
Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Insanity Edition

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. Which is why I can't understand why the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads are predicting voters will hand the keys to our government back over to the party that drove the country into the ditch. I mean, really. Do they honestly believe the party of Hell No is going to be rewarded for being the party of Hell No? Do they honestly believe the majority of voters want President Obama's agenda to fail? They need to look in the mirror so they can see how insane they sound.

According to the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads thousands participated in coast to coast Tea Party demonstrations on Sept. 12 calling for smaller government, less spending and lower taxes.
What in the world is going on with people today…..8 years ago when we started fighting a war that wasn’t right, NO ONE demonstrated that BUSH was sending our money overseas to help out countries we invaded, but Mr. Obama is keeping money here, trying to help us out….and you “for a lack of a better word” IDIOTS are demonstrating about a health care plan that help AMERICANS as a whole!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Uh no. Wake up Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads! The real deal is the Tea Party had a party and NOBODY showed up.

Diminishing returns can be tricky. The first time Tea Partiers, Fox News, and lobbying organizations urged right-wing activists to come to Washington, a reasonable number of folks were willing to show up. The second time, the turnaround was less impressive. The third and fourth time, during the health care fight, was another drop off. By the eighth time, it’s hard to know why anyone would even bother.

The question I wish the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads would ask is what exactly is "smaller government", and why the sudden interest in smaller government now when Bush, Dick and Bohner created the largest government in U.S. History?

"Less spending" on what exactly? War? Bombs? Infrastructure? Education? The American people?
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is considering a partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE) to use plutonium bomb fuel in TVA's Sequoyah and Browns Ferry nuclear reactors. The public is invited to comment on this proposal by Sept. 17, 2010. Asking "Is this a good idea?" is a logical start. And TVA has to look no further than a neighboring utility, Duke Energy, which was the first American company to test plutonium bomb fuel in its commercial nuclear reactors to learn the answer. Before the tests were even completed, Duke withdrew from the program due to a number of serious concerns, including the unanticipated and dangerous growth of the plutonium fuel rods inside its Catawba Unit 1 nuclear reactor in South Carolina. In spite of these failed tests, DOE is still pursuing this dangerous plan and has found a possibly interested partner in TVA. The obvious question is, "If it's not good enough for Duke, why is it good enough for TVA?"

"Lower taxes" for who? The rich?

Listen to political pundits and the Tea Party followers go on about the nation’s deficit, but when it is suggested that the income tax cut on income over $250,000 should not be extended because of the burden that it would put on the deficit; the same people flap their wings and say no we can’t do that because it will hurt job growth. This is pure poppycock! If these income earners were going to create jobs, where are the jobs they have already created? Did they create jobs during the Bush Administration? Fareed Zakaria explained that “The ‘Bush tax cuts,’ passed in 2001 and 2003, remain the single largest cause of America's structural deficit -- that is, the deficit not caused by the collapse in tax revenue when the economy goes into recession. The Bush administration inherited budget surpluses from the Clinton administration. What turned these into deficits, even before the recession? There were three fundamental new costs: the tax cuts, the Medicare prescription-drug bill and post-9/11 security spending (including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan). Of these the tax cuts were by far the largest, adding up to $2.3 trillion over 10 years. According to the Congressional Budget Office, nearly half the cost of all legislation enacted from 2001 to 2007 can be attributed to the tax cuts. ” Reasonable people understand that lowering the deficient includes a multi-strategy approach that includes among other things increasing taxes and growing the economy. So the people who are against rolling back the Bush Tax Cuts on income over $250,000 are Deficit Chicken Hawks.

What we have going on here is called The tactical fallacy, you know the drill;
1. Pundits and reporters closely observe the behavior of candidates and parties, focusing on the tactics they use rather than larger structural factors.
2. The candidates whose tactics appear to be successful tend to win; conversely, those whose tactics appear to be unsuccessful tend to lose (and likewise with parties).
3. The media concludes that candidates won or lost because of their tactical choices.

I refuse to believe the majority of the American people are insane enough to put the same people who got us into this mess and obstructed the cleanup in control of our government. Again. But you know what? If the gop does regain control thank goodness we have a sane Commander in Chief with a mighty VETO pen to save us from the insanity.
These guys don't care if it's practical or even possible to repeal the bill, they just want people to THINK they can repeal, so they'll vote. Once in office, there will be no serious attempt to repeal. If the GOP plays this right, they'll have another wedge issue to distract us, while they rob the piggy bank!

The gop infused, media enabled Tea Party is counting on majority of the American people to vote to do the same thing over and over again, hoping for the same result. I'm counting on the majority of the American people to vote for CHANGE we can believe in and HOPE for the future. I am counting on the sane minds to prevail.

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