe, the difference is now we are fighting for the right to breathe clean air.
None dare call it environmental racism, but that is exactly what is happening with the relocation of the new Mae Jemison High, other public schools, and parks in close proximity to an active rock quarry. What started out as a fight to save the name of J.O.Johnson High School turned into a fight for the rights of students, administrators, teachers, and support personnel in north Huntsville to breathe relatively clean air.Like so many other things, pollution and environmental destruction disproportionately affect both people of color and the economically disadvantaged. This phenomenon is often referred to as environmental injustice and ties together the concepts of racial/economic privilege with unequal burden of the effects of environmental abuse.
Environmental racism is "the process whereby environmental decisions, actions, and policies result in racial discrimination or the creation of racial advantages."
Why would anyone want to build school(s) and a recreational park near an active rock quarry? That is the question.
Would those with the power to make these decisions want their loved ones attending/working in a school built less than a mile from an active rock quarry? I think not.
The city of Huntsville is standing by the school districts assertion the air is "safe to breathe" at the location of the new, illegally named Mae Jemison High School, but to the best of my knowledge they are basing this on one test conducted on one day, in the early morning hours when there was no activity at the rock quarry.
If, I repeat, If, the DOJ approved the building of the new north Huntsville high school based on this one test, I not only have a problem with the BOE and the City of Huntsville, I have a problem with our government.
In July 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (PDF) (13 pp, 23K, About PDF) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act states that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."The only reason a new school is being built in north Huntsville is because is because south Huntsville wanted a new school. What south Huntsville wants, south Huntsville gets. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge south Huntsville getting a new school and keeping their name, I just don't believe it should be at the expense of the lives of north Huntsville residents.
In February 1994, President Clinton issued Executive Order 12898, "Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations." In a separate memorandum, President Clinton identified Title VI as one of several federal laws already in existence that can help "to prevent minority communities and low-income communities from being subject to disproportionately high and adverse environmental effects."
It's open season on minority public schools.
The Republican State legislature is proposing a 25% cut in Alabama State University funding.
This amounts to 90% of proposed cuts to higher ed.
Jesus wept.
This is proof they hate us for our freedom(s). They are not going to be satisfied until we are their property again.
Wow Redeye I said once before I can tell by your comments you blame the white man and the Republicans and the latest comment it shows! Are there any other proposed cuts? It is not always about race!!! Do you like Elbert Guillory, Michael S. Steele or Clarence Thomas? These are good Republican men!
I blame the white man and the republicans when they are to blame. I wish they would stop giving me things to blame them for. Really, I do.
You have tunnel vision! NOT all things are done based on race etc. If you honestly think like it seems you do based on what you write then in my eyes you are just like the whites who hate blacks and write their stories about us and do things based on race. That is what you do in your writing. I usually like 50% of each story you write but I hate the other 50% that constantly blames Republicans or Whites. I said it before and I'll say it again. A LOT of the problem in our black communities starts with the ones we see in the mirror but we refuse to accept that and look to blame others!!!
al.com news report regarding ASU cuts.
"The funding cut was proposed by Sen. Trip Pittman, R-Montrose, chairman of the Senate education budget committee.
A quote from Rep. John Knight (D) of Montgomery:
"Alabama State University has come too far to allow the chairman of the Senate Education Committee to destroy our university. He has proposed ten times more cuts to Alabama State University than all the other universities in the state of Alabama combined."
This is the same in Huntsville and in Montgomery. The people we have given the power to, make the choice of what to do with that
power. Are white Republicans to blame? Facts are facts.
ASU President says she did not agree to budget cuts.
"Alabama State University President Gwendolyn Boyd issued a statement today about a proposed $10 million cut to the university’s state appropriation from the Legislature.
The Senate education budget committee approved a budget Wednesday that would cut ASU’s money from the Education Trust Fund from $41.5 million to $31.5 million for fiscal year 2015.
Senate Budget Chairman Trip Pittman said Wednesday he had discussed the budget cut with Boyd and that he thought she was “OK” with it.
Boyd's statement:
"Let me be very clear. I unequivocally did not agree to a $10 million cut to Alabama State University's budget! In my meeting with Senator Pittman, he informed me there would be reductions across the board in the education budget. At no time did he inform me there would be a $10 million cut to ASU's buhttp://blog.al.com/wire/2014/02/alabama_state_university_presi_1.htmldget."
Did the white Senator cut funds because the school is predominately black? If so how can you prove it? Did he cut funds because funds needed to be cut for other reasons?
Is the state Senator who cut the funds to the HBCU white? Did the white state Senator cut funds to white colleges and universities?
Still you can spin it anyway you like. He may have reasons beyond the school being HBC!! You and many others seem to always try to find racism etc in every situation and that is not always the case!!!!! You as well as others probably like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton L. Farakhan etc instead of people like Bill Cosby! Many do not like Bill because he speaks the TRUTH!!!
What if it racism in this case?
If it is and it is proven then it is WRONG!
It has been proven and it is wrong.
Please post a link where the white guy said I am going to cut funds because the school is HBC!!!!!
Please show a link to where the white guy cut the funds to predominately white colleges and universities.
There is no proof for either!!
The proof is in the pudding.
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