In a misguided attempt to discredit the millions of women (men and children) around the world who protested Trump's Fake Presidency, Alabama State Senator Cam Ward tried to slut shame the Women's March. He probably would have gotten away with it if he had not used social media as his vehicle. You see, unlike the mainstream media, social media users can and will check you.

There is just one little problem with this photo saying it all...The photo was from an event in 2013 called SlutWalk Chicago, an annual parade that protests sexual assault and violence. Ooops!
So instead of saying Sen. Cam Ward tweeted a false tweet, good old Alabama Media Group lays the blame on them there Twitter Users. See how #AlternativeFacts are promoted and enabled by the media? We have research to determine if what is being reported in the "news" is fact or fiction.
Psst, Senator Ward....EYE don't think you want to slut-shame women for organizing to fight for their rights in light of the fact the person occupying the oval office likes to grab women by their private parts, is being sued for defamation over a sexual assault denials, and is on his third marriage to someone who has some ahem revealing pictures out there that show it all. In your attempt to discredit the #WomensMarch your discredited yourself.
EYE am looking at you too Alabama Media Group. Instead of reporting just the facts you tried to rehabilitate Sen. Ward with a false both sides narrative. The truth doesn't have "both sides", it's either the truth or it's a lie. Okay?
Today's Must Reads
Inauguration Day 2017 (adult language)
This sad day has come, sadly attended, and now we can finally start counting down the days until this detour into stupidity and self-destruction ends.Betsy Devos is not just unqualified she is dangerous
While Ms. DeVos believes that biofeedback is a valuable strategy for addressing ADHD, medical experts are not at all convinced that this disorder can be effectively diagnosed, or treated, through electroencephalography:Republicans file bill to terminate United Nations membership
A bill co-sponsored by about half a dozen Republicans would force the United States to quit its membership in the United Nations.RedEye tiptoeing away from the computer to go pray.....
Earlier this month, Rep. Michael Rogers (R-AL) filed legislation called The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017 on behalf of himself and at least four other GOP co-sponsors.