
Friday, September 3, 2010

Psst President Obama! Waterloo.

It's time to kick some A$$ and take control of the right wing media narrative. Right now internal polls are showing the gop/infused Tea Party is going to beat the crap out of democrats in the mid term elections because they have managed to fire up a segment of the American people who would rather not have access to health care, tax cuts for the rich, and all war all the time than have a democratic, African American President. It's the old bite off your nose to spite your face syndrome.
Line the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads and the White House Press Corp up, make them bend over, go down the line kicking them in their a$$e$ for using the public airways to distort what we decide by lying and misinforming we the peeps. Then go back up the line and kick their a$$e$ for the lack of diversity in the MSM. In case you haven't noticed, the MSM and the White House Press Corps is ALL white and that's not right (pun intended). It's the media Mr. Obama. They want you to fail. He/she who controls the information controls the outcome. You need to take control of the information Sir.

Seriously Mr. President, it's time to send in the A Team, because the B Team has been a miserable failure.
Obama has regularly snubbed progressives, from health care to jobs, from Copenhagen to Afghanistan, from civil liberties to the Employee Free Choice Act.

It hasn’t been a winning strategy.

If Obama had been more progressive, unemployment would’t be so high, foreclosures wouldn’t be at record levels, he wouldn’t be bogged down in Afghanistan, he and other Democrats would be in a much better position politically.

But really, being even more timid ain't gonna cut it. You are beginning to look like a Deer caught in the headlights. No more Mister Nice Negro, the right takes your kindness for weakness. Quit worrying about keeping your job and do your job. Don't be skeered.

Barack Obama deserves credit for turning the country in a more positive direction following the disastrous George W. Bush presidency. Obama has taken steps forward in several key areas--economic recovery, health-care reform, and financial regulation.

But the Obama record, so far, has not been nearly as strong as it could have been. And based on three major news stories from the past two weeks, we are starting to think there is a fundamental reason for that: The Obama administration is terrified of white people.

Stop worrying about what ads the gop infused, media enabled Tea Party will run against you. As a matter of fact they should be worried about what ads you are going to run against them. We had your back in 2008, we'll have your back in 2010 if you give us a reason to get out and vote.

We didn't vote for more of the same old stuff in 2008, we voted for CHANGE and HOPE we can believe in. Remember? I want to stop hoping for change but to see some change. F%$k the white/moderates/independents. They are not going to vote for you unless you morph into a republican. If we had wanted a republican in office we would have voted for John McSame as Bush and Sarah Pit bull Quaylin.

Booman has some campaign advice for you;
We need a showdown with the Republicans in Congress, and we need it to be over the economy. We also need some sweeteners to put everyone in a good mood. So, appoint Elizabeth Warren. And then make the Republicans obstruct on the economy, and throw an almighty fit about it.

The Republicans will do the rest themselves as they pander to their crazy base in their effort to pull them all out of woodwork (and the loony bins) and get them to the polls. When our side sees the spectacle, they'll be plenty motivated. Show some fight, pass out some goodies, and let's get it on.

And while you're at it, kick the DINO's to the curb quick, fast and in a hurry before they drag us down into the abyss;
It is time to purge the corporatist from the Democratic power structure. The real work of the Democratic Party is done by grassroots activists. These activists are the Democratic Party. They should run it at every level.

The Big Tent meme is just a load of Bull if everyone in the tent is fighting against each other.

But instead of clear, straightforward statements from Obama taking on reactionaries, he has to tread carefully, because the Big Tent includes Rahm Emanuel and whatever's left of his sleazy Wall Street cronies, and it includes reflexive and cowardly conservatives like Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson, and it includes all those Blue Dogs whose default position is to just wait and see what John Boehner does and follow suit. So instead of the powerful and compelling messaging of Richard Trumka and Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairman Raul Grijalva, we get a Democratic Party at war with itself, wrangling over issues as basic as Choice, tax cuts for millionaires, protecting Social Security and equality.

So Mister President, the ball is in your court. Are you going to give the right wing media their wish and be a miserable failure like your predecessor, or, are you going to kick A$$ and take names like you did during the 2008 campaign? What ever you're going to do, you better hurry, because times a wasting.

And before the "there shall be no criticism of Obama" gang cranks up let me say this; It's not about Obama the person, it's about policy and government. I like Obama as a person, but he is not our King, he is our President. We elected him to work for us, not the other way around. If we don't like his policies it is our duty and our right to tell him. What CanyonWren said all the damn way!
It's OUR JOB as citizens to vociferously demand what we elected our President to do. To sit back and just trust an elected official, any elected official, is not what a representative democracy is designed to do. The President is propelled by Congress, which is propelled by us. If we are not aggressive in what we want and need from our elected officials we are pawns in our own lives, and in our futures.

So, I, as a Democrat and US citizen, ask--no, demand--that our Democratic elected officials get off their asses and start telling Americans what is really happening. And, I demand that the President live up to his promises. Because that's why worked countless hours to get them into office, and why I voted for them.

So, Mr. President, your Mission between now and November should you decide to accept is to make the case to the American public that the GOP and every single Tea Party candidate out there is to be blamed for everything that ails our country.

The gop/Billionaire infused Tea Party is determined to make passing Health Care Reform your Waterloo, just like they made failing to pass Health Care Reform former President Clinton's Waterloo. That's why it's time to call in the Professional Left. Send in Howard Dean, Dennis Kuchinich, Alan Grayson, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former Vice President Al Gore and others who are not afraid to stand up to the white wing bullies and Tallking TeeVee Pundit Heads. Not to be mean or anything but Christina Romer reminds me of Edith Bunker, Robert Gibbs reminds me of Gomer Pyle, and David Axelrod reminds me of Lurch. They are nice people, just not effective communicators on TeeVee. As a matter of fact with the exception of Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton there are very few effective communicators in your administration. Therein lies the problem. Maybe I watched too much West Wing, but that's the kind of democratic administration I voted for in November of 2008.

If the gop infused Tea Party regains control of the government it won't be your Waterloo it will be We the People's Waterloo.


WriteChic said...

Sadly, the GOP's miserable, frightening slate of presidential candidates will be what gets Obama reelected. (Obama's played it so conservatively).

Have you seem the Vanity Fair article on Sarah Palin? I didn't think she could be scarier.

Redeye said...

I always Sarah Palin was a fraud, so I wasn't surprised by the VF article. I'm also not surprised the media didn't investigate her like they did President Clinton and President Obama.

AWorkinProgress said...

Brilliant! I feel like I'm sitting in the Delta frat house listening to John Belushi's rallying cry after the bastards closed down their fraternity in "Animal House". You nailed it! I'm sending this far and wide. WTG!

Redeye said...

Thanks for reading and sending AWorkinProgress.