
Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's another sad Sunday in America

Here we go again..another senseless act of domestic terrorism...a Democratic United States Congresswoman fighting for her life...a federal judge, a 9 year old girl are among the casualties...the media spinning the story like top for ratings...regurgitating the same old tired talking points... telling us what they want us to know instead of what we need to know...counting on we the people being too stoopid to realize we're being lied to...again.

The first thing I want to address is the lie the media is pushing that this now makes congressmen and politicians afraid to appear in public. BULLSHIT! This only makes DEMOCRATS fear to appear in public. Selling ads to the Tea Party is more important than the truth. It has gone too far.

Also Mr. Media, which of you will be first to use the correct term "TERRORISM" regarding this?

It's the same with shooting doctors in the back or one of our drones blowing up a wedding party. Americans are incapable of terrorism. Are we going to send Loughner to Gitmo and try him by military tribunal? Yeah right...

There is a clear and compelling case to be made of a pattern of right wing violence, so this "both sides are guilty" meme is another MSM brazen lie. Jill Tubman via JackandJillpolitics writes;
Here at JJP, we’ve been warning about the violent rhetoric of the right wing for sometime. We ain’t been sleeping on this because we continue to believe in the threat to our nation that inflammatory, anti-government, anti-Obama, unpatriotic, birther and secessionist language is creating for all Americans. Both the rhetoric and the violence it has inspired has ramped up considerably with the ascension of America’s first black president. Earlier this year, I shared with you that membership in right wing extremist groups went up by 244% in one year.

The coalition to stop gun violence has compiled a Insurrectionism Timeline which which tracks in compelling, terrifying detail the pattern of right wing threats & attacks since 2008.

Question of the day;
Riddle me this: Why would Jared Loughner be issued a 9mm automatic rifle if he were mentally disturbed?

These folks the media are pulling off the shelves are now coming forward and saying high deranged, strange loughner behaved, how scared they were of him, yet didn't come forward until now. They didn't report his behaviors to authorities if they felt so threatened, why not?

How dumb does the media think we are, watching them parade all these folks out to qualify that murderer as mentally ill is SICKENING.

Would someone please inform the media Americans are Sick of Derogatory Rhetorical BS being perpetrated under the guise of being fair and balanced?

A nine year old child is dead along with a Federal Judge and other innocent people. Congresswoman Gifford is fighting for her life and all because there are some folks like Palin, Beck, Bachmann, and Rush who like to stir up negative divisive BS. Whether they deny it or not they all have blood on their hands.

Politicians are not exempt.

Watching the politicians on the cable news channels is an exercise in disgust. Thy are posturing and voicing their sadness with their droopy eyes and all their bullshit but not one has talked about the fact that this nut case was instigated to do what he did by the angry and nasty political rhetoric that has been getting worse and worse over the past decade.

Let's call it like it is. . . the right uses violent and condemning rhetoric to polarize, scare and generally intimidate the voters. The left lets them get away with it instead of standing up to them and pointing out their recreant behavior by taking the high road.

Lies, damn lies and conservative opinions

The dominant theme amongst the wingnut bloggers is that the shooting in Tucson should not be politicized (not sure how you discuss a political assassination attempt apolitically but...) and if we must politicize it, let's make sure to paint Jared Lee Loughner as a liberal. It's a desperate scramble.

Now they want to be bipartisan.

In the aftermath of the Arizona shooting spree, House Republican leaders have cleared the legislative calendar for next week, which means that for the most part U.S. politics will slow to a crawl. Instead, members -- Democrats and Republicans -- will participate in a joint caucus meeting Wednesday, to be briefed on security precautions in the wake of the shooting.

One good thing that has come out of this tragedy, the gop has postponed it’s idiotic health care repeal vote. Maybe now they realize that it’s just a dumb stunt to make people dangerously angry with the government. But then again, maybe not.

"Well, there's a certain mean spiritness that's out there, not only in Alabama but it's in America. And that makes this election extremely important." ~Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders

Maybe if Anderson Cooper and others had focused on these words instead of the over the top rhetoric, we wouldn't be in this mess.

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