
Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Links I Like~link inserted

As noted previously I am not celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King, however I do want to take this opportunity to get away from the gushing, media driven, narratives and bring the issues he died for into the public view.

State of Kings Dream is an economic nightmare in Black and Brown America
When judging the state of King's dream for economic justice, the verdict is clear: Black America faces a nightmare.

African-Americans bore the brunt of the Great Recession's job losses and economic slow-down. And it only promises to get worse: The slash-and-burn agenda proposed by the new Congressional House leadership, as well as many state legislatures, will have a uniquely devastating impact in low-income and black and Latino communities.

Yep, the mainstream media narrative is today is a national day of service to distract Americans from racial injustice, I mean justice.

Are we a country of madmen yet?
There are a lot of tea party folks in congress at this particular time in our history, so don't be surprised if children studying A-merry-can history fifty years from now won't know that people of color were slaves and that Native Americans were slaughtered.

The NAACP can kiss my Donkey on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday because I have a black son. Another governor gone rogue..again.
Kiss my Butt” How many times have you been in a meeting with someone and just wanted to say that to someone who was working your last nerve? Truth be told at least once a week I want to tell someone to kiss my ass and walk out. But alas I try to keep it classy so generally when those moments come up, I make that pinched face smile and deal with the situation at hand like an adult. After all I am almost 40 years old and one would like to think by a certain stage in life you learn a little tact.

Apparently though my state’s new governor, Paul LePage missed that piece in his developmental growth and when asked why he was not honoring a 30 year tradition set by his predecessors of attending the annual NAACP MLK day events here in Maine. He decided to go off on a one minute tantrum that was caught on tape where he referred to the NAACP as a “special interest group”, told us he had a Black son and eventually said that folks meaning the NAACP could kiss his butt.

Anderson Cooper and the rest of the privileged class accused Alabama State Senator of using race baiting rhetoric but this is exactly what he was talking about when he said the gop wanted to take us back to before the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement;
Well the Tea Party has been crying out about "Taking our country back!" recently. They seem to want a return to the (not so) "Good Ole Days" when "those people" knew their place. And, they have been successful in their attempt to turn back the clock in the Wake County School District in North Carolina. Yes, they have won their battle to re-segregate a school district that had one of the most successful economic integration programs in the country.

Cowardly Rock Throwers and the Rock Throwers who throw them

The old cliche is that the biggest lie Satan ever told involved convincing mankind that he didn't exist.

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