Remington Arms Plant where Remington has been producing firearms for nearly 200 years.
On the morning after the Jordan Davis mistral/verdict, I booted up my computer to do my daily blog stroll and rolled upon Left In Alabama's Resident Righty gleefully congratulating a gun manufacturer for relocating to Huntsville, which had to be the best-kept secret in Madison County history. Strike that. This was the best-kept secret since the Downtown Rescue Mission was relocated from Lowe Mill Village to northwest Huntsville. But I digress.
The deal is set to be announced Monday at a special meeting of the Huntsville City Council, though sources said there may be a news conference prior to the meeting.Before I type another word let me say I am not opposed to skilled manufacturing jobs coming to Alabama. As a matter of fact, I hope they will employ some of the people who desperately need jobs, but I'm not counting on it. My problem is the same people who are happy to create jobs making guns won't expand Medicaid and reject key provisions in The Affordable Health Care Act because of Obama.
Huntsville and Madison County elected officials declined to comment when contacted about the deal this morning. Officials with Remington Outdoor did not immediately return requests for comment.
Gov. Robert Bentley did not directly confirm the reports about Remington, but told AL.com today that a big announcement is coming Monday.
"I think Monday you'll see something very special in the state," Bentley said.
Another bone of contention I have is al.com claiming the city welcomes Remington based pm an abundance of positive, pro-gun comments posted to the AL.com story this morning. First, let's look at how the online poll questions are framed:
Would you support Remington opening a production plant in Alabama?Next let's look at some of the abundances of positive, pro-gun comments posted to the AL.com story this morning.
Yes, I love the Second Amendment.
No, I don't agree with guns/gun ownership.
It doesn't matter to me
Yes, bring the jobs and the business
but,but ,but ,,,the unemployed can stay a home and take care of the kids,,cook meals,spend more time with the kids....according to some of your liberals leaders. in Washington told that to us last week,,,those that has lost their jobs because of obamacare..its better than being employed......is that not true ???
Democrats and liberals should be prohibited from obtaining employment at this plant. That should be the first question on the application.
Liberal Occupier types are fun to watch... They are frothing over 2000 new jobs in Alabama.... Jobs seem to be hated by the Neosocialists
The LIBERAL OCCUPIER WHACKJOBS got a double whammy ....2000 new jobs in Huntsville and NO to the UAW in Chattanooga....hahahaa
tis is great they can the guns faster to Birmingham
Bo..You can thank Obama for these 2000 jobs
Clearly businesses are trying to escape the LEFTWING OCCUPIER areas where they are attacked and over taxedForgive me for not doing handsprings because a gun manufacturer is moving here based on this abundance of positive, pro-gun comments posted to AL.com. I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out what the City of Huntsville gave Remington to entice them to relocate to our fair city. As countrycat said keep in mind they recently paid a department store $4 million to move from one mall to a newer one 1 1/2 miles away.
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